I'm not sure how the whole calling in thing works with CPs. I've had managers and coordinators tell me that CPs DON'T have personal days. To be really honest, I would try not to call in as a CP unless you're obviously very sick. Get someone to take your shift or something.
Like others said, no drugs or alcohol. If your roommates have any, tell on them. Unless it's like hidden in a personal place by said roommate, everybody could potentially get termed. One kid had cocaine (pixie dust) in his room and everyone went byebye because it was on his desk and no one told. (You typically share a room with someone else, so security can get skeptical in situations like this).
And be careful what you say to people. Never get too comfortable with anyone... depending on where you work, you could be having tons of fun and meeting fun, new people, or re-living Saved By The Bell. Like any job with a lot of young people, it can get very gossipy. If someone really, really doesn't like you, it is very easy to get you terminated. Like someone previously said, this could be anyone from a manager to a fellow CM who just thinks you flat-out suck. Want a real example of someone I knew?
Me: Dude, I'm @&*(@^ing hot! What a day, huh?
other CM: Yeah...
other CM <to a manager> : Hey, Piebald cursed on stage. I was highly offended.
Don't get me wrong; You will have fun and it's an awesome experience, but if someone rubs you the wrong way, you might just want to be careful what you do or say around them.
If anyone wants, they can PM me.