Thanos' Rules for Theme Park guests


Premium Member
Original Poster
Thanos has always wanted to bring stability and balance to the universe. And now that he has the Infinity Gauntlet, I suggest he start his mission with those who are the scorns of visiting theme parks.


Thanos decrees

  • Thou shall not walk more than two abreast, or Thanos will take one of your family to be one of the children of Thanos
  • Any family that walks abreast and blocks the entire path, shall all be immediately taken as children of Thanos
  • Thou shall not walk two strollers side by side on a path, or Thanos will take one to be a child of Thanos
  • Thou shall not form a wall with other groups that spans the full width of the path, or Thanos will smash through it with the power stone
  • Thou shall not walk along side an ECV while on any pathway, or you will be taken as a child of Thanos
  • Thou shall not create an continuous trail of more than six people that can not be crossed, or Thanos smash through that wall with the power stone
  • Line up immediately behind the group getting their photos taken by photopass photographer and Thanos will warp you to oblivion with the Space stone
  • Those that wander side to side while walking like drunken Thor, will sucked into the Soul Stone to wander for eternity
  • Those that believe that space in front of a moving ECV is for them, will be mowed down by the power stone
  • Stopping your group in the middle of the pathway, or in front of the doorway, is asking Thanos that you all wish to be taken immediately to be children of Thanos, and he shall oblige
  • Those that look to advance through a queue to 'meet up with their group', but who were never in the line to start with, will be banished to an alternate reality with the reality stone and trapped forever in an endless switchback

With these rules, Thanos will bring stability and prosperity to the Theme Park universe.


Well-Known Member
  • Thou shall not walk more than two abreast, or Thanos will take one of your family to be one of the children of Thanos
  • Any family that walks abreast and blocks the entire path, shall all be immediately taken as children of Thanos

THIS! Ugh I was walking the smaller path from Fantasyland back towards the hub (on the left when facing the castle on main st) and this family was walking like 5 abreast (so like the whole width) but they did have like 1 spot in the middle of them, so I walked through it with my stroller (single umbrella so not a wide one), and the father made some comment about some people being inconsiderate.. UH you're the inconsiderate ones walking side by side in a narrow path (and slow at that!)


Well-Known Member
Even if Thano's takes half the crowd, it will still be too crowded. LOL
that was the joke I was looking for.

I’ve wondered how different attendance is on the most crowded day vs the least, and what the distribution is. With Pandora, AK got a lot more crowded, and with effectively 20% more people (% increase for 2017 was for 7 months - need to scale). I’ve even tried to calculate how many more people are in line on the busiest days vs a normal day. The parks can handle a lot of people with minimal overall waits. It’s once full no-wait capacity is hit that waits really start accumulating. That no-wait capacity number would be interesting to know.


Well-Known Member
Wow - - - - - All these lame rules. God forbid a family of three or four walk side by side and have ....oh....a conversation with each other and laugh and smile.........oh the humanity!
REALLY people-
How's this rule... chill out and have fun - - -
Me, me,me,me,me,me - - - - - - get out of my way ....I AM ON MY VACATION!
Newsflash - - - - The Park is not YOURS you need to share it with others. It WILL be BUSY most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Wow - - - - - All these lame rules. God forbid a family of three or four walk side by side and have ....oh....a conversation with each other and laugh and smile.........oh the humanity!
REALLY people-
How's this rule... chill out and have fun - - -
Me, me,me,me,me,me - - - - - - get out of my way ....I AM ON MY VACATION!
Newsflash - - - - The Park is not YOURS you need to share it with others. It WILL be BUSY most of the time.
So you're one of the people that walks in a twelve-wide roadblock and gets upset when people try to get by?


Well-Known Member
So you're one of the people that walks in a twelve-wide roadblock and gets upset when people try to get by?
I walk and talk with my loved ones. Everywhere.
Sorry if we get in your way. Just walk around.
We are aware of our surroundings.
So you're one of the people that walks in a twelve-wide roadblock and gets upset when people try to get by?
Not really 12 - - But yes we walk side by side to talk and enjoy each other.
We are aware of our surroundings - - I would never block off a path.
Walk around us or ...........Seriously - Put your big boy/girl pants on and ask people to move over for you. What is the big deal - honestly.


Well-Known Member
I walk and talk with my loved ones. Everywhere.
Sorry if we get in your way. Just walk around.
We are aware of our surroundings.

Not really 12 - - But yes we walk side by side to talk and enjoy each other.
We are aware of our surroundings - - I would never block off a path.
Walk around us or ...........Seriously - Put your big boy/girl pants on and ask people to move over for you. What is the big deal - honestly.
The big deal is entitlement. People think that they're entitled to clog a walkway and that it's other people's problem to deal with it. You said it yourself: the park is not yours. Remember that while you interrupt the flow of traffic for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
The big deal is entitlement. People think that they're entitled to clog a walkway and that it's other people's problem to deal with it. You said it yourself: the park is not yours. Remember that while you interrupt the flow of traffic for everyone else.
How about the entitlement of .... Get out of my dare you block my path.
If you want to get through or by someone......crazy thought.... Just ask them to move.

A party of 6 having fun at WDW and you want people to walk single file....behind each other.......what are we trying to do " hide our numbers"....?

Insert forehead slap here......

Entitlement indeed......


Well-Known Member
I remember all those Disney vacation DVD showing groups of families strolling down Main Street in single file behind the other, so classic.
No wait - -they were walking side by side because that is what people do. This is normal societal behaviour....but for some reason ..... we are in WDW and it is too crowded.... can you please walk behind your family.

There have been some humdingers on this site that really make me scratch my head - - - But honestly this one takes the cake.

Thanos is really collecting a lot of kids - - - I hope when they all go to WDW that they have the courtesy to walk behind each other and don't even think about bringing in those double wide strollers.....:)

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