Trip Report The “Jasmine kissed me” Suprise Christmas Trip!

Who: Me, Hubs, Jet (7), Bear(4), Nene(4), Handsome (2), Grandma & Grandpa

What: Suprise Whirlwind Christmas trip

Where: AOA & Contemporary

When: Dec 15-19th

Why: I started planning this trip 382 days ago. We were in the middle of an addition on our 100 year old farmhouse. My family of 6 had been transplanted into a 2 bedroom rental house with 1 bathroom. After weeks of dragging our 4 rowdy kids to granite stores, paint stores and window companies I felt like a failure as a parent. Our lives and theirs had been consumed by this beast and money pit we call our home. The 6 month project had turned into a year and was 35% over budget. I needed to make up for this nightmare of a year to my beloved babes. I decided that night that we were going to take them to Disney at the wrap of our construction. Thus planning began.


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We took the monorail back to MK. This time there was no fighting handsome. He was beat and I carried him. It was starting to warm up so our pants and my long sleeves were way too much. We only had to wait about 5 minutes for an AOA bus. Plan was get back to the room and naps all around. When we got there I went to the front desk with the kids, hubby went to luggage services. Front desk wait was long. The only had one person working. Finally two other cast members came out and things started moving. Our room was ready but our magic bands weren’t connecting. 40 minutes later we were all set.

The girls were so excited that Ariel was the statue in front of our building. It was 3:00. Our first fast pass was for Animal Kingdom at 4:30pm. Ugh we had no time for naps. They weren’t interested in napping anyways they wanted in the pool.

At this point we had been awake for 13 hours. I was worried about my fellow park goers. This was going to be a grade A gong show.


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We really had great luck with transportation. We walked to the bus stop (with our strollers this time) and a bus pulled up. That easy! We were at Animal Kingdim In now time. Nene and Bear were struggling. They wanted to ride in a stroller or be held. At least one of them was happy to be here!

As we got closer to the Tree we saw a there was no line for a pic so we jumped in. Notice all the happy faces o_O.

However they pulled it together when the props came out.

Now we were off to Pandora for the first time. The sights and sounds were spot on to the movie. I had expected this land to be bigger but it was still impressive. We made our way to the Navi River ride and swiped our bands. This ride was well...unique. Nene probably said it best when she said “Mama this is Disney World?” “Yes baby.” “ Hmm doesn’t seem like Disney World.” The animatronics were great and I really loved the area where the leaves were overhead and it seemed like creatures were walking on them. I just didn’t get it. We did love Pandora though... at least most of us.


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We headed over to Dinoland USA. The girls were finally tall enough for Dinosaur so we headed there first. It was a first time for all of us.

I laughed the whole time because the girls were in all our laps!
My father in-law has a heart condition which doesn’t allow him to ride fast rides. So while we took the girls on rides him and handsome had their own adventures. For example meeting Donald.

Handsome and Grandpa were in line to meet Pluto and Goofy when we got off the ride. So I took my twins on triceratops spin while hubby and Jet rode primeval whirl.

We all finished up as Grandpa and Walker were at the front of the line so the girls line jumped:angelic:.

We were starving at this point. We decided to try out mobile ordering at Flame Tree. I had the Baked Mac n cheese with pulled pork. I had every intention of taking a picture but I was starving and it was:hungry:.


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We realized at this point our fast pass for the Safari was coming to an end. There was no way we would make it there before then end of our window. I was sad we loved the safari last trip but standby was 65 minutes and we had a Rivers of Light fast pass to make. Instead we watched the Tree awakening. We slowly made our way to Rivers of Light. We picked up an ice cream Mickey to help pass the wait.

During the pre-show the actors were walking through the crowd. Jet is very theatrical and did her best bow to the performer he seemed very impressed and bowed his head to her:). The show started. The girls and I really enjoyed it. Handsome didn’t enjoy sitting so long which negatively affected my husbands enjoyment.

I didn’t take many pictures. I was just soaking in the memories with my favorite five. Soon enough the show was over and it was time to head back to the room. The Christmas tree was lovely on the way out of the park. I attempted to take a pic on our way out but I was moving so it does it no justice.

Luck would have it again a 5 minute wait and a bus arrived. The kids all fell asleep. The three Little’s had spots in the strollers. This meant carrying my 7 year old all the way to the Ariel room. It was worth it. I have no idea how much longer I will be able to carry that sleeping beauty. We all fell right to sleep. Then my phone beeped. Touring plans said there were two ADR’s for Trattoria al Forno Dec 16 7:00am or Dec 17 7:45am. I took the Dec 17th and went back to sleep.


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Day 2 Dec 16 Epcot

Alarm went off at 6:00am I snuck out of the bed I was sharing with my hubby and handsome. Quickly showered and got ready for the day. Today was resort transfer so I laid out the kids clothes, packed the park bag and then packed our suitcases. At 7:00 the hubby woke up and got ready. I woke my very cranky and tired babes up and got them ready. It was a mad dash to get everything packed and stowed. Hubby and Grandpa took the luggage to get transferred and Grandma and I headed with the kids to get breakfast. We were running 15 minutes behind schedule so we decided to grab bagels and jump in the bus line. The line was long this morning so we knew we would never fit in the first bus. My hubby and grandpa had found us so we all settled in to enjoy our bagels while we waited. 2 seconds later I hear squeals of delight from Jet. She lost a tooth when she bit down on her bagel. Don’t look at the next pic if you are squeamish of blood....

She started jumping up and down. Now tinker bell will give me a gift yay!! Wait..what?! I had completely forgot about her dentist story. Our kids dentist LOVES Disney. He does RunDisney marathons and the entire practice is decorated in Disney. Our kids love it. Anyways his daughter lost a tooth at Magic Kingdom and they went to see Tinkerbell and she gave her a special gift for losing her tooth at Disney. This whole story will make sense later in our trip... so to be continued I guess. So we safely stow away the tooth and wait for the bus. We got on the second bus and make a quick trip to Epcot.


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Following! We are traveling with my DS2 (almost 3) in 13 days and I am nervous how he will hold up! We've always waited until the kids were 4 or 5, but he seems to be so excited and he is usually a good traveler. Anxious to see the rest of your TR and how Handsome handled it!


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Following! We are traveling with my DS2 (almost 3) in 13 days and I am nervous how he will hold up! We've always waited until the kids were 4 or 5, but he seems to be so excited and he is usually a good traveler. Anxious to see the rest of your TR and how Handsome handled it!

My little man will sleep anywhere so that made things easier. When all else fails there is always sugar!!! Thanks for following. Can’t wait to hear about yours with your sweet babes. Enjoy.


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Before I continue I want to tell you a little about my Bear. She is quiet, prim, proper and stubborn as a mule! Since she was two she has loved Alice in Wonderland. View attachment 253314

She was Alice two years running for trick or treat. Gap had Alice leggings that I wanted her to have so badly for this breakfast I called gap and every store. I wasted so much time on leggings with no luck! That Thursday before we left as we were getting ready to walk out of the store an associate was folding internet returns. Low and behold Alice leggings in her size. She was meant to have them! I secretly bought them. More on them later.

So we seated and a rushed waitress ask for our drink orders. My husband and I order coffee, my kids milk, my mother-in-law Coke, Father in-law water. Coffee and milks arrive. Coke and water never do. Even after a 2nd and 3rd request. All the characters rushed through pretty much as soon as we were seated.

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The mad hatter
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TiggerView attachment 253318

It happened so quick we weren’t able to get a picture of all the kids with any on them.

That’s so disappointing to read. :(


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We arrived at 8:45am, so back on time! Hubby took the bags so the rest of us could breeze through security. Besides he is 6’4” of dreamy so he’s the easiest to spot in a crowd:inlove:. We swipe our magic bands and I realize I wasn’t with Nene when she did her finger. We try three and no luck. They waive over the special cast member to get it fixed. Hubby arrives and it was the first finger we triedo_O. Either way we are here and so happy!!

The plan was to rope drop Soarin. Same as everybody else! So we walked with the masses. Grandpa is taking Handsome on The Farm Ride @Tuvalu and will rider switch. I rode Soarin at DCA in 2013 and LOOOVED it. When we came to Epcot in 2016 it was closed for refurbishments. So I was really looking forward to this ride. We had the center glider, however bottom row so a few stinky feet hanging down. Either way I LOOVED it again. The smell of grass was my favorite part. All three of my girls squealed Paris at the same time. So all around success.


We get off and hand over the rider swap. The cast member was in a good mood and let Grandma, Grandpa, Jet & Nene all ride! Meanwhile hubby and I took Bear & Handsome on the Farm ride.

We get done and get Handsome some chocolate milk while we wait for everyone else. All 4 finish up the ride with smiles from ear to ear. I just love how my in-laws are still kids at heart and let us drag them around in all the craziness.


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We make our way to Test Track. Hubby runs ahead to get our Starbucks fix, did I mention he’s dreamy :inlove:. Standby was 60 minutes however we were armed, Starbucks and Goldfish. We were in line for no more than 10 minutes when Nene said she had to go to the bathroom. I asked if she could hold it and she said yes. We finally make our way to build our cars. Nene and I had a purple mini car with flowers it was too cute! It’s time for us to get in our car and the potty song and dance starts. I ask again Nene can you hold it she says yes. On we go.

She made it. Wind blown, giggling and our purple car won! We get off and head straight to the bathroom. When we are done Grandpa and Handsome are there. Handsome exclaims “ I wide Dwagon Wide!” “Grandpa take me on Dwagon wide!” He loved figment and would not stop talking about it the rest of the day.


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It was approaching 11:00 so we decided to head towards WS. We skip Mexico and Norway since we have plans at both in the evening. First stop China. Our timing was perfect Mulan’s m&g was about to start and we were 2nd in line.

Moving on to Germany the girls saw Snow White and really wanted to stop. I knew we would be meeting her later and the line was so long I really wanted to say no. I told myself this trip is for them just stop and we did. As we were waiting we discussed lunch options.The kids really wanted pizza. A few weeks ago I cancelled a lunch ADR at Via Napoli,now I regretted that. Hubby and I wanted Tangierine Cafe but I knew the kids couldn’t hold out until Morroco. It was our turn for Snow White. She spent so much time with each child. I was so happy we stopped.

So we decided on Liberty Inn and we were headed there next. All the grown ups got burgers and fries. All the kids wanted noodles. I confirmed the kids orders three times. I come back with the noodles and Bear cries “I said Chucken Nuggets!” I explain that I asked her three times and she said noodles. Hubby confirms she said noodles. She didn’t touch her noodles. At least Handsome polishes them off.


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After lunch we continued the trek around the world. We stopped at Japan. When I was a kid there was a Sea World in Aurora, OH we would go a couple times every summer. I know, I know Sea World and the mis treatment of animals. Obviously my parents were deaf to the plight of these animals and as a child I was clueless:bored:. Anyways they had this pool where these beautifully dressed swimmers would dive down bring up an oyster and you could get a pearl. I still have some of the jewelery that my parents had made from the pearls. It is a fond childhood memory. I had heard that you could get pearls in Japan and wanted my girls to do it. I didn’t realize until we got there that they only reached their hand in a tank. Doh. Either way this was one of the highlights of our trips. The girls loved learning to count in Japanese and the whole production. Bear got a 7.5 mm, Nene twin 6mm and Jet 8.25mm. Unfortunately I can’t find any pictures. We realized it was time for our next Suprise. Off to the Seas. If you heard squeals around 2:00pm on December 16th I hope you weren’t alarmed. It was just 6 best friends meeting up at Disney World on Christmas break! I don’t want to post pictures since it is someone else’s children but the Suprise was worth it. We had fast passes for Turtle Talk with Crush and then we all rode Nemo together.
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After Nemo we let the kids play and goof off with their friends until it was time to head to my favorite showcase France. The kids wanted a treat so we stopped at the Refeshment Port for some ice cream. I abstained because I had another treat in mind. We took a slow, dripping stroll letting the crowds pass by us. We weren’t in a hurry just enjoying the warm weather.
There was a two part goal to France. Meet holiday Belle and drink a glass of champagne. The line was long for Belle so hubby and Grandpa jumped in while I took the kids to the bathroom and to clean up their sticky faces. We head to Les Halles and get in the long bathroom line. All of a sudden Nene says “ I need to go potty now!” I explain we are line and there is nothing we can do. She continues to whine and cry about how bad she needs to go. There were at least 15 people in front of us. The two nearest very sweet young ladies urge me to take her to the front. However I am stubborn and want Nene to learn she can’t wait until the last minute to tell us. Anyways the two sweet young ladies engage my girls and ask them about all the rides they have been on, their favorite, princesses and princes. By the end of the conversation we learned they were there for a bachelorette party and we decided they were Princesses in disguise for helping us avoid a meltdown. We head into souvenirs de France and I buy the girls some matching dresses, then head back to the Belle line. She went on break so the line hadn’t moved. I take over for Hubby and Grandpa so they can explore. 15 minutes later Hubby comes back with three Champagnes. One for his mom, him and me:inlove:. We salud and enjoy.


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The champagne and company made the line go quick. The dress was amazing and the cast member beautiful however she lacked the warmth of Belle so this was another quick meet.

We decided to say au revoir to France , we had a Fastpass to get to. Until we meet again France.

As we were making our way to Mission Space we see a lonely PP photog so we put her to work. She had to keep adjusting her camera due to the fading light.

And then she told us to act surprised... nailed it!


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Grandpa & Walker decide to go shopping while the rest of us begin our training. Since this was the girls first trip to space we decided to do the green mission. I was the engineer,Bear the Navigator. Our vessel was short a team member and the wonderful gentleman from GA was playing along with Bear while they both filled the missing seat.

Now that we had returned to earth we stumbled out to find Handsome and Grandpa. They had found a Mickey hat and Handsone was proud.

We still had some royalty to meet so back to Norway we went. We were a little confused where the m&g was so we lost a few minutes figuring it out. We were pleasantly surprised at the 20 min wait posted. We went to Disneyland when they first started A&E m&g. It was a 5 hour late. We rope dropped and ended up 2nd in line so luckily we didn’t have to wait in that line either. We had fun in the line just exploring all the details.

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