Tapestry of Dreams continuing through March?


Well-Known Member
Anti-Disney Comment

We're all entitled to our opinions and I'm entitled to mine about disney....


Thank you.. you're free to move about the cabin ;)


Active Member
TOD actually kinda creeped me out, I don't know but its like how little kids are scared of clowns, i am scared of huge puppets and spinny drum things. Maybe its just me?:confused:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
I do 3 puppets..

Disc (the heaviest, yet the only one I like to do), Hammer (really light! but I still would rather not do it), and Marionette (HATE IT!!! )

you know what? from the very first time i saw that parade (back in Nov. 99) i've wanted to be in it...i really wanted to be the either one of the two last puppets with 'wings' (not the one with the beak, but the ones that had the feminine figures)...my favorite always being the one with 'triple wings'. but i always get so confused which puppet is which...Disney (as far as i know) really never said...I've seen all the names, but they never said which was which. some are just obvious, like aztec, marionette, and hammer...but some of them i just don't know about...like disc, which one was that one?

anyway, i'm babbleing. sorry. on to my point....i really honestly thought this parade would last longer than it did. of course, that was when it was still ToN. (budget cuts suck!) i mean, for pete's sake, even Aladdin and Hercules parades lasted longer than this one (didn't they? i'm pretty sure Aladdin was longer than 3.5 years) in my personal opinion, i don't think ToN/ToD is dated at all...i'm not sure if it ever could be for me (though ask me again in about 5-10 years) at least, i don't think what it represents could become dated. to me, it went much deeper than just being another flashy parade...and maybe i'm over analyzing here. but to me it represented the unity of the world (of course, when i first fell in love with this parade was the starting of a new millenium and we weren't on the brink of a war) how we were all different, but at the same time, we're all the same, and it showed how we could come together. i dunno, maybe that just sounds cheesy. but i really think this was represented in the uses of different materials and colors, and i think it was REALLY shown through the music...how the 'lyrics' or 'chorus' or whatever you want to call it wasn't written in any particular language. anybody and everybody in the entire world could understand what the parade stood for, and they could sing along with the music. i think it really showed what World Showcase stands for and what Disney tried to do originally and that is to teach us about different cultures and to maybe help us understand one another just a little bit better. and personally, i found it to be the most profound and the most meaningful parades Disney (or anyone for that matter) has ever created....i, for one, will be sorry to see it go.
*btw, those two subjects aren't supposed to go together, if that makes sense...i just wanted to reply to Rob, and also post my $.02, so i just wrote it all in the same post! :animwink: :D


When my family first saw this parade in March, 2000, it was wonderful. The parade ended and I looked over at my son who was 11 at the time and he was crying. I asked him why and he said, "It was so beautiful". Well, needless to say I started crying too. We enjoyed a shorter version the next year - then the next year when we saw the TOD parade, the same son said, "It sucks!". I agree that the dreammaker and some of the characters were more scary than "dreamlike" - unless you're having a nightmare. I didn't care for all the kids' voices cutting in, it wasn't good at all. Most people were walking around it, rather than watching.

I really miss TON, it's true they need a new parade, I just hope it stands up to the original as far as the feeling it seemed to generate (at least from the people I observed around me).

I have the original soundtrack from the 2000 celebration and listen to it often - I also have the videotape I took during this parade so I will always have it to look back at. I think they really do need a parade here. I hope they come up with something good, looking forward to it.

On a different subject - does anyone know if they're keeping Jammin' Jungle at the AK? That's one of our favorites too. :)


New Member
I'm a ToN Fan through and through and always will be! It was an incredible parade. About the meaning- If you listened to the parade, and heard the Sage's narration- you would here him speak of peace and cultural harmony "in this circle of nations." It was very uplifting, not to mention it premiered during the Millennium when everyone- including myself had feelings that maybe the world could get better. Well ToD came along and while it was nice to see the puppets and hear the music- well some of it- against the backdrop of WS, it never stacked up because feelings have changed and while children talking about dreams is cute, we can all relate to World harmony a little easier. We won't talk about the trolls- I mean the Dreamseekers. Saturday morning is where they belong if you ask me. But I think another thing that has really killed the parade is that they run it twice a day. I knew it was popular when it first came out, but maybe if they ran it only once, it would have lasted longer?? Who knows, I'll miss Tapestry. Hopefully maybe someday it can come back after a few years and be re-envisioned and the magic will come back. But I agree- I think its time for Epcot to move on...just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Seems like we need to clarify a few things here.

These are the puppets 'nick names'.

Aztec Man


Disk Man


Hammered Man


Inverted Marrionet


Wiggle Girl


Angel Girl (what Dizknee wanted to do)




Da Drum (RPU's or Millenium Drums)


And the best, The Sage of Time



Well-Known Member
thanks SO much, testtrack! that was such a big help! great pics, too, btw! are those yours, or did you find them on the site?
i don't know why, but i've been getting disk man and wiggle girl confused! i should've guessed...it's pretty obvious once i think about it...i mean, after all, disk man is made of disks and wiggle girl wiggles her 'hips'! :hammer:
anyway, thanks again, testtrack!!:wave:
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
even Aladdin and Hercules parades lasted longer than this one (didn't they? i'm pretty sure Aladdin was longer than 3.5 years)

Aladdin's Royal Caravan was at Disney MGM Studios for four years. Hercules was at Disney MGM Studios for less than a year.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
thanks SO much, testtrack! that was such a big help! great pics, too, btw! are those yours, or did you find them on the site?
i don't know why, but i've been getting disk man and wiggle girl confused! i should've guessed...it's pretty obvious once i think about it...i mean, after all, disk man is made of disks and wiggle girl wiggles her 'hips'! :hammer:
anyway, thanks again, testtrack!!:wave:

They are from the home site of here, WDWMagic.com and Moseplanet.com


New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
you know what? from the very first time i saw that parade (back in Nov. 99) i've wanted to be in it...i really wanted to be the either one of the two last puppets with 'wings' (not the one with the beak, but the ones that had the feminine figures)...my favorite always being the one with 'triple wings'. but i always get so confused which puppet is which...Disney (as far as i know) really never said...I've seen all the names, but they never said which was which. some are just obvious, like aztec, marionette, and hammer...but some of them i just don't know about...like disc, which one was that one?

anyway, i'm babbleing. sorry. on to my point....i really honestly thought this parade would last longer than it did. of course, that was when it was still ToN. (budget cuts suck!) i mean, for pete's sake, even Aladdin and Hercules parades lasted longer than this one (didn't they? i'm pretty sure Aladdin was longer than 3.5 years) in my personal opinion, i don't think ToN/ToD is dated at all...i'm not sure if it ever could be for me (though ask me again in about 5-10 years) at least, i don't think what it represents could become dated. to me, it went much deeper than just being another flashy parade...and maybe i'm over analyzing here. but to me it represented the unity of the world (of course, when i first fell in love with this parade was the starting of a new millenium and we weren't on the brink of a war) how we were all different, but at the same time, we're all the same, and it showed how we could come together. i dunno, maybe that just sounds cheesy. but i really think this was represented in the uses of different materials and colors, and i think it was REALLY shown through the music...how the 'lyrics' or 'chorus' or whatever you want to call it wasn't written in any particular language. anybody and everybody in the entire world could understand what the parade stood for, and they could sing along with the music. i think it really showed what World Showcase stands for and what Disney tried to do originally and that is to teach us about different cultures and to maybe help us understand one another just a little bit better. and personally, i found it to be the most profound and the most meaningful parades Disney (or anyone for that matter) has ever created....i, for one, will be sorry to see it go.
*btw, those two subjects aren't supposed to go together, if that makes sense...i just wanted to reply to Rob, and also post my $.02, so i just wrote it all in the same post! :animwink: :D

I have always wanted to be in the parade, it was something I wanted to do when I could start working, now (sadly) I wont be able to! :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mary Poppins
Aladdin's Royal Caravan was at Disney MGM Studios for four years. Hercules was at Disney MGM Studios for less than a year.

really? gosh, they seemed to have lasted so much longer than that!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
I have always wanted to be in the parade, it was something I wanted to do when I could start working, now (sadly) I wont be able to! :(

ya know, this is the best thing i think i've ever heard you say about Epcot! i'm so proud! :D :animwink: :sohappy: but yeah, i'm with you...ever since i was little i wanted to work at Disney, but never really knew exactly in what way...but when i saw that parade, i knew that's what i wanted to do (for a little while at least...don't think i'd prefer to make a career out of being a puppet) for like a college job or something...and i didn't want to go into the entertainment dept., i just wanted to be in that parade! it's just such a meaningful parade, and dare i say, spiritual, almost. let's just hope they'll replace it with something that can compare.


Well-Known Member
I have a good feeling that the puppets won't leave for a while, ditto for the music. I bet the puppets will become streetmosphere and will come out just to dance around. The music will be used as atmospheric music after Illuminations and such like it is now.


New Member
I've got a question for all you experts on this parade (sorry if this has been asked before). Where can you get the music from the parade. I have heard people talk about it, and I'd really LOVE to get the music! I searched the internet, and can't seem to find it anywhere. Any suggestions?!:D


Well-Known Member
well bood (can i call ya bood? :D ) it WAS on the Millenium Celebration cd (available at WDW) but i'm assuming they've stopped making those...and i think they might've started making a different cd with it on there...but don't hold me to that. have you tried disneystore.com or something like that? if they don't have it, you can always download it (i'm sure Kazaa would have it) it LONG so it'd take a while to download, but SO worth it!
i'm assuming you've never heard the music...either that or you saw the parade and just didn't pay attention to the music...either way, if you haven't heard it, you've GOT to hear it...some of the most powerful music ever played at Disney World, imo...well, Illuminations music as well...both are extremely powerful pieces! good luck! :wave:

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
take those words to heart.

plus, remember when Mulan parade left? It was still advertised for about 4 months after it ended.

lastly... ask any entertainment manager in WDW. Tell them you'd like to perform in it. Their answer: "We're not casting new performers in ToD anymore."

The first sign of something going away- When they won't train or hire new people.

What do you mean by that Mktiggerman, are you saying that there picking anybody to be in it, or people that just work there. Because if that's the case I would have been out there 2 monthes ago. Again i'm saying to you haved to be hired to do that?


New Member
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
What do you mean by that Mktiggerman, are you saying that there picking anybody to be in it, or people that just work there. Because if that's the case I would have been out there 2 monthes ago. Again i'm saying to you haved to be hired to do that?

They aren't casting any more people. They usually cast more people if the show/character is going to be around in the future in case people get hurt/quit.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
What do you mean by that Mktiggerman, are you saying that there picking anybody to be in it, or people that just work there. Because if that's the case I would have been out there 2 monthes ago. Again i'm saying to you haved to be hired to do that?

There's no underlying meaning to what I said. Thet aren't hiring any new ToD performers, or cross-training any characters to be ToD performers. I felt it was pretty cut and dry.


New Member
As a performer in both ToN and ToD, I'm going to be sad to see ToD go. Granted, there were quite a few changes that happened to "transform" the parade to ToD that I wasn't too thrilled with as either a performer or a guest, I still think that Tap is an incredible show that Disney will find hard to replace.

Sadly, we were all pulled into a meeting and informed that ToD will definately stage its last performance on March 1st. If it's anything like the closing night of ToN, I know that I'll be crying tears of joy both joy and sorrow as I walk into the gate for the last time.

And while there are a few performers who don't particularly enjoy the parade (because, yes, it can be painful at times), there are far more who have a love and appreciation for this show than any outsider could ever understand. I feel blessed that I had a chance to be a part of this show and have had the opportunity to march down the promenade with the bright, shining faces night after night (even though I do have to admit, some nights, there are confused, blank stares... but the same happens in every other parade on property).

So, to anyone who has seen the parade and smiled at a puppeteer or Dreamseeker... Thank you... from the bottom of my heart. You are the reason that I love my job.

PS - The Dreamseekers are just as scared of you as you are of them... ;)

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