Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X


Well-Known Member
Love Michaela but wonder what her surprise will be next week? Really what was she thinking when helping the other team.
If they don't get her out before the merge she's going to be that player that nobody likes but makes it to the end with individual immunities and everyone votes for a Hannah or Sunday who did nothing but didn't make any enemies.


Well-Known Member
Michaela's comment was great "If y'all can't figure it out, you deserve to be voted out". But I can see her and her comments upsetting people and putting a target on her...not to mention she looks to be a challenge monster.

I don't think the move will hurt...whatever his name is, the dude that flopped...since he was already on the bottom of the punk kids.

"Figgy" and "Tays" were just so dumb to be that open with their Showmance. And the other young hottie professing her "love" for Figgy. Have they never watched the show before?

I was waiting for David to break in half he's so scrawny.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Michaela's comment was great "If y'all can't figure it out, you deserve to be voted out". But I can see her and her comments upsetting people and putting a target on her...not to mention she looks to be a challenge monster.

I don't think the move will hurt...whatever his name is, the dude that flopped...since he was already on the bottom of the punk kids.

"Figgy" and "Tays" were just so dumb to be that open with their Showmance. And the other young hottie professing her "love" for Figgy. Have they never watched the show before?

I was waiting for David to break in half he's so scrawny.

Wondering if David will team back up with Ken once the merge happens. They are both making their own alliances right now. So they could potentially be in a strong position if they both make it to the merge.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting, Canananadian Google link notwithstanding. :p

Line of the article for me: Taylor doesn’t understand. To be honest, I am guessing there is a fair amount Taylor does not understand.

I'm convinced he went with Star Wars reference after noticing Michelle's padawan braid. :hilarious:
Michelle's braid is driving me nuts. I'm not a fan of her or the braid.
I am sooooooooo happy right now.

Hannah - first player to need medical from the spectator mat. :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

Very satisfying episode.
I was thrilled! I really thought Ken was going to go!


Well-Known Member
Michaela's comment was great "If y'all can't figure it out, you deserve to be voted out". But I can see her and her comments upsetting people and putting a target on her...not to mention she looks to be a challenge monster.

I don't think the move will hurt...whatever his name is, the dude that flopped...since he was already on the bottom of the punk kids.

"Figgy" and "Tays" were just so dumb to be that open with their Showmance. And the other young hottie professing her "love" for Figgy. Have they never watched the show before?

I was waiting for David to break in half he's so scrawny.
Agree. Michaela is a beast, but she needs to work on her people skills.


Well-Known Member
I think I've watched too much Survivor. The vote is rarely a shock to me anymore. Although I thought it would be Taylor going home, just based on his "We have so much power, nobody can stop us!" attitude. Figgy was more concerned, but she was not a good player. I really wonder what she would have been like without the showmance. Coming into the season I thought she had tons of potential, but she collapsed very early. Announcing so openly that she's happy Michelle is still around was a terrible strategic play. A second chance for Figgy would be interesting to see - not that I think she's going to get one - because she made tons of obvious and fixable mistakes. I think she had the right mentality coming into the season, but the whole Taylor and early-power-position made her feel more comfortable than she should have been. Rarely does power early in the game translate to power later in the game.

As for Michaela, her sound bites are gold. I love watching her, and I would love to see her go far just for her phrases alone. However, she's not playing a winner's game. There could be some Millennials who find it endearing and funny, but somehow I don't think the Gen X'ers are going to want to be told off by someone younger than them.

A topic that hasn't been talked about - Jay's idol find. He must be pretty close with Will if he's willing to search for an idol with him. Or maybe it was Will's idea, so Jay just went with it. Either way, Michaela coming up was awful timing. She is not someone who I would want to know I had an idol. I wouldn't trust her at all. She is clearly in it for her own benefit, which I could also see coming back to haunt her. But with this find, I see Jay getting closer and closer to the final TC. I can see his story going as "young, dumb surfer dude" at the start to "savvy Survivor player" at the end. He seems to be level headed in his gameplay. He saves his antics for confessionals, which is very smart.

People I can see winning: Jay, Zeke, Ken, Chris, David

I think Adam has an outside shot, but I see him being outplayed come the merge.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I can see his story going as "young, dumb surfer dude" at the start to "savvy Survivor player" at the end. He seems to be level headed in his gameplay. He saves his antics for confessionals, which is very smart.

I agree about Jay...I thought he was just a silly young dude, but that started to change in my eyes when he thought Figgy and Taylor coming together was a horrible idea. I think he is a lot better at the game than the show had me believe at the beginning.


Well-Known Member
I think I've watched too much Survivor. The vote is rarely a shock to me anymore. Although I thought it would be Taylor going home, just based on his "We have so much power, nobody can stop us!" attitude. Figgy was more concerned, but she was not a good player. I really wonder what she would have been like without the showmance. Coming into the season I thought she had tons of potential, but she collapsed very early. Announcing so openly that she's happy Michelle is still around was a terrible strategic play. A second chance for Figgy would be interesting to see - not that I think she's going to get one - because she made tons of obvious and fixable mistakes. I think she had the right mentality coming into the season, but the whole Taylor and early-power-position made her feel more comfortable than she should have been. Rarely does power early in the game translate to power later in the game.

As for Michaela, her sound bites are gold. I love watching her, and I would love to see her go far just for her phrases alone. However, she's not playing a winner's game. There could be some Millennials who find it endearing and funny, but somehow I don't think the Gen X'ers are going to want to be told off by someone younger than them.

A topic that hasn't been talked about - Jay's idol find. He must be pretty close with Will if he's willing to search for an idol with him. Or maybe it was Will's idea, so Jay just went with it. Either way, Michaela coming up was awful timing. She is not someone who I would want to know I had an idol. I wouldn't trust her at all. She is clearly in it for her own benefit, which I could also see coming back to haunt her. But with this find, I see Jay getting closer and closer to the final TC. I can see his story going as "young, dumb surfer dude" at the start to "savvy Survivor player" at the end. He seems to be level headed in his gameplay. He saves his antics for confessionals, which is very smart.

People I can see winning: Jay, Zeke, Ken, Chris, David

I think Adam has an outside shot, but I see him being outplayed come the merge.
I agree with you, the only boot I wasn't able to predict way before tribal this season was the Mari vote between her and Figgy :p So that's kind of disappointing in a way, but on the other hand, it is kind of interesting how we are getting so many big characters and stories being set up. Between Zeke, Michaela, David, Ken, Adam, Jay, Taylor, Jessica, and arguably Chris and Hannah too, there's a lot of big characters this season. So while I think the premerge has been pretty underwhelming, I think we could be getting ready for one really exciting second half of the season.

I believe the only ones I didn't mention above are Bret, Will, Michelle and Sunday. Bret I thought would be a bigger player honestly, he looked good in the pregame and in episode one, but kind of fell into the shadows. Michelle has been a bit under the radar also, though she has shown to have a lot of potential, and a lot more game than I thought preseason. Will was my preseason winner pick and favorite, though he has been getting a bit of an invisible edit which is making me question that pick a lot. Like, how could you not give him any confessional or anything during he whole idol hunt he had with Jay?! :p The only one I'm disappointed by is Sunday. She looked she would be a lot more interesting, but seems to have simply fallen into the stereotypical older lady "mom of the tribe" role.

Right now my favorites are David, Ken, Zeke, and Will, and I also enjoy Adam, Michaela and Hannah. Really just about anyone I can see winning, more people than usual at this point in a season, though if I had to pick a few I would say Jay, Ken, and maybe Michelle as a surprise UTR winner.

Looking forward to next week where Taylor gets 100x more interesting as a player, instead of always looking incredibly stoned :p


Well-Known Member

I emailed for the tickets. No idea how I would swing it but I'm totally bringing you if I win!

As for Michaela, her sound bites are gold. I love watching her, and I would love to see her go far just for her phrases alone. However, she's not playing a winner's game. There could be some Millennials who find it endearing and funny, but somehow I don't think the Gen X'ers are going to want to be told off by someone younger than them.

Her soundbites remind me of Corinne (all time Queen of the soundbite!)


Well-Known Member
While I appreciate David as a game player, he really should have fattened up a bit before going on the show.

Michaela may have been a little sharp in her tone, but her execution of the "ball down the table" was spot-on. Rather than both trying to anticipate how the other would react, have one person control it. Worked very well.

Not a lot of eye candy this season.

Neither Taylor nor Figgy are particularly bright or observant. I can't see him going very far.

One of my people is going to win this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was Ken.


Well-Known Member
While I appreciate David as a game player, he really should have fattened up a bit before going on the show.

Michaela may have been a little sharp in her tone, but her execution of the "ball down the table" was spot-on. Rather than both trying to anticipate how the other would react, have one person control it. Worked very well.

Not a lot of eye candy this season.

Neither Taylor nor Figgy are particularly bright or observant. I can't see him going very far.

One of my people is going to win this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was Ken.
Notice how we at "Team Ken" have the first three likes on this post. As for eye candy, well, finally we ladies get some!


Well-Known Member
I do not have a clear cut favorite this season. Most seasons I'm rooting hard for a certain person. In 30 it was Carolyn, 31 was Spencer, 32 was Aubry, nobody so far this season.


Well-Known Member

(Click picture for link to instagram post)

I read somewhere that supposedly the baby is due next month... the show started filming last March... :cautious:


Well-Known Member
I do not have a clear cut favorite this season. Most seasons I'm rooting hard for a certain person. In 30 it was Carolyn, 31 was Spencer, 32 was Aubry, nobody so far this season.
Same, there always seems to be the one or two people I get really attached to early on (for me recently Tai, Joe Anglim, Fishbach, Wigles, to name a few), though none really this season yet. This season seems to be more a larger group of people I like fair amount, but not too much.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing/which way is better :p


Well-Known Member

(Click picture for link to instagram post)

I read somewhere that supposedly the baby is due next month... the show started filming last March... :cautious:

He wrote "this winter" and someone else commented they were glad it wasn't with figgy!


Well-Known Member
WOW! This is really the first episode this season where I could not at least somewhat predict who was going to go home. I thought it was Bret all the way! Wow!

First, I loved the reward challenge. It was unique and unlike any challenge I've seen before.

Now onto the juicy part. Michaela! Who would have thought? She was a big, crazy, interesting and compelling character that you would have expected to at least make the merge. Her sound bites are awesome, and I have no doubt we'll see her back on the show. She's phenomenal entertainment, and a pretty solid player, too. Her biggest mistake was being too vocal and too much of a threat. If should could have toned that down, she could have won. She also lacked that one true person who you can count on. She built the weakest relationships out of everyone on her tribe I felt.

I think it was a bad decision on Jay's part. That was a foursome that wasn't going to vote against each other. And even so, Michaela was a great shield early in the merge. There's so much emphasis on getting the strong players out before the merge, but there's also something to be said about using those people as shields. Michaela was an easy person to target after the merge, and a lot of people would have jumped on board to get her out. But now you lose a solid vote, and you don't know if you can trust Bret, Sunday or even Hannah now. It's really down to Jay and Will, and I'm sure Taylor will hop on board. That's three when you could have had 5 (the 4 plus Taylor) locked in. I know it was a long time ago, but in China Todd perfected the "shield" approach by keeping James around post merge. Now all of a sudden Jay becomes target #1 as far as challenges, and even strategy, go. But... you can never predict what will happen.

As for next week, I always love a good merge episode. It never fails to keep me guessing. Pre-merge is just a right of passage to when the real game begins. No more guessing what other tribes will do. Everyone is available and everyone is accounted for. Time to step up your game!

People who can win: Jay, Zeke, Adam, Chris, Ken, David

I'll put Michelle in there too as an under-the-radar winner. I think her post-merge game can be a lot stronger than her pre-merge.


Well-Known Member
WOW! This is really the first episode this season where I could not at least somewhat predict who was going to go home. I thought it was Bret all the way! Wow!

First, I loved the reward challenge. It was unique and unlike any challenge I've seen before.

Now onto the juicy part. Michaela! Who would have thought? She was a big, crazy, interesting and compelling character that you would have expected to at least make the merge. Her sound bites are awesome, and I have no doubt we'll see her back on the show. She's phenomenal entertainment, and a pretty solid player, too. Her biggest mistake was being too vocal and too much of a threat. If should could have toned that down, she could have won. She also lacked that one true person who you can count on. She built the weakest relationships out of everyone on her tribe I felt.

I think it was a bad decision on Jay's part. That was a foursome that wasn't going to vote against each other. And even so, Michaela was a great shield early in the merge. There's so much emphasis on getting the strong players out before the merge, but there's also something to be said about using those people as shields. Michaela was an easy person to target after the merge, and a lot of people would have jumped on board to get her out. But now you lose a solid vote, and you don't know if you can trust Bret, Sunday or even Hannah now. It's really down to Jay and Will, and I'm sure Taylor will hop on board. That's three when you could have had 5 (the 4 plus Taylor) locked in. I know it was a long time ago, but in China Todd perfected the "shield" approach by keeping James around post merge. Now all of a sudden Jay becomes target #1 as far as challenges, and even strategy, go. But... you can never predict what will happen.

As for next week, I always love a good merge episode. It never fails to keep me guessing. Pre-merge is just a right of passage to when the real game begins. No more guessing what other tribes will do. Everyone is available and everyone is accounted for. Time to step up your game!

People who can win: Jay, Zeke, Adam, Chris, Ken, David

I'll put Michelle in there too as an under-the-radar winner. I think her post-merge game can be a lot stronger than her pre-merge.
Based on her rather salty reaction to being voted off though, one could make the argument that an unexpected bonus of voting off Michaela now is blindsiding her without her having to be on the jury :p


Well-Known Member
Based on her rather salty reaction to being voted off though, one could make the argument that an unexpected bonus of voting off Michaela now is blindsiding her without her having to be on the jury :p
That's a good point that I hadn't accounted for. Definitely a good way to get her off the jury, and I'm sure that crossed through Jay's mind. Another benefit is getting her out when she knows Jay has an idol. I just don't trust Bret enough to keep him over Michaela. It's hard to start counting jury votes before the merge.

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