Swollen ankles (ouch), question for the Brit's


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A question for the Brit's:-

My mum had this the worst on our holiday and she was in agony!!! She found that for most of the 2 weeks we were out there that her ankles were swollen and she could barely walk. This started to happen 3 days into the holiday.

Is it anything to do with the plane?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Much appreciated

Edit: thread actually open for anyone! My bad.


Park History nut
Premium Member
My mum had the same one year. I very much doubt she had DVT or similar - more like lots of walking in high temperatures & humidity.

She didn`t take her shoes off on ther plane did she?


Never had anything like that. But my sister nearly fainted at MK because of the heat, so all i can suggest is take plenty of rests, and make sure you are hydrated. :)


Well-Known Member
i only get sore feet with walking around the parks.

does your mum walk around on the plane? i ask coz this happens to my auntie whenever she flies, i think it may be water around the ankles or then again it could be something to do with the pressure on the plane or due to the heat? sorry i couldnt help but thats whatvi think it could be.

i have heard alot of people complaining of swollen ankles on holiday and they dont know why this is.


New Member
By any chance was she wearing sandels on the plane?

my dad got this last year, its not a problem just wear filled in shoes such as trainers whilst onboard and it stops your feet swelling.
it worked for my dad.


florida has a lot of nasty little creatures

inc something called a now seaum (hope i spelt it right)
they are like nat bites and this could be the problem as well as red ants they are supposed to be very dangerous.
i always plaster myself in sun tan lotion as this does keep them away
2 years ago i did not do this on a e-night at magic kingdom and boy did i pay the price when i got up next day 28 bites on my legs 8 on my arms 3 on the back of my neck.

hope this helps also if you can use the socks the ba supply for the legs or buy a pair before flying and walk around the plain for at least 10 mins every hour.


Well-Known Member
you can buy plane socks in shops.

i wear trainers on the plane and take them off when the planes in the air -i sit there with my socks on and do all the feet,legs and arm exercises and i stretch to get the blood flowing around my body.

i also take flip-flops with me incase i want to wear them on the plane - there is no way in hell that i would walk/go to the toilets on the plane bare foot :hurl: !!!

i would suggest some comfy shoes ie trainers something that has a cushion support or flip flops or sandals and do stretch exercises to get the blood flowing when flying.i wouldnt wear anything that presses against my feet like tight straps on shoes.:)

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
metman said:
florida has a lot of nasty little creatures

inc something called a now seaum (hope i spelt it right)

Actually, they are biting gnats, called "No-See-ums" because they are so small, they are like "no see them." People who are sensitive to their bites can get welts that take a few days to go away. The discomfort is at the surface of the skin, and I have never known of them to cause generalized swelling of the ankles. :wave:


New Member
Stitch_Kingdom said:
A question for the Brit's:-

My mum had this the worst on our holiday and she was in agony!!! She found that for most of the 2 weeks we were out there that her ankles were swollen and she could barely walk. This started to happen 3 days into the holiday.

Is it anything to do with the plane?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Much appreciated

Edit: thread actually open for anyone! My bad.

My mom would have fought through the pain. Red white and blueaaaaahhhhh...


Its gotta be the heat
It is a very simple case, as described in the website posted above, of gravitational oedema.
The gravitational bit is obvious, but oedema is a retention of fluid in body tissue, which in large quantities causes swelling.
On a plane you have very restricted movement and so your muscles, which are the main mechanism for returning blood to the heart through veins are not moving enough. This therefore raises the water potential in the viens and prevents water reabsorption into the bloodstream. So, in great detail, this is what happens on a flight. Wear tight flight socks to prevent swelling from being aloud to happen.

Phew...not bad for an As level Biologist (hoping to become a doctor).

Hope this helps


New Member
Couple of questions? Was your mum short of breath at any time? Particularly when walking or similar? The oedema described doesn't sound like gravitational oedema as it started 3 days into your holiday. The disabled get gravitational oedema due to restricted movement in wheelchairs etc. The fluid pools at the lowest point, ie ankles. Did it resolve itself and if so how long did it take? Without knowing more about the exact symptoms and how they presented and were resolved, it's hard to pin a cause. PM me if you want to know more.

Speedbird (Paramedic)


New Member
Is she eating alot more salt and/or wheat while on this vacation...counter service burgers, french fries, chicken strips and all of those lovely foods you wouldn't normally eat alot of at home?? I've had swollen ankles since my 1st pregnancy...turns out that I developed an intolerance to wheat....as soon as I cut out the wheat...I lost a ton of water weight and my ankles looked normal again.


New Member
Stitch_Kingdom said:
A question for the Brit's:-

My mum had this the worst on our holiday and she was in agony!!! She found that for most of the 2 weeks we were out there that her ankles were swollen and she could barely walk. This started to happen 3 days into the holiday.

Is it anything to do with the plane?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Much appreciated

Edit: thread actually open for anyone! My bad.

I'm not British but I'll give it a go. Many people don't realize just how much walking they do at Disney World. This is probably because you're being entertained almost constantly by the sights and sounds. I know my feet would get extremely sore by the third day of my vacation! The solution is as fun as it is elegant. I simply spend the next day at a water park! I find relaxing with a good book, walking into the water at Typhoon Lagoon or enjoying the lazy creek that goes around both water parks is a wonderful way to get your feet back to normal and recharge your batteries. Then it's back to the parks the next day! Try it and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Oh, and although I'm sure you know this, always always wear comfortable shoes! :animwink:


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Original Poster
Speedbird said:
Couple of questions? Was your mum short of breath at any time? Particularly when walking or similar? The oedema described doesn't sound like gravitational oedema as it started 3 days into your holiday. The disabled get gravitational oedema due to restricted movement in wheelchairs etc. The fluid pools at the lowest point, ie ankles. Did it resolve itself and if so how long did it take? Without knowing more about the exact symptoms and how they presented and were resolved, it's hard to pin a cause. PM me if you want to know more.

Speedbird (Paramedic)

No she wasnt short of breath, i was just worried because it kicked in only 3 days of our 14 day holiday. This kind of ruined it because she was in a lot of pain throughout the trip. The walking around the park didnt help either.

She did wear flight socks but not past the knee. She's the one keeping us on our toes so she was definitely up and about.

I just dont want it to happen this time as well as i would like her to enjoy it a lot more than last time. She nearly had to get a wheelchair she was in so much pain and Mum never gives in. :lol:

The swelling took a week or two to settle down when we returned. I can only assume it was the heat but at the moment i thought it was fluid. I had no doubt it was not DVT as she is the most active on the plane.


New Member
Some more questions, did the skin get hot to touch? If so it could have been a form of cellulitis or possibly infected bites. Without being indelicate, how old is your mum? Has she had an ECG lately? Had any pains in the chest, even briefly?


New Member
Original Poster
No she has no heart problems. I think (lol) she is 42 i don't want to ask to offend. The skin was not hot to touch to my knowledge. It is hard to remember it now as it was in March 05. She isn't huge but she is a bit bigger than average, do you think weight could play a part? Dragging round her feet all day?


Well-Known Member
her weight has nothing to do with it. it happens to most people no matter what weight, size,colour or height they are.


New Member
Seeing as this was a year ago, and I assume there have been no further episodes since, I wouldn't be worried. Might be worth mentioning it to the GP next time she's in though. If it happens again she should get medical aid asap. Might only need anti inflammitories but best to be checked out.

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