Tell me about Restaurant Marrakesh please!


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I'm obsessively planning my Thanksgiving trip. We are going for 10 days, which means I get 9 table service meals on the DDP. We did CRT, Crystal Palace, Donald's Breakfast, Garden Grill, and Rainforest Cafe on our 1st ever trip last July. We loved them all, but want to try different things this time. So far I've decided on: Chef Mickey's, Boma, Sci Fi, Garden Grill (kids are begging to go back-best character interaction of the week), Hoop Dee Doo (counts as 2 meals), 'Ohana, and 1900 Park Fare.

I'm exploring the menus on Allears, and Marrakesh looks interesting. Are there any limits to what you can order on DDP? And since no child appetizers or desserts are listed, does that mean they can order off of the regular menu? I'd love to hear about the desserts. And if anyone has eaten this below, can you tell me about it?

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mediterranean Seafood Platter - shrimp ragout, broiled salmon and seafood bastilla $29.95[/FONT]​


Well-Known Member
We eat at Marrakesh every trip, but we usually go for lunch and get the Chef's Special...which for some reason always seems to be the same thing :lol:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Beef Brewat Roll, [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jasmina Salad, [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chicken Kebab, and rice. Dessert is a apple crepe :slurp: All of this is only $14 or so . You also get some of their wonderful iced tea. You are treated to wonderful music and the belly dancer makes an appearance and tries to get everyone involved. My youngest orders from the kid's menu and did not receive a dessert; we have never used the DDP so I can't help you out there.

We like the food because while the spices are exotic, they are not hot, but sweet.


Well-Known Member
We ate there during out vacation the week after Thanksgiving. We liked it. We were using the DDP and if I remember correctly, my kids got ice cream. I don't think they got an appitizer (I don't remember one and neither does my daughter).


Well-Known Member
I found the kids menu we brought back with us...

Chicken Tenders (served with fries)
Moroccan Pasta (served with meatballs in tomato sauce
Kefta (Hamburger served on a bun and fries
Vegetable Couscous (rolled semolina steamed and served with seasonal vegetables)

No desserts appitizers or desserts listed, but as I posted above , my kids had ice cream. I can't remember if we paid for it or not though. Sorry I'm not much help.


New Member
It's a great restaurant. When I've gone there I had the pre-set feast and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Though I did wonder at the table of adults nearby who were all eating hot dogs instead of giving something new and interesting a try.

The counter service place makes a nice break from burgers and chicken strips too.


New Member
We ate there in November and it was interesting. We were on the dining plan and ordered the Special:

App: Beef Barwat Roll, Chick Pea Soup (very nice)
Entree: Lamb Shank, Vegetable Cous Cous, and Lemon/Olive Chicken
Dessert: various pastries with pistacio and walnut fillings covered with honey

The mint ice tea was to die for!!! :D

The food was a real mix. Loved the Apps, entree ok - lamb as fatty and I'm not a big cous cous fan, Dessert - forgettable.

Service and entertainment were awesome. I give this place a 7/10


Well-Known Member
We ate there in November and it was interesting. We were on the dining plan and ordered the Special:

App: Beef Barwat Roll, Chick Pea Soup (very nice)
Entree: Lamb Shank, Vegetable Cous Cous, and Lemon/Olive Chicken
Dessert: various pastries with pistacio and walnut fillings covered with honey

Maybe that was baklava?

The mint ice tea was to die for!!! :D

The food was a real mix. Loved the Apps, entree ok - lamb as fatty and I'm not a big cous cous fan, Dessert - forgettable.

Service and entertainment were awesome. I give this place a 7/10

The "traditional" mint tea served in Morocco (as was told to me by a Moroccan) is the hot mint tea, served sweet. We have had that for a long time since a Moroccan restaurant opened in our neighborhood many years ago. So whenever we're at Epcot, we also try not to miss Marakesh, which has comparable (but not quite) food with our Moroccan restaurant here.

And I am a BIG fan of couscous, so the lamb shank dish is the one I often get, which I alternate with the vegetarian couscous. You may also want to try the harira soup, which is also one of the "standard" dishes of Morocco. If you're "adventurous", try the pastilla, which is actually a pastry with a savory fillings, but sprinkled with, get this, powdered sugar and cinnamon! Now, don't make faces at me like that! Try it! After the initial shock of unfamiliar combination of flavors, you'd be surprised how well it works as you continue!

Marrakesh is one of my most favorite places to eat in all of WDW. I just hope the sorry excuse for Moroccan food that they served out front at the counter service doesn't turn people off.


Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
...actually a pastry with a savory fillings, but sprinkled with, get this, powdered sugar and cinnamon! Now, don't make faces at me like that! Try it! After the initial shock of unfamiliar combination of flavors, you'd be surprised how well it works as you continue!

I does sound strange, but when you think about it, many "standard" American foods combine savory and sweet.

Think about the saltiness of ham combined with glazes made from Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper, maple syrup, or pineapple.

Sweet and sour chicken/pork/shrimp is probably more American than Chinese. Dipping your egg roll in sweet red sauce is really cabbage, garlic, meat, and lots of sugar.

Chocolate covered pretzels, or salty peanuts on a hot fudge sundae combine salty and sweet.

Give it a try!
If you don't like it, you can always mosey around World Showcase and get a funnel cake later.


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Thanks for all the feedback! I would really love to try this place. I know I have a long time until the park hours come out, but I'm trying to line everything up. My kids really want to eat at SciFi, so I'm planning an early lunch there. If there are 2 Fantasmics that night, then we are going to eat counter service for dinner and eat at Marrakesh on our Epcot World Showcase day (no park hoppers). If there is only one Fantasmic on our MGM night, then I guess I'll get the package (thinking Mama Melrose) and eat counter service at Epcot. There are so many great sounding counter service places, I don't think this will be a problem. I can't wait until May 19-then I can make my ADRs!:)


Well-Known Member
We just ate at Marrakesh on our last trip and I was pleasantly surprised. I am a picky eater and I was really worried that I might not like it. But I thought that I wouild just try the lemon chicken. However, when I got there I decided to be brave & had the kebobs, along with the soup. It was actually delicious. I also tried the mint tea & really liked that as well. So I would definitely give it a try. We would definitely eat here again!


New Member
I haven't eaten there since February 05, but we went for a late lunch/early dinner and it was a lot of fun. The bellydancer and band were great, the service alright, and the food was interesting, if a little dry. Definitely worth it, though, the atmosphere is a lot of fun! One of the most memorable restaurants in WDW, in my opinion.


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Original Poster
Thank you all for the positive feedback. I think I will just try Fantasmic without the dining package. None of the 3 choices appeals to me. Marrakesh it is!


New Member
Marrakesh is a definate try at least once, we go every trip and finally found a Morrocan restaurant near us that is great.

We usually get the sampler appetizers (bastilla- chicken mixed with sugar and cinnamon in phyllo dough, awesome), I get lemon-olive chicken and hubby beef kabobs, dessert we usually get the sampler. Mint tea is really good.

I personally would choose different restaurants instead of using 2 DDP for Hoop-Dee-Doo. Its actually more money to use DDP. Just a thought


Well-Known Member
Marrakesh has incredible food, an exotic locale, and live entertainment. Who can resist the allure of a bellydancer two feet from your table?

My recommendation is to order iced Moroccan mint tea and the Royal Feast.
Meal as follows:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] CHICKEN BASTILLA
baked layers of thin pastry stuffed with minced chicken & almonds, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar

baked layers of thin pastry stuffed wuth grouper, shrimp, mushrooms, vermicelli, onions and egg

a Moroccan tradition - roasted lamb in natural juices

braised chicken seasoned with garlic, green olives & preserved lemon


CREPES ATLAS (honey, apples and cinnamon with ice cream)

My other suggestion is:
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


layers of thin pastry stuffed with minced beef, fried and sprinkled with chicken & almonds, sprinkled with cinnamon

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
braised chicken seasoned with garlic, green olives & preserved lemon

grilled brochette of beef marinated in Moroccan herbs and spices

the National Moroccan dish - rolled semolina steamed and served with seasonal vegetables

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I like to top it off with [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Crepes with roasted almonds, cinnamon and honey topped with a scoop of ice cream
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We've ordered other things off of the menu, but this is a pretty good introduction to Moroccan fare. I liked the food so much there that I have tried to replicate recipes at home.


New Member
I ate there last may with my DF and felt so-so about it.

first of all we had to wait forever to get in to our table even though we made advance reservations and then once we sat down I couldn't even see the belly dancer. I do remember the drinks being really delicious but my meal wasn't that great. I'm guessing that I got the lemon chicken.. but honestly I don't remember.. I just remember not being impressed with it ...

my DF was actually feeling sick so he didn't even touch his food (he was sick with heat stroke though, had nothing to do with the restaruant).

it IS very beautiful inside there though... so I guess that counts for something. I'd say if you've never eaten there you should try it, but I don't think I"d go back for seconds... I think the thai restaurant in my city tasted way better than that place.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
We eat there every trip, we had the mixed platter for 2 to share to start, chicken couscous and as it was our 1st wedding anniversary they gave us a free dessert of pastry with almonds and ice cream.
We've never had a bad meal there and would highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for getting the feast! It was bountiful and really not all that spicy, which was my fear. I do enjoy trying new foods, but an exhorbitant amount of spices I do not enjoy. I was not dissappointed, nothing was too spicy. Just tasty and full of flavor.

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