Unsolicited comment from someone who came into this forum with interest and got scared off a few days ago. Forgive me if this is not permitted. It is a public website.
After the "issues" that occurred during SA, a competition I was reading regularly, I popped in here because I really had no clue about this whole heirarchy thing on this particular forum. Having never read all the rules but just studying the competitions, I actually did think this was a "community" that did not have a heirarchy and I liked that. After the SA issues were revealed, I began reading this thread and some others that were "stickied".
I like the ideas being presented here over the last couple of days. I didn't realize how complex this could really get and do not feel qualified to offer suggestions. I just want to let you know what one of those "new" or "potential" members are thinking about your ideas and your forum. Carry on.