More Google to the rescue ....
So how is it that Sandra can sit out challenge after challenge? The key is back-to-back challenge rule does not apply to challenges in different episodes.
In the early years of Survivor, there were two challenges in each episode: a reward challenge and an immunity challenge.
But in recent years, especially since
Jeff Probst took over as Survivor’s showrunner, elements have been dropped in order to save time (
the title sequence and theme song, for one example) and allow more time for character development, strategy talk, and dumb twists like that infernal Edge of Extinction.
Now, in early episodes, we get just one challenge: a combined reward/immunity challenge.
And since there is just one of those each episode, a player can sit out as many of those as they want. It’s only when there are two challenges in an episode that someone can’t sit out twice.
Full article:
Survivor queen Sandra Diaz-Twine has now tied the record for the number of challenges sat out by a player on Survivor. So why is she allowed to sit out multiple challenges?