Survivor: Worlds Apart


Well-Known Member
Will was my boy going in, based on the gas station video alone. I am surprised how the personality shown on that video has not emerged on the island.
Mike, I liked from the early going. I wanted Mike and Kelly to go far.

As we go deeper into the season, and these folks get more and more hungry and sleep-deprived, they sometimes display flashes of "ugly". I think that's what we saw yesterday. I doubt that's the real Will, or the real Mike. Surprisingly, Rodney is less "ugly" as time passes. Or he's had a couple of favourable edits. Whichever.

Tyler, much like Sierra has been pretty low profile. I like big, bold winners; moreso than wallflowers who just slide through. Dan doesn't irk me as much as he seems to annoy others. Shirin is an enigma; I have no idea how to take her.

Anyways, Mike and Will's "ugly" last night was not enough to totally turn me off of them. Yet.
I think the real game is just starting. People will be trying to make big moves to win, and there should be more worthy players emerging soon. Right now, I don't know who is the most deserving to win. None have truly made any game-changing moves. The only one who has done that is Jenn, but she's gone. But last season we were saying the same thing when Natalie emerged at just the right time. I think Tyler could be one of those players. He always seems to be listening and thinking, but not speaking out.


Well-Known Member
What an episode!! I knew this season would get good once the alliances got mixed up! But as usual, I'll start with the reward challenge.

It was a very interesting challenge, with two very interesting approaches. Mike and Tyler carried the two teams, but ultimately Mike's strategy was just too risky.

As for the reward itself, great reward! But Dan was just so oblivious that he's on the bottom of the 6.

Now for the immunity challenge. Wow, Mike is lucky. But imagine if Shirin had been able to pull it off. Tyler or Dan would be gone. But Tribal was crazy in it's own right. Mike used his idol perfectly. He let's everyone know that the idol is in play, and that he can use it the next vote. That's going to bring in more strategy with splitting votes, and Dan could even use his extra vote next week, which could potentially mess things up even more, which is still great for Mike.

How I see it going next week, The 6 have to be pinned against one another, obviously, but somehow they'll want to wash Mike's idol out too, which could be impossible. I can see the votes going like this:

Tyler and Carolyn and Will

Mike and Dan (plus his extra vote)

Then Rodney and Sierra get to choose their own way, but I think they'd stick with Tyler and crew, at least Rodney.

And Rodney potentially wanting himself to be voted out could throw wrinkles into things, too. It's going to be a crazy finish, but I don't like where Tyler is right now. I'm not sure if Carolyn would play her idol for Tyler at all, but that is definitely a possibility.

And now, here are my power rankings for this week... I haven't been less comfortable with them than I am now...

1. Sierra - Again, she's not a threat.
2. Mike - Everyone knows he has an idol, so that means he'll probably play it if he doesn't win immunity. Even if he doesn't, the votes are likely going to be thrown in other directions if they don't try to wash it. I'd be surprised if Mike goes home.
3. Will - Not a threat, seems to just attach himself to the majority vote.
4. Carolyn - Has an idol, has not been brought up as a threat.
5. Rodney - Despite saying he wants to be voted out, I think they'll keep him around in favor of voting out one of the two below him.
6. Dan - He has the extra vote, which is the only reason he has an edge over Tyler.
7. Tyler - He's clearly a threat, and Mike did a masterful job of making that clear, if he doesn't win immunity, he has a lot of targets on his back


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Original Poster
Another great episode! I was really upset that Shirin went home, simply because she was the only one left that I didn't completely dislike:p I really felt bad for her and her story over the episodes, and its too bad that she is gone. I do really like Mike though, not just because he's the remaining underdog character, but because he's a good guy, and is certainly playing a great game (aside from his minor blow-ups). And despite his ally going home, this was a great and very successful tribal for him, because he got what he wanted out of it- cracks in the alliance. He's not going home next week and they all know that, because even if he doesn't win immunity he'll play his idol. I have to think that Dan is the next one to go, simply because it looks like it'll be Tyler vs Dan next week, and Tyler has numbers in the alliance to back him up while Dan just bandwagon-ed onto it last week with the auction incident. This could mean Dan goes back to Mike, and if he takes Sierra with him, and uses his double vote,...we just might have a very interesting week next week. Other thoughts:
-How amazing would it have been if Mike and Shirin each had immunity?:p:D
-Something inside of me actually kind of wants to see Will dragged to the end as a goat simply because I bet we can expect an exciting jury speech from Shirin...
-I can definitely see Sierra emerging as a player...She showed us this episode that she was opening her eyes as to who are the threats in her alliance. You could say she's still being a passive player because she didn't flip and use the importunity to take out Tyler, but she had no way of knowing that Tyler and Will would have voted for Dan, so she did the smart thing in not disturbing her place in the alliance.
-I'm wondering just how close Carolyn and Tyler truly are, because she does have an idol that she could share with him next week if in fact Mike does wind up numbers...


Well-Known Member
When all was said, it is 100% true that Tyler should have been taken out. He's set to win this thing. I can see Mike using the idol and then pulling off a Colby to get to the end, though. He has it in him. You know he will go right to Dan and use the 2 votes against to show Dan that he is on the bottom and he should flip and go with him and the Idol. Then bring Sierra in since she is just a pawn and take Tyler out. Of course Dan has that extra vote in his pocket so that is going to freak out Tyler and Carolyn. Should be a lot of scrambling going on. Obviously Individual Immunity is going to play a HUGE part in this. If Tyler gets it, then Carolyn may get the votes and she will just use her Idol to take one of them out and the numbers change again. If Mike gets it, then he can save the Idol and use it for more influence to take out Tyler.

I don't see anyone who has an idol giving it away to someone else at this point. You would need to have 150% trust in someone and that just doesn't happen. They are all so close that they are looking out for themselves.

Also, I keep hearing that Mike flipped in the Tribal sequences. When? I don't recall him flipping and voting against an ally. I do know he did the thing with the auction, but he didn't actually pull the trigger on that move. He thought about it, but didn't do it.


Well-Known Member
When all was said, it is 100% true that Tyler should have been taken out. He's set to win this thing. I can see Mike using the idol and then pulling off a Colby to get to the end, though. He has it in him. You know he will go right to Dan and use the 2 votes against to show Dan that he is on the bottom and he should flip and go with him and the Idol. Then bring Sierra in since she is just a pawn and take Tyler out. Of course Dan has that extra vote in his pocket so that is going to freak out Tyler and Carolyn. Should be a lot of scrambling going on. Obviously Individual Immunity is going to play a HUGE part in this. If Tyler gets it, then Carolyn may get the votes and she will just use her Idol to take one of them out and the numbers change again. If Mike gets it, then he can save the Idol and use it for more influence to take out Tyler.

I don't see anyone who has an idol giving it away to someone else at this point. You would need to have 150% trust in someone and that just doesn't happen. They are all so close that they are looking out for themselves.

Also, I keep hearing that Mike flipped in the Tribal sequences. When? I don't recall him flipping and voting against an ally. I do know he did the thing with the auction, but he didn't actually pull the trigger on that move. He thought about it, but didn't do it.
"Flip" is a word that can have many different meanings depending on the situation and what side you're on. For example, Mike said Rodney flipped before he actually did. Was that really a flip at that point? From my point no. I actually don't think Rodney ever did flip because he still stuck with his alliance, he just knocked one person from it. I don't think Mike ever flipped either. He did the thing at the auction, but by doing so he lost everyone's trust, despite it not necessarily being a flip. I don't think we've had a true flip this season, but the word is so loosely thrown around at this point.

An example of a true flip is Kass from Cagayan.


Well-Known Member
Not as great as the past two episodes, but it was still decent.

Starting with the reward challenge, Rodney way overreacted. Plenty of other people have had birthdays and haven't gone on a challenge on them. Just crybaby Rodney being crybaby Rodney.

As for the immunity challenge, those are always kind of unfair to the more muscular players because their muscle mass works against them. They're just lucky Mike didn't win.

As for the vote, they made the smart move, but I'm not happy Tyler left. He would have beaten all of them in the end, but he wasn't as big of a threat that Mike made him out to be. Mike is the biggest threat right now, followed by Carolyn. Those are the only two I'd be willing to vote for. The others I'd almost be embarrassed to vote for.

Now for my power rankings...

1. Will - Not a threat physically or strategically.
2. Carolyn - Has the idol, and she's already got a sub-alliance going now that the strong 6 has broken
3. Sierra - She's not a physical threat, the only reason she'd be voted out is because of her social game
4. Rodney - He annoyed people this episode, but he's not the huge threat that he claims he is
5. Dan - He has the extra vote, but he's been a target because of it
6. Mike - He's the best player left right now, and he's a physical threat, they'd be dumb not to vote 5 against him if he loses immunity


Well-Known Member
Here's who I voted for.

- Kelly Wiglesworth - thought it would be interesting to see her play in modern Survivor, I think she'd fit right in with the lying and deceiving
- Tasha Fox - she was a fighter and a deserving player who I loved
- Kass McQuillan - as much as I hate her, she is great entertainment
- Shirin Osooki - similar to Kass, though I don't hate her
- Ciera Eastin - she is a good player, and I like her
- Carolyn Rivera - same with Ciera
- Teresa (T-Bird) Cooper - not necessarily a great player, but she was likable
- Kimmi Kappenburg - don't remember her a lot, but I recognized her
- Peih-Gee Law - didn't see her season
- Monica Padilla - didn't see her season

- Spencer Bledsoe - one of my all-time favorite players
- Keith Nale - fun and goofy, would like to see him now that he knows the game
- Jeff Varner - don't remember him that well, but it would be fun to see him play in modern Survivor, much like Kelly
- Joe Anglim - he was a favorite from this season
- Max Dawson - in different circumstances, I think he'd be a good player
- Vytas Baskausas - a solid player who deserves another chance
- Brad Culpepper - makes for great TV, could learn from his mistakes
- Andrew Savage - I remember he was a leader, but not much else
- Woo Hwang - would be interesting to see if he would actually play this time
- Jeremy Collins - one of the great strategists that got voted out too early, I'd love to see him and Spencer either become allies or fight against each other

Overall, I only voted for people I knew, which is why more modern players are on here, and not many from the middle seasons.
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Original Poster
Also, I can't remember exactly who I voted for, but here are the lists of who I remember:

- Kelly Wigglesworth
- Tasha Fox
- Kass McQuillan
- Shirin (Whatever her last name is)
- Ciera (whatever her last name is)
- Carolyn (whatever her last name is, from this season)
- Teresa aka T-Bird (Still don't know the last name...)
- And then two from seasons I haven't seen because I had to choose 10.

- Spencer Bledsoe! He'll get in, but I don't think he has a shot at winning because he's a fantastic player
- Keith from last season
- Jeff from season 2, only because I want to see how older players do in newer seasons
- Someone from season 6, the Amazon... Andrew maybe??
- Jeremy from last season
- Woo
- Can't remember anyone else, but I did NOT vote for Mike
I voted for similar people
-Kelly W-Worth- Like PUSH said, she would do great in modern day survivor. Also, interesting to see her so much older :P
-Other Kelly W-Worth of San Juan Del Sur- I think she is a good strategist that was burnt by a tribe swap and her loud mouth father
-Kass- No explanation needed :P ;)
-Tasha- She knows the game. And if she doesn't have to fight for her life like last time, she could be interesting
-Carolyn- Love her now
-Shirin- Needs another chance
-Ciera- I was a fan and she could be savvy enough
-T-Bird- I think she could be under estimated because of her age and that she was on so long ago.
-Abi-Maria- DRAMA
-Peih-Gee- My favorite from China. Strategist and likeable!

-Spencer- Like you said, DUH! He's a lock
-Jeremy- Needs another chance, favorite of SJDS
-Max- I'd like to see him play with a more refined look.
-Joe- Needs another chance, sure lock
-Mike- Love him!
-Vytas- Love him too!
-Jeff- Like T-Bird, he could be a dark horse because of how long ago he played
-Stephen- Sure lock by his RHAP fan base, and a great strategist
-Shane- GREAT TV!
-Terry- Great TV!!

Also, is it a bit of a spoiler that Mike/Carolyn don't win?:confused::(
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Well-Known Member
I voted for similar people
-Kelly W-Worth
-Other Kelly W-Worth


Also, is it a bit of a spoiler that Mike/Carolyn don't win?:confused::(
I was thinking that spoiler, too, but I'd be shocked if they would just let that slip like that. If these are in fact spoilers, then they probably would/should have waited until the season was over and had us vote then... but the second chance thing is getting me. I don't think they are that dumb to let it slip, though. They are very careful and tight-lipped about that. I just watched a video clip the other day where Jeff said only one other person besides him knows who has won unless the players tell each other who they voted for. And he said sometimes the players share it, but usually they don't.


Well-Known Member
Probst tweeted out about this and technically, until the votes are read on May 20th, Nobody has won this season. So they can always remove someone, but they can't add someone until after the vote.

I haven't voted yet, but will soon.

Tyler was the right move this week and Mike has positioned himself nicely. He will need someone to flip with him and Dan with his 2 votes may be the one who does. Carolyn is in a great spot and has played a wonderful game. And I don't think they see her as the threat she really is. Her name never comes up because it's always on Mike and Dan.

Rodney is a crybaby. Get over it. Nobody is going to gift you anything. I can't imagine his "boys" in the streets would be too proud of him to see him whining like that the whole game. Unless he's going for that "Will" spot of being the goat and trying to talk his way into the million.

Tyler Ponderosa Video:

And not to seem insensitive, but enough with the Shirin and getting yelled at and everything is about her now on these videos. Yes it was a million percent wrong for Will and what he did. But to make these videos now all about that is wrong. They are supposed to be done with the game fun things and they are just downers.
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