Terrifying prediction of WDW's demise!


Well-Known Member
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I was reading an article in Rolling Stone and some economist or whatever predicted that if gas hits $10/gallon that WDW would close! This really got me thinking that if we don't do something about our current fuel and come up with alternative energy this could really happen! People balk at going on vacation with gas at $3.00. At the rate we are going it will hit $10 probably sooner rather than later and I really don't think people will travel much (airline tix would be an outrage). At any rate we only have about 40 years left of fuel and our infrastructure may not be up to speed yet on the "new" method of energ we will be using at that time to allow for frivoulous travel.
So can Disney withstand something like this?
It actually freaked me out that they specifically said "WDW closes"!


New Member
I was reading an article in Rolling Stone and some economist or whatever predicted that if gas hits $10/gallon that WDW would close! This really got me thinking that if we don't do something about our current fuel and come up with alternative energy this could really happen! People balk at going on vacation with gas at $3.00. At the rate we are going it will hit $10 probably sooner rather than later and I really don't think people will travel much (airline tix would be an outrage). At any rate we only have about 40 years left of fuel and our infrastructure may not be up to speed yet on the "new" method of energ we will be using at that time to allow for frivoulous travel.
So can Disney withstand something like this?
It actually freaked me out that they specifically said "WDW closes"!

Or if we were allowed to drill, Plenty of oil to last the next 100 years off the coast of Alaska, NJ and CA.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Or if we were allowed to drill, Plenty of oil to last the next 100 years off the coast of Alaska, NJ and CA.

All of that oil is factored in. There isn't much left. In either case we would need probably 50 years to totally overhaul thge entire infrastructure of the world. Every vehivle, gas stations, power plants, etc. We need to have something real soon. And even so $10/ gallon isn't far off.


Well-Known Member
I'm not necessarily agreeing with this but I don't see why not. The rise of the modern automobile coupled with the Baby Boom made Disneyland a reality. Why couldn't the fall of the modern automobile and an aging population cause the opposite?


New Member
All of that oil is factored in. There isn't much left. In either case we would need probably 50 years to totally overhaul thge entire infrastructure of the world. Every vehivle, gas stations, power plants, etc. We need to have something real soon. And even so $10/ gallon isn't far off.

Hey Im not going to make this political and im all for alternate sources but nothing that we have today is cost effective. Im all for researching new forms of energy but we should also drill all we can and start using Nuclear power.


Well-Known Member
An aging population won't kill the Disney parks - just the opposite!

While I really, really agree with the spirit of this statement it is a sad and true fact that a large percentage of the population see the parks as 'kid' parks. I know it's not true. I would never think it was true. I would hope it never becomes true. But if that's the perception among the general population (not these boards) then an aging population is not a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While I really, really agree with the spirit of this statement it is a sad and true fact that a large percentage of the population see the parks as 'kid' parks. I know it's not true. I would never think it was true. I would hope it never becomes true. But if that's the perception among the general population (not these boards) then an aging population is not a good thing.

It's true that we did not produce enough children in America from the 60's until now, I think it was like 1.7 children per couple. But we do have lots of immigration.


Well-Known Member
While I really, really agree with the spirit of this statement it is a sad and true fact that a large percentage of the population see the parks as 'kid' parks. I know it's not true. I would never think it was true. I would hope it never becomes true. But if that's the perception among the general population (not these boards) then an aging population is not a good thing.

As a travel agent, I book many many many "older" couples and young and middle-aged families that are traveling with grandparents - and my clients come from the general population - not from these boards.

My parents still visit. My aunts and uncles own DVC. I am in my 40's - so they are ALL older than me. All of their kids visit - and as they age, they will continue to visit and bring their kids. I don't see age stopping people from visiting the parks - lack of transportation could if not handled in time.


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Original Poster
Hey Im not going to make this political and im all for alternate sources but nothing that we have today is cost effective. Im all for researching new forms of energy but we should also drill all we can and start using Nuclear power.

Nothing political about it but we do need alternative energy. Nuclear power doesn't make vehicles go. And with China using more gas than us now, we are going to run out FAST whether wed rill or not. I believe we don't even have enough refinaries to produce any more gas. The man who invents cheap renewable energy will be wealthy beyond anyone's imagination or assasinated real quick.


Active Member
Here is a crazy idea do what they already do in places that charge almost $10 a gallon, buy small cars and build high speed trains.

Really life goes on, we are in North America such energy hogs.


Well-Known Member
Here is a crazy idea do what they already do in places that charge almost $10 a gallon, buy small cars and build high speed trains.

Really life goes on, we are in North America such energy hogs.


Seriously. ^Amen to that.

Everyone should be concerned about the future. Because after all, it's where you and me will live the rest of our lives!



Well-Known Member
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Yes, and gas is so close to the 10 buck mark.:lookaroun:rolleyes::lol:

You do realize it can go up REAL quick don't you. We're a third of the way there. And about 7 years ago you would have said "Yes, and gas is so close to the 3 buck mark.:lookaroun:rolleyes::lol:" wouldn't you? :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Nuclear power doesn't make vehicles go.

But electricity does and will improve for many decades. Nuclear is currently our best option for renewable elactricity that is currently effective. I wouldn't dare say that wind and solar will not come into their own in the future but these electric hybrids are not easing any problems as long as we continue to burn so much coal.

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