Well-Known Member
I think Vader rather have Leia dating a smuggler than what Luke was dating before Disney decided it wasn't cannon.
Luke was dating Mara Jade before he married her. I don't know you heard of Mara Jade considering she was one of the Star War Characters that were part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe before Disney bought Lucas. Disney basically declared her not cannon.
Mara Jade was an emperor's hand turned smuggler to turned Jedi to Jedi Master. Her background was Emperor murdered her parent when she was only 2 or 3 years old and was taught to be an assassin/spy.
Emperor's Hand is a group of individuals that serve the emperor as assassins, spies, and soldiers.
Vader wouldn't have approved of Luke dating Mara for multiple reasons starting with Jade was an assassin that happened to be given orders by the emperor to assassinate Luke Skywalker at a time that Vader wanted Luke to join him to face the emperor when Mara.