Just a few things I forgot to mention in the newsletter yesterday that I wanted to see everyone's opinion on...
I enjoy the nuanced style of Disney Debates and I think the trial run went really well a few weeks ago. I think it brings a different spin to some of the things we do.
Would anyone like to contribute to an Imagineering "gameshow" type thread on here for ICS Weekends? The topics and questions we come up with can also be relevant to past Imagineering competitions here as well! If we adopted a jeopardy style show for instance, one of the categories could be "The Sole Imagineer" or "The Creator Games"...where we would have to remember who did what in the competition. We can also have broader Disney categories as well. We can also change up the style of the show based on what people want to see or how they want questions asked. Just something I was thinking of for the future!
Also, after the busy holiday season, and more towards the summer,
@Voxel had proposed an idea that I really liked called Imagineer Brawl.
Basically, it would be much like an MLB All-Star Game or something of that nature, where we could vote in the contestants we want to see compete, and then they face each other in crazy, out of the box challenges. It would be an opportunity to see matchups that you might not see any other time, and act as a fun, mid-summer Elite Eight type game. This sounds very promising to me, and could probably work into ICS Weekends too. If everyone likes it then this would be a great idea to hold onto till the summer.
Lastly, I believe the imagineer forum logo competition was held this past February, I was thinking maybe we bump it up to January? Or after Christmas, that way more people will be available to submit logos and we can have it be the logo for the full year.
@DSquared has us off to a great start! If anyone has any thoughts on that...I'd be interested to hear it.
That's about it!