Take out Wonders of Life

Grim Grinner

New Member
Don't Shoot the Messenger! A dark future!

I'm willing to bet that we'll see a thrill ride in Wonders of Life soon enough....

In this dark future, I envision a digestive tract-themed coaster...

Blasting through the teeth, almost getting chewed- followed by a spin through the esophagus- before splashing into the stomach... After a narrow escape from the tummy acid- we twist and turn through the intestines.... Finally we launch out of the ________ chute, properly digested.

This fearsome idea may some day come to fruition-


Originally posted by Tom Morrow
I'd rather see Wonders of Life replaced rather than overhauled. You can learn the same things in high school health classes, which students are now required to take anyway. I didn't go to Epcot to learn about that. I'm not saying it has to be a thrill ride, but still, something completely different.

I'm with you... I think.. they could really do something with that building.. but they dont. Everytime I am there... theres nothing going on! Its like.. yeah I'm coming here to ride Body Wars.. a ride that never has a line... as for the dumb bikes with a disneyland video.. at least update them! they could really do something with that place...
the thing that irks me most when I think about Future World is the mish-mash of everything... there's just WAAAAY too much going on architecturally and theme wise. I mean, it's no secret that FW is trapped in the 80s, but does Disney have to quick-fix the park up so it looks like they're actually taking care of the park?? the original Future World with its original theme was much better than what's currently in place (ack....ack..."discovery"....ack....):hurl:

But.....TIMES change and Disney realizes that, so they try and find a couple of sponsors to shell out some major dough for a thrill or two?!

If you ask me, the problem with Epcot is not that it's boring, but that it's all over the place and not unified...I'm sure the fact that it's boring reputation due to lack of rides is also a huge part of the problem, but the thing Disney really needs to focus on (if they wanna make the park more popular) is unifying the pavilions instead of building new rides within the exisitng ones and leaving the rest of the area neglected and completely unattended. there are so many examples to mention but I don't want to start rambling...

The more I think about it, the more depressed I become.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mufasa_AC
I think we should be thankful for what we can get. Each pavilion is a 10 year contract with a corporation. That corporation will do it’s best to educate, entertain, and advertise. When that contract runs out, as with Horizons, the corporation is free to walk. If MetLife doesn’t think it’s getting its moneys worth it will have to make the decision of whether to update or walk. General Motors elected to update, General Electric elected to walk. Disney was fortunate to find a replacement for Horizons. If WOL closes they may not be so lucky. Take a look at World Showcase. Many people, myself included, consider this the most beautiful area in all of Disney World. But, it was designed for 22 pavilions and has only 11. The last updates were Norway and Morocco. Can you imagine what Epcot would be like with 11 more countries!!! Disney knows this and still is unable to fill those slots.

Now, I’m not trying to say that updating Future World is nearly as difficult as updating World Showcase. Corporations are much easier to work with and less politically volatile than countries. But I am saying that corporations, like countries, are not beating down Disney’s doors trying to sponsor a pavilion. So, I’ll just take what I can get for now and hope we’re not looking at any big holes or empty buildings in the future.

The problem they are having with filling spaces in World Showcase is the fact that Disney wants something the countries aren't willing to pay. Disney wants to add rides to new pavilions but that then costs the countries more money they don't want to fork over. For example Norway would cost more than Japan.

As for Metlife...they bailed on the pavilion last year.


Original Poster
thats what im saying, Wonders of Life could be so much more than it is currently and I think eventually they will have to replace it, maybe an escape form a hospital or soemthing
Originally posted by bearboysnc
A couple threads ago... I put WOL as my "never to ride/visit again" attraction.

The best thing about it is the EXIT.

But, how bout adding a Roger Rabbit/ Baby Herman Dark ride, that has you being chased through a hospital by a crazy needle weilding nurse/doctor!

That should go well with the whole "health playground".

I couldnt have said it better


Original Poster
I know this is off the topic but I think world Showcase would be way too crowded if all the slots for the countries were full


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I believe Wonders of Life should stay. Sure, it should be updated with the latest technolgy and educate in an exciting way.

It does NOT need to be like Test Track at all. There needs to be something for the children to discover that will be very beneficial...

Plus, having three thrill rides right next to eachother will really crowd the area. I don't think that's what EPCOT really needs.

Remember, thrills aren't everything for everyone. If everything was thrills, then EPCOT would be aimed towards certain groups. EPCOT needs to have a little of everything.

Couldn't have said it better myself, Grizzly!! my thoughts exactly!! not to mention that the little snack place they have in there is the best! they have the most awesome sundae there! it's vanilla ice cream, a tasety brownie, and your choice of fruit topping (forget what the choices were, but my fave was strawberries) My God! talk about Heaven!! :slurp: they have some great fruit smoothies there as well!
i say Wonders of Life should stay, but with a rehab...it could use some updated stuff...like they should put in different films on the bikes, and get some more optical illusions to play with.
but i agree! Epcot does not need 3 thrill rides...especially on one side! the crowd in that area is bad enough with just 2!...well, about to be 2.

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by donaldduck1967
I agree WOL is horrible. I dont even waste my time going in it. bring back World of Motion....

What does bringing back World of Motion have to do with closing Wonders of life?!
WOL was a great pavillion, which's concept was important and was vacant: Health. The importance of health grew gradually over the last decades, so there was a need to promote it as funny and entertaining as possible. Now, the pavillion is almost 12 years old, already outdated compared to how fast technology goes, so it's true it needs many things to be changed, but from that point to closing it...Naaah.


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