Sweedish Chef disappeared from Muppet Vision 3D


Well-Known Member
While his comments are rather preachy, he is 100% correct. Standards lowered once again, and defenders once again try to make excuses for this problem. It is a bad show when major elements of attractions are not working, let alone for indeterminable amounts of time (months, years, maybe never getting repaired).

It's kind of sad how some people take it so personally when a critic notices valid flaws with an experience. A reasonable and balanced person should be able to enjoy themselves and not have to jump down the throats of anyone who offers up criticism. It's a sign of being overly self conscious when you can't enjoy the place without stamping on any signs of criticism.:rolleyes:

This is directed at anyone in particular- Enjoy yourself at WDW. I still do, though i'm allowed criticism of the place if i wish. But don't pretend like you can just make excuses for every standard dropped. (sorry had to paraphrase here) pose this question to yourself- how much are you willing to accept being broken and degraded before it interferes with your experience? Make that point in your mind and then decide whether you think it's ok for the experience to be degraded bit by bit gradually. Everyone has a limit, whether it be chipped paint, broken animatronics, rude cast members, shuttered rides, people getting hurt on rides due to lack of proper management, etc.

That's just my statement on the matter. I still love WDW for now, though i do have my limits (i've set them). I'm also not attacking anyone here for how they view the place, so i'd suggest you think twice before trying to attack my own views.

Jakeman, you seem very defensive and self conscious about the entire issue here. The original comment alphac2005 was making was directed towards people who support Disney in their decision to not repair broken parts of attractions (people who are okay with anything Disney does, no matter how negative, even if it only hurts them as consumers). Alphac2005 named no names, you yourself assumed responsibility for whatever you think he was calling you. He also never said it's the worst thing to ever happen to the place. It sounds like he's upset over it being part of the more widespread problem with dropping standards. And i happen to heartily agree with that sentiment, it is disgraceful.

From your last post, you clearly acknowledge this particular broken part of an attraction as an issue and think it should be fixed ASAP (along with any others). So i don't know why you're angry. That comment was clearly not meant for people of your belief. It was directed towards a small and rather nutty group of people who have an attachment to Disney so delusional and dogmatic that they attack anyone and everyone who dares to criticize it. It was pretty aggressive, but few people i think actually fit that description. Such a position would not endear many people to them, it's an obsessive and almost psychotic way of thinking to not be able to accept that there are flaws to WDW (along with everything else in the world).

From what you claim to believe, you're definitely not one of them (so i'm assuming you read it wrong). No need to get self defensive over every little negative thing someone says about WDW. You seem to get really self conscious and defensive over a lot of people who happen to have negative things to say about WDW. Perhaps you should take a deep breath, calm down, and reread some of the comments people are making and realize that such posters are not your enemy.

Merlin, you ask others not to attack your views but you make a determination that other posters are "self conscious" and "defensive". If you are refering to jakeman, I think you are entirely off base and need to re-evaluate your assessment. Maybe you need to take a deep breath, calm down and realize that your opinion may not be correct. There may be many things wrong with Disney but it is still an awesome place to vacation. Someone defending a positive point about Disney does not mean they are "self conscious" or "defensive". I really hate to say this but Merlin, you sound very smug. You asked above what jakeman is angry about....I do not see him angry about anything.....I can tell you that I am angry about people that play psychologist and try to call out people's self consciouness by analysing their posts on a Disney discussion forum. I am also angry about long winded posts that end with "I still love Disney and will continue to go but I really wish blah blah blah (not meant as an insult, a generaliztion). I just do not get it, yes things are wrong with Disney but someone dares to point out the positives and they are labeled as (whatever you guys label us as). It is stupid and out of control :(


Well-Known Member

First off, lets clear something up-
No one has attacked anyone for enjoying Disney or pointing out positives. I haven't, and will never do it.

I welcome people addressing any valid issue they have with my posts (within the rules of course). I simply ask they make sure they understand my position before replying. Keeps them from getting the wrong impression and jumping to untrue conclusions. You for instance seem to have misunderstood and twisted most of what i said. I'll try to clarify my points.

My opinions are personal views and i never said they were anything but. The only fact i'll state- A product should always work as it was originally intended (unless improved upon, then that becomes the new standard). If it performs under par of a set standard, it must be fixed ASAP. Not left unchecked for months, years, etc. I wouldn't think of attacking anyone for enjoying themselves completely at WDW, including people who can enjoy the place without even noticing anything wrong with certain things.

Jakeman himself assumed he was the one Alphac2005's comment and tone was directed at, but it wasn't. Whether it seems to you like i'm "playing psychologist" or whatever, it comes across as oddly self conscious and defensive. Now i don't intend that as an insult or fact, but he took it personally for no apparent reason. And i really don't understand why. Perhaps just a misunderstanding, but he's still going on about it...

The word apologist fits a rather narrow group of people. Here the definition is the most hardcore "Disney can do no wrong, attack anyone who dares question this" purists. Not people that simply like Disney, but people who stay in an unhealthy state of denial, blindly dismissing every problem as "perfectly acceptable" and attacking anyone who dares to criticize the slightest aspect of WDW. There's hyper critical, and hyper positive. This fits both ironically, in their attempt to love all things Disney, they have to lash out at anyone who isn't as positive.

The trick for proper criticism of anything is to remain objective, acknowledge both what is still fun and what is a problem.

Disagreements or not on post tone, i actually don't think anyone in this thread so far fits the bill of a Disney apologist. Nor a hater for that matter. We all seem to agree that there are flaws with WDW (or we aren't denying them). But we're also generally not incapable of expressing what we also happen to love about the place. I really just think there's a lot of misunderstanding going on in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I have a solid idea....let's stop arguing about petty things and forgetting about the magic and wonder that Disney World gives to so many people every single day. Are there a few things that need some additional love in the parks? Sure. But that will never take away any of the awe or tears of joy that this 27 year old guy sheds every time he looks down Main Street USA and spots the castle.... agree to disagree....this isn't the place for name calling and fighting.


Well-Known Member
I agree....and I love Muppet 3D and would love to see it fixed soon. Really looking forward to the movie and hopefully more Muppet attractions.

Merlin-We will have to agree to disagree. I didn't try to twist your post, I called it as I saw it and thought it was off base.


New Member
getting fixed

Just saw a posting on touringplans.com that said Muppet Vision 3D is due to be fixed up this fall!

"Muppet*Vision 3-D Scheduled to Get Much Needed Work
by R. A. Pedersen
Despite the press hoopla leading up to the release of the new Muppets movie this November, the Muppet*Vision 3-D attraction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios park has been suffering a bit lately in terms of show quality. For about a month we’ve been hearing reports of several show elements not working properly, including that the Swedish Chef animatronic was simply replaced with a wooden board, with no foreseeable timeline for being fixed.
Well, good news has finally rolled around today for lovers of the last Jim Henson-directed film. Disney filed paperwork for the Muppet theater for replacement of the carbon dioxide piping. While it is just the fog effect’s support system listed in the filing, it suggests the whole theater is getting some attention. Here’s hoping for a return of the Swedish Chef and the proper movement of the penguins. After all, what’s a Muppet movie without the Swedish Chef and penguins? The work on the attraction’s building is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2011."


Well-Known Member
I have a solid idea....let's stop arguing about petty things and forgetting about the magic and wonder that Disney World gives to so many people every single day. Are there a few things that need some additional love in the parks? Sure. But that will never take away any of the awe or tears of joy that this 27 year old guy sheds every time he looks down Main Street USA and spots the castle.... agree to disagree....this isn't the place for name calling and fighting.

Nicely put...let's remember the Magic!


New Member
I dont know t my family has been going to disney for the last 8-9 years and I think Disney does the best of any Company on overall maintenence and and appearence (compare to Six Flags ect.) Disney offers much more than other amusement parks so maybe we should give them a break since I think most of us that go to Disney do so for the whole Disney experience. Maybe we all are getting a little hard on Disney. This is just my opinion dont mean to offend anyone


Just wanted to give quick input as we were at the Studios on Wednesday. The Muppets Show is in pretty bad shape. We noticed a ton of sync issues with effects and things happening in the movie. The bubbles for instance went off about 30 seconds early on both of our viewings. We had family with us who had not been to the park in years and they even noticed how poorly this show was doing. On a plus side my 3 year old daughter laughed all the way through!


Beta Return
Just wanted to give quick input as we were at the Studios on Wednesday. The Muppets Show is in pretty bad shape. We noticed a ton of sync issues with effects and things happening in the movie. The bubbles for instance went off about 30 seconds early on both of our viewings. We had family with us who had not been to the park in years and they even noticed how poorly this show was doing. On a plus side my 3 year old daughter laughed all the way through!

We noticed the same thing with the bubbles earlier in the week as well. They started falling WELL before it was time. Also, when Fozzie shot his squirt flower, there was no water.

Lastly, as someone else mentioned, one of the fireworks graphics on the ceiling stayed lit well into the show. I'm not sure if/when it went off because I stopped looking.

And of course, the chef and his cannon were missing. I believe the orchestra lift worked, but not having the chef is a MAJOR blunder. Everyone turned around to look for him, and there's nothing there. Kind of ruins the story.


Active Member
The bubbles always go off early, I always thought is so they actually reach the people in the seats as the bubbles show up on the screen.

Lastly, as someone else mentioned, one of the fireworks graphics on the ceiling stayed lit well into the show. I'm not sure if/when it went off because I stopped looking.

I've seen that happen too, many months ago. Hopefully a random glitch.


Well-Known Member
The bubbles always go off early, I always thought is so they actually reach the people in the seats as the bubbles show up on the screen.

I've seen that happen too, many months ago. Hopefully a random glitch.

I was thinking the same thing, but maybe they are going off even earlier than usual.


Beta Return
The bubbles always go off early, I always thought is so they actually reach the people in the seats as the bubbles show up on the screen.

I've seen that happen too, many months ago. Hopefully a random glitch.

I know how the bubbles are supposed to work. But they're being released WAY too early. They reach the guests' line of sight well before bubbles are blown on the screen. It used to be almost perfect, where the bubbles would enter your field of vision just as they are presented on the screen. Not now.

And the fireworks wasn't a random glitch. The one in the front right corner of the house was lit as we were entering the theater. It stayed lit. And it was lit when we left our show as well. If it's random, it was random for two shows back to back.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I have a solid idea....let's stop arguing about petty things and forgetting about the magic and wonder that Disney World gives to so many people every single day. Are there a few things that need some additional love in the parks? Sure. But that will never take away any of the awe or tears of joy that this 27 year old guy sheds every time he looks down Main Street USA and spots the castle.... agree to disagree....this isn't the place for name calling and fighting.


Honestly, I'll agree with you. When I came to this site at first and started going into the forums, it took a good bit of that "magic" away when I went into the parks. :(


The last original pavilion. :king:


Active Member
I have a solid idea....let's stop arguing about petty things and forgetting about the magic and wonder that Disney World gives to so many people every single day. Are there a few things that need some additional love in the parks? Sure. But that will never take away any of the awe or tears of joy that this 27 year old guy sheds every time he looks down Main Street USA and spots the castle.... agree to disagree....this isn't the place for name calling and fighting.

I think there needs to be a happy medium between the two. I'd hate it if this forum was all "oh how magical that the Swedish Chef broke down, sending Pixie Dust his way" or "I don't care if it's broken, as long as I have ... yaddayadda".

There also needs to be some realistic comments in there like "This sucks, when will they do something" or just getting mad because we have a right to be mad. Look at the state that Epcot's FW is in right now. Look at how long the yeti has been disabled. Look at the parades at MK/DHS.


Well-Known Member
Your post though is just as filled with hyperbole as the poster you are claiming "everyone" is picking on.

Um, yeah. That was the point.

I have to agree with the other posters...I was trying to give some perspective on the situation in comparing it to any Internet message board, but apparently you believe that our collective posts are directly solely at you.

That's hint #1 that you may have been exposed to the Kool-Aid. ;)

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