Well, aren't you just big on making a first impression.
On your first day of school, if the first thing people hear out of your mouth is you ragging on the new school, telling people to go elsewhere, etc. - you can't expect to be received very well, even if you are correct. (And, FYI - telling someone "well go to Universal again" is akin to saying, "Your momma..." around here - and silly anyway because many of us like those parks, too.)
I'm one of the more moderate folks - which is how most people are around here. If I see something to complain about, I have no problem taking Disney to task. On the flip-side, when the "I always complain about everything" people post, I'm also usually the first to defend Disney. It's called, "I call each situation as I see it".
That said, just like you assume on your very first post you can "tell who is and who is not a CM", I can tell you on your first post it was easy to see who is and who is not terribly naive. In the portion I bolded above - "any change" is done to benefit visitors - is almost cute in it's naivety. We'd all like to think that, it would be wonderful if that is how it worked, but most often changes are made because of budget and other things that have nothing to do with making visits "magical".
Like it or not, Disney is a huge corporation and their goal is to please shareholders. Thankfully, the people who run the parks try to do the best they can most of the time under these circumstances, but any number of us could list 20 things off the top of our heads which were broken and not fixed, taken away, or otherwise changed/eliminated not to enhance guest experience, but to shave a few bucks off a budget.
All that said, Welcome to the Boards. Stick around a bit, educate yourself a bit more, and soon you will be able to tell the difference between "people just like to complain" and the valid issues that many people bring up. This is the premiere WDW board - to swim in this river you have to keep your chops up, but if you can, you'll find that this is probably the best collection of Disney experts and information rolled into one place. It has it's moments, but it's far more productive, entertaining, and overall informative than any "Is the castle spires really missile silo's? boards out there.