I wonder why reviews were so positive the first few weeks and have been mostly negative since then. I remember the first few weeks people were proclaiming the Test Track 2.0 imagineers should take on the rest of Future World (me among them... but then I still like it).
I thought about this too, and originally I was raving about it as well. I think a lot of the initial excitement came from seeing the differences - its not that often that a ride that was already extremely popular gets completely gutted but retains the same ride track and maneuvers. In this case, it went from (mostly) plain rooms to visual eye candy which is definitely impressive at first, and the darkness gives the illusion of faster speed.
In the early stages, we also didn't think that the kinks still wouldn't be worked out nearly 5 months later (though I guess we should have expected as much from TDO...)
I feel like they were on the right track (no pun intended) with the direction they took, but the product as it is is unfinished, buggy, and probably looked better on paper than in execution. I agree with the sentiments that the design studio is a HUGE bottleneck, and the cars rarely upload correctly, making it not even worth it. Even if they
do upload correctly, the result is underwhelming at best. I'd say that the best bet would be to re-work the story a bit and remove the design studio yet still make it about concept car design... but that isn't likely to happen.
I still think that it's definitely a better fit for Future World, but... yeah, it needs work.
I believe the main problem is scanning your disign card in the que. I think they need to direct you to scan your card at the proper time
OP how do you know that ride has not been completed?
Because the vast majority of reports, both here and in person, said they did not even see their car during the ride or maybe saw it once or twice.
(and yes, I uploaded my car correctly every time - its not rocket science).