Take out Wonders of Life


Original Poster
I wish Disney would replace Wonders of Life with another ride that would compare to Mission: SPACE and Test Track. That row of thrill rides would be awesome, rivaling the great thrill area of Rock n Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I think that Wonders of Life is a big waste of space and Body Wars sucks. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could replace the pavillion?

General Grizz

New Member
I believe Wonders of Life should stay. Sure, it should be updated with the latest technolgy and educate in an exciting way.

It does NOT need to be like Test Track at all. There needs to be something for the children to discover that will be very beneficial...

Plus, having three thrill rides right next to eachother will really crowd the area. I don't think that's what EPCOT really needs.

Remember, thrills aren't everything for everyone. If everything was thrills, then EPCOT would be aimed towards certain groups. EPCOT needs to have a little of everything.


New Member
I agree w/ grizzlyhall. Wonders of Life should be revamped w/ more hi-tech educational rides. Remember, EPCOT was built more for education than thrills.

Luau Cove

New Member
Wonder of Life's purpouse was that: offering a smart education of the human body and related issues in a funny (anachemicals, craniun command), thrilling (body wars) and interesting (the hot and cold bars) way. Now, the pavillion was left aside and nothing new came, though many discovers were made, which is rare in Disney not updating something that is not so hard to update...



Well-Known Member
I think it needs to stay because it completes the circle:
each pavillion brings a meaning

.body..........( )...........
...past.........( ).........sea

(future world layout)

I do think it needs updated

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by juan
I think it needs to stay because it completes the circle:
each pavillion brings a meaning

.body..........( )...........
...past.........( ).........sea

(future world layout)

I do think it needs updated

It isn't the past...it is energy.

I agree that the pavilion needs updating but the overall idea needs to stay. I think that the whole 80's style needs to change.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I'd rather see Wonders of Life replaced rather than overhauled. You can learn the same things in high school health classes, which students are now required to take anyway. I didn't go to Epcot to learn about that. I'm not saying it has to be a thrill ride, but still, something completely different.


Well-Known Member
A couple threads ago... I put WOL as my "never to ride/visit again" attraction.

The best thing about it is the EXIT.

But, how bout adding a Roger Rabbit/ Baby Herman Dark ride, that has you being chased through a hospital by a crazy needle weilding nurse/doctor!

That should go well with the whole "health playground".


New Member
I happen to like WOL! I think though, that for balance, if they are going to do anything, they need to do it on the other side of EPCOT, for balance. With Test Track and Space to the left as you enter, they need something to help even out the crowds. Say something between the Living Seas (which could indeed use an update) and the Land. The only big draw on that side is Honey I Shrunk the Audience, which is getting some age on it.


New Member
I'm a WOL fan, if for no other reason that I LOVE Cranium Command and would absolutely hate to see anything done to that. One of the things that i think people miss about WOL is that it's a great place to go to escape the crowds. Volume inside that dome has gone down so much recently and I just think it's great to be able to go into an air-conditioned building and take a load off.

Body Wars is not what it once was, but frankly, I like to go on it if there's no wait at all. It's neat every once in a while. And the playground is cool too.

The sad fact that many people have gotten at before is that the Living Seas in in ridiculous need of work. They don't even have to remove anything. They could keep the video and the ride and the observation deck...but it just needs to be more WOW. Putting another thrill ride on the east side of future world will definitely clog up the walkways and draw people away from stuff like Imagination! and The Land.



New Member
I loved WoL when it first opened, but that was so many years ago, and it is in desperate need of an update now. I think the concept of WoL really fits in with the theme of Epcot, it just needs to be brought into the 21st Century.


Active Member
WoL did just get an update... They repainted the DNA strand.


Body Wars is a great themed attraction. It's been a while since I've gone on it myself, but I will definately go on the next time I am there, simply because I don't remember it completely and I have been seeing Fantastic Voyage on cable a lot lately. The pavilion itself is usually pretty close to updated. Last time I was there, there was a whole new section on cnacer research, however, with MetLife pulling out, WoL may be on its way out anyway.


Hey--I happen to _like_ the eighties look:mad: !

But anyway, it's one of my favorite pavilions at Epcot--I think the music they play is very soothing. Brings back memories of omnimovers, choose your own ending, and a little purple dragon. . .

What they could do is update Body Wars (at least clean off all of that ugly grain on the film) and add some new interactive areas. I would not like to see it turned into Pizza Planet, as some rumors have suggested--Disney has beaten the Toy Story theme too far into the ground as it is.


Well-Known Member
Body Wars makes me nauseous, so I avoid it. Other than that, though, I like WoL. I kind of like that retro-ish 80's feeling it has. Cranium Command is a hoot - I'd hate to see them mess with that.


New Member
I think we should be thankful for what we can get. Each pavilion is a 10 year contract with a corporation. That corporation will do it’s best to educate, entertain, and advertise. When that contract runs out, as with Horizons, the corporation is free to walk. If MetLife doesn’t think it’s getting its moneys worth it will have to make the decision of whether to update or walk. General Motors elected to update, General Electric elected to walk. Disney was fortunate to find a replacement for Horizons. If WOL closes they may not be so lucky. Take a look at World Showcase. Many people, myself included, consider this the most beautiful area in all of Disney World. But, it was designed for 22 pavilions and has only 11. The last updates were Norway and Morocco. Can you imagine what Epcot would be like with 11 more countries!!! Disney knows this and still is unable to fill those slots.

Now, I’m not trying to say that updating Future World is nearly as difficult as updating World Showcase. Corporations are much easier to work with and less politically volatile than countries. But I am saying that corporations, like countries, are not beating down Disney’s doors trying to sponsor a pavilion. So, I’ll just take what I can get for now and hope we’re not looking at any big holes or empty buildings in the future.

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