HELLLLLO WDWMAGIC!!! Before I begin, I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Chirstmas! While I know me being here right now is somewhat hypocritical, I want everyone to stay off of the boards and spend time with their family. And, if you aren't able to go visit family or friends this season, just know that your internet friends on WDWMAGIC will always be there for you.
Anyways, now onto
The Sole Imagineer Season 2: Redemption Island.
Signups will begin at an unannounced time on January 1st, 2016. The official competition thread will appear, and you must post that you're willing to play.
Start Time:
The actual competition start date has moved up to January 4th from January 9th. I was originally going to have a warm-up challenge, but I just decided to squeeze it into Episode 1 as a Reward Challenge. It'll be vital to win this one, as you could avoid a potential sticky situation.
Some of you may know this, but there will be 16 slots available for The Sole Imagineer Season 2: Redemption Island. No more and no less. This is because the game is specifically designed around the designated amount of people and twists, vote offs and pace of the game may be affected should there be less or more people. However, I'd recommend that you all keep a watchful eye on the forums throughout the day, as I expect slots to fill in about the same amount of time at
The Creator Games! did back in April with almost all slots filling in under 24 hours or possibly even faster. Now, I'm very hesitant to say that, but I have seen A LOT of interest of the past few months, so I'm hoping to get a good mixture of returning players and people new to the game.
As many of you know, The Sole Imagineer debuted last year with a full website, showcasing the rules and archives of the season. Well, I'm pleased to introduce the all new and fully redesigned website! Complete with the run-down of how to play, how Redmeption Island will work and an all new Episode Recap blog, this new website will make it easier to understand The Sole Imagineer!