Another heartbreaking vote. I love Sophie. I think she was playing the best game this season, but I kind of got the sense she wasn't going to win.
1. First of all, was the extortion advantage super boring for anyone else? I thought it was going to lead to high drama, but it fell very flat. There was almost no drama. Everyone just gave him tokens. They didn't even show him giving the tokens back. So who did he leave out? Nick, Jeremy, or Ben? Also, that is WAY too much power for people on the Edge who have been voted out. I love Parvati and Natalie, but they should not be able to control the game like that as someone who is on the jury. Another reason to hate the Edge. And one more thing about that part, the idol hunt under the shelter was not exciting. It was in Cambodia with Kelley Wentworth. She had so much more on the line. It was a real idol, and she was in the game where it could have cost her the game. On the Edge... who cares? You literally have nothing to lose. If someone else sees you, what are they going to do about it? Vote you off? Tell you you can't have the tokens?
2. How did Tony go from winning no immunities ever, to winning two in back to back challenges?
3. Was this a good move for Tony? I don't think so. He just won back to back immunities, putting a big target on his back. Then he flips on nearly every person in the game to save Jeremy. I realize he has an idol now, which probably makes him feel a little more invincible, but wow. Jeremy is a meat shield, but Tony's immunities plus this big blindside move him into the biggest target spot. Not Jeremy. And he did it because Sophie was getting too close to Sarah. You don't think Sarah wants and needs Sophie? You know Sarah. She is going to be furious if you vote off Sophie. That seems to be evident in the previews for next week. So by trying to keep your partner in Sarah, you really took out her closest ally and blindsided her. She isn't the type of person to just forget that. She is cutthroat.
4. Speaking of Sarah, I think she's a very good player. But in her confessionals, she thinks very highly of herself. I don't think she is this outwardly cocky to her fellow tribe mates, but it's a little off putting as a viewer.
5. Even though Sophie was voted out with an idol in her pocket (or crotch), she really climbed the legacy ladder for me this season. I knew she was very smart, and she likely played a much larger role in South Pacific, but she really showed her talent for the game this time. She was the smartest person out there, and she had a role in seemingly every vote she was at. But nobody knew. While I think Sarah is very smart, I think Sophie was the brains of the operation. Sarah was more of the dirty work person who got the blood on her hands. The only reason Sophie was tonight's target instead of Sarah was because Tony and Sarah have played on two season together before. But all in all, I think Sophie is one of the best players ever. I don't think that's a stretch after what she showed she was capable of this season.
6. I wonder how wishy washy Jeremy really was. I feel like that was editing to blindside the viewer. I really dislike how instead of showing the players blindsiding each other, the producers and editors are now just trying to blindside the viewer. As a diehard fan who loves the strategy and loves to analyze the game, it's very frustrating to not have any clue what is going to happen. I feel like this vote was a legitimate blindside, but it doesn't have as much surprise factor anymore because they make it seem like every vote is a massive shocker.
7. Tony is going to need to finish his game off in a Cagayan-esque way now. That's challenging against a newbie group. That's even more challenging against a group of winners. If he can pull it off, that would be amazing.
8. I know there is a lot of season left. But does anybody feel like this season has been slightly disappointing? Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed this season. If it ended today, I would probably have it in the top 10. But I feel like it could have been so much better. Maybe that's just my geeky self having too high of expectations, or me being super bummed that the old school players were picked off one by one. But I can't help but imagine how much better this game could have been had players like Parvati, Ethan, Rob, Yul, etc been in the game instead of Ben, Nick, etc. I just don't think, as it stands right now, that this season is top 5 material yet. But Jeff and the players all said it's hands down the best ever. Maybe it's coming. We'll have to wait and see.
9. Here are my new tier rankings for players to win if they make the final 3:
Strong case: Jeremy, Tony, Sarah
Solid case, but needs some work: Michele, Kim
Probably not: Ben, Nick, Denise