Terror Alert Implications on WDW


Well-Known Member
I would go. Unfortuntely, the new reality is that no place is safe. The terrorists are going to look for any place they can mount an attack. It might be WDW or it might not. I'd imagine they are looking for places that are easier to attack with people more congregated than spread out over a huge theme park, but who knows. Their goal is widespread panic and destruction. I will just echo what's been said here already. If the threat of a terror attack keeps you from living your life then the terrorists have already won!!

As for the terror alerts being raised, that isn't really something that was ever meant for the public to deal with - it's aimed at law enforcement and gov't agencies. Just because the media wants to assure us of our "right to know" doesn't mean you should do anything differently than you already are doing. JMHO on that I admit.


Well-Known Member
Lemmie sum it up this way.... With the threat at Disney, its a case of it could happen hear, as opposed to my former home of Washington DC/Northern VA where it has happened and will happen again.

Back home, its just a matter of time. Here in orlando, its a possibility but not one with extreme likelyhood.


New Member
Just a thought -

If you are constantly worry about what if's regarding terrorist attacks then you are giving in to what they want you to do. Live in fear and shelter yourself from the world. Is that the way you want to spend your life?

We are all here for a reason - to live our lives to the fullest! Go travel and have fun. Who knows what tomorrow will bring so enjoy today for today and don't worry about tomorrow.

Have a Magical Day!


New Member
Originally posted by charliez
The terrorism threat is real, no matter what you think of our current elected and appointed governmental officials, or where we are in our nation's four-year political cycle. In my mind, you can live your life being angry and cynical, or you can live your life assuming that most people are doing the best job they can, and then act accordingly based on the facts at hand.

That said, I prefer to look for hidden mickeys rather than hidden agendas.

We're going to WDW next month, and while we'll be more aware and watchful, we're also not going to let terror, the threat of attacks, political agendas or just plain ugly hatred deter us from enjoying our time with family and friends. To do otherwise would be to surrender that which our armed forces are fighting for.

Very well said. I could not have said it better myslef, in fact, if I would have tried, I am sure I would have gotten agressive. Again, well done.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by theimage44
Ok, I understand the No Fly Zone and the barracades. But whose to say that can stop someone from walking into the park with a dirty bomb or something and killing or terrorizing thousands of people? I'm just a little nervous, how can Disney stop some of these things? Its hard to stop everything. Sorry if I'm freaking anyone out.

The security at Disney is unbelievably great. You are more than likely safer at WDW than any other theme park in the world.

As an example (grant it, this was at DLR, but same security measures):

Christmas before last we took an Amtrak from MI to DLR. One morning early at DL we decided to get our little one's some mittens because it was shockingly chillier than we expected. Between Adventureland and Frontierland there is a small walkway with some benches and we waited there as my wife went into one of the stores to buy the gloves. With gloves on the boys we decided it was getting crowded and we would head over to DCA for a few before leaving. As we approached the train station on Main Street my wife realized she had left our blue duffel bag on the ground in the AL/FL walkway under a bench.

I told the family to all wait there (and don't go in any shops, lol) as I briskly walked back into Frontierland. I noticed the walkway was blocked off with benches which I thought was odd since I didn't think it was time for the parade or anything. Anyhow, I spotted the blue bag and squeeked myself between a couple of benches. About that time 15 security guards came out of nowhere to stop me from proceeding near the bag. I explained it was mine and was accidentally left there earlier (now imagine, all of this was done within the time it took me to walk down main street and back in DL which is much shorter than MK's distance). He asked me if I could tell them the bags contents and give them permission to search it (which I did gladly). I explained the empty raisin bags, sippy cups, diapers (clean, thank god) as the security guards breathed what I am sure was a sigh of relief. The lead officer was speaking to someone through has very hard to spot headset the whole time and then politely handed me back my bag, smiled and asked me not to forget it again.

I took the bag, walked back to Main Street with a smile on my face. My wife, parents, and children looked at me quite stunned as they figured I'd be unhappy about the inconvenience, but I told them I'd never felt so safe in my entire life and also let my wife know that we'd probably be followed by every camera in the park for the rest of the day. :lol:

I'll never worry while I'm at a Disney theme park.


Well-Known Member
I've always been a little worried about terrorists attacking WDW. I mean, it's pretty easy to strap a bomb to yourself under your clothes and walk through the no bags line.

But, I also work in a government building in Boston, where the Democratic Convention is being held in July. I figure if I'm going to get blowm up anywhere, it's gonna be at work this summer. So, when I'm in WDW at the end of June, I'm not going to worry at all!! :hammer:


New Member
Re: Re: Terror Alert Implications on WDW

Originally posted by humphrybear
I went to WDW three weeks after Sept. 11th. My Fiancé and I were nervous about going and we even talked about canceling our trip because of everything that happened.

I know I'm late in this thread..but..

We were there exactly one week after, was planning to go down for the day on Sept 11. I got my wife (then girlfriend) to chill out about going for another week so we could pay off some bills and have more money. Good thing I did, because I would have been even more upset about the whole thing if I had gone down there and had to have been evac'd.

I have a picture looking down the main drag in Liberty Square towards Fronteirland at about 3PM, and it's a ghost town. There's probably only a dozen people in the whole shot.

The way I feel about it is if my ticket's punched, there's nothing I can do about it. I drive to work every day and could very well be killed on the way to or from work by a semi. Further, I live in the town that's hosting the largest sporting event in the world (Super Bowl, Jacksonville), and I'm just waiting for something to happen. This is not going to deturr me from enjoying the entertainment offered, or even going to the game itself (provided I win the opportunity in the ticket lottery).

The point is, you can't live your life afraid of what's going to happen. If it happens it happens. If you do run scared, the terrorists win.


New Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
gosh, our stupid government releases terror warnings every couple months, and it would be stupid of us to let those warnings affect our lives. There is nothing you or I can do about it, other than keeping our eyes open in the airport, so you should live it up at Disney World. I'm not about to let Donald Rumsfeld or W. keep me from having fun because they want me to feel they are doing something during an election year. Terrorist attacks are always and have always been possible. Enjoy yourself at Disney. You are more likely to get injured or die falling out of your bed than due to a terrorist attack.

Very brilliant post - you always manage to show how well rounded and educated you are. You are so much smarter than anyone in the government; you should take over and run DHS.


New Member
Don't worry about it....

My wife an I spent 4 weeks on property last month and are going for 3 weeks in February again. I know it is a scary subject, but do you really think the terrorists are really thinking about Mickey Mouse??? They want large cities, I do not think they probably even think of the shear magnitude of WDW size. I do a lot of work in the area and not even Orlando worries about it. The only place that I would have any concerns with is the airport losing your baggage. Have fn and say hi to Mickey for me....:wave:


Well-Known Member
My wife an I spent 4 weeks on property last month and are going for 3 weeks in February again. I know it is a scary subject, but do you really think the terrorists are really thinking about Mickey Mouse??? They want large cities, I do not think they probably even think of the shear magnitude of WDW size. I do a lot of work in the area and not even Orlando worries about it. The only place that I would have any concerns with is the airport losing your baggage. Have fn and say hi to Mickey for me....:wave:
This thread is more than 2 years old!!!

tim gover

New Member
My wife,two sons & myself flew to wdw 9/19/2001,we were made so welcome(more so than usual!!)by both staff & guests at Corronado who could'nt beleive we had flown out since 9/11.
Its school yard bullying on a world stage & the only thing to do to bullies is
stand & defy them.
See ya'll at AKL 9/23/07_10/5/2007 & counting!!!

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
Like I have posted in other similar threads,
if anyone decides to not do something out of fear of terrorism, then you may aswell just give terrorists the means to terrorize you.

Making people stop living normal and free lives is the purpose of terrorism.
Not just to terrorize for fun.

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