Well-Known Member
It is cold here this morning 50F, but I refuse to turn the heat on.. it's going to warm up to 70F today, then I can reopen all the windows.
Usually on Sunday nights I take a sleeping pill, because I never sleep good on Sundays, but last night there was a rumor that the rioting might move into my suburb... and I wanted to have my wits about me, in case that happened. Luckily, that did not happen!
A was home so I turned on the heater. She was supposed to be at her dad's but he brought her home early. I don't mind accidentally having the house too cold at night for me, but I take more care when A is home. The windows are all open now though and the fans are going. And the sun is shining.
We had that rumor too but nothing came of it. Hope the same is true for you.