Thanksgiving Day Crowd


Original Poster
Was anyone at the World today (Thanksgiving day) or any day around today because I am wondering how crowded the parks were?

Dawn S

New Member
The morning was pretty fair at MK until about noon. Then around 7 or so, it calmed down again, but we were slammed throughout the afternoon & early evening. Peter Pan was averaging a 75 minute wait, Dumbo was around 30-40 mins., Small World was around 30 mins. I walked right on to Pirates before my shift around 10AM. I had a few guests that were complaining about wait times & crowds, so some did see it as VERY crowded.


Well-Known Member
I was at Epcot around 1 pm and it did not seem to crowded to me. I went to MK around 8 pm and it seemed like the crowds were o.k. but a lot of the rides still had 45 minute waits or longer.

Dawn S

New Member
New Year's Eve & 4th of July are 2 days where they often have to turn people away at the gates due to capacity. Egads!


New Member
From 530pm till 11pm on thusday and friday...SPLASH MTN was a walk on.....BUT it gets dark a 530 and the temp droped into the 40's....we had 60 min waits midday...BTM had 60 min waits most of the day aswell....CBJ ran from 9am (normaly 10) till 9pm....they had full shows all day, infact they had to set up an Exterior Q to handel the crowds....

2 more days till MVMCP!!


New Member
Thanksgiving Day was crowded at MGM, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom. By noon at Epcot, Test Track was out of FassPass tickets, and it had a 120 minute wait. Space Mountain also experienced a technical difficulty and was shut down for 30-60 minutes (RIGHT before I was about to board), and so the standby line was backed up all day long after that, because FassPassers were backed up and had to be let in. BUT, that's just the tip of the ice burg. Check my trip report for the Thanksgiving week in that forum. I'm only through Sunday right now, but I'll be posting more tonight and tomorrow.


New Member
And just so you know, TimeKeeper was not open (I couldn't even find a sign or anything about it), but COP opened up on Thursday and ran all day long (even though a sign said it would close at 5pm).

General Grizz

New Member
*Does a COP Jig*

Wow, they even took the banner down which you would see across from Alien Encounter under that building called Metropolis Science Center?!! :eek: :(

Justin St

New Member
All the park in Orlando had great attendents number this Holiday. I went to IOA and USF on friday and the parks were so crowded that universal kept them open till 10:00p.m. The traffic home was also very unborable.


New Member
I was there on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and the crowds were not bad at all. The first 3 hours or so on Saturday and Sunday were not crowded at all. I walked on RNRC and TOT twice and I also got a suprise fastpass at Test Track. The fastpass machines at MK were letting you get another ticket every 30 to 45 minutes so I would think that means that it wasn't too crowded or they would have changed it to 2 hours apart. COP was great! As was CBJ.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
MK was very crowded on turkey day..we were there all day...we did COP right before dinner and my wife, who had never done it, loved it...i married the right was experiencing problems early in the day, like 2 pm...we tried to get in then and it was "not working"

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