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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
just think positive.. think how many candy, icecream, gifts..etc.. you can buy

but at same time.. feel bad at your poor wallet :p

Couple Big case of water, Big 'ole bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee, nice bottle of wine, strawberries and blueberries. Really went for water and coffee, the impulse was 'cause we like fruit....and wine is considered a fruit right??? :rolleyes:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I think the bandanna on Walt is so cute!! My vet said that in very cold weather, it's not a bad idea to put one of those doggie sweaters on them (in zero & sub-zero temps). Also, the booties are a good idea, just to protect their paw pads from the abrasive road salt. I also notice the dog sled racers will often put booties on their dogs, to keep their paws from freezing in the snow and ice.

Or, we could do what @Goofyernmost suggested: move down South! (Never happen--we love winter!!) :p

Walt has always worn a bandanna and to me he looks nakie without it. When there is salt out on the sidewalks and streets I clean it off his paws. With my shepard I tried covering her paws the year we had 20 below temps, that didn't work. I see the balance issues they have. Those paw pads are designed for that and putting a shoe over that negates any ability to spread that paw for balance and leverage. South is the best option.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Why don't you want to go? Shopping is fun!! :D

Depends on what I am shopping for. Anything for outdoor stuff especially in the spring is fun. Day to day life stuff, been doing that for so many year on end it is a chore so any form of necessity shopping I am not a fan of. Some new clothing, or shoes, I love shoes, now that is fun. But it is not fun if I have to go shopping for an event type clothing, the pressure of needing to find something isn't fun. I like shopping when I don't need to get something but something just appears, I love it and buy it.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Dang good question! What makes me laugh is that I looked at the map just once when he posted it, and I accepted the results without hesitation! Am I gullible, naive, or just plain dense to not question it??!! ;) :p

And that is why my DD and her degree loves statistics. As I said before she loves the claims Disney makes, quoting our guests indicate they want this. It is all manipulation of numbers, fuzzy numbers.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My washing machine broke today. :(

Luckily I know what's wrong with it and I found a video on YouTube on how to fix it. The downside is I had to order the part to fix it, which won't arrive until Monday. So cant do laundry until then which is annoying.

I too made a pilgrimage to the laundromat this morning, 730 am. The clip that holds the drier closed broke. An inexpensive but very necessary teeny tiny piece.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I've been known to wash clothes in the bathtub by hand back in the days of little money and too much time.

Necessity wins out over convenience and humility.

My DS when in the Disney College Program,( poverty wages but lots of fun) would wash his shirts in the housing swimming pool and hang them on the balcony to dry. Chlorine cleans clothing up nicely and if it wears the material out they just had costuming replace it.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
no laundries nearby?

We usually ask one of these "for delivery" cleaning services.
aka you deliver your clothes to their office.. they clean them.. then they deliver it to your home.

Yeah, I wish I could budget in a Fluff and Fold laundry service. I just can't justify. I do however take all items needing ironing to Dry Cleaners. Ironing and me were never compatible. :in pain:


Premium Member
Would he consider becoming Baptist. You cannot swing a dead cat down here without hitting a huge Baptist multifunctional building. But, there are many other denominations around as well. I don't remember seeing any Lutheran Churches, but, to be fair, I have really never had a need to find one. So, who knows.

EDIT: I just did a quick Google search and imagine my surprise there are 3 just within 3 miles of my home. Who knew! Also 4 others no more then 6 miles away.

Nope, we won't be changing denominations. But maybe I will have to do a little more research too!


Premium Member
My DWifey was raised Lutheran before she converted to Catholicism shortly after we wed.
So many German immigrants came to Texas. There are definitely many, many Lutheran churches down this way. :)

Hubby has told me that Texas has a lot of Lutheran churches, so that thought has crossed my mind. But if I'm going to move south I would like to be closer to WDW.


Premium Member
So tonight my husband and I chaperoned Prom, it had a tropical theme. The kids and their parents did a great job decorating. Here is a pictures of the big volcano they had in the middle. The kids could walk through the volcano to be "presented" for the grand march, and they used dry ice to make it look like it was steaming. It is fun to watch all the kids all dressed up and having fun, but the music is so loud (geez, I'm getting old).

prom 2015.jpg

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