Surprise Trip - Good Idea?


Original Poster
I just booked a surprise trip for my girlfriend's birthday in November. It is her birthday on the friday, and we fly out on the sunday morning. We will be staying for 9 nights at Old Key West. I'm planning to tell her on her birthday so she has a day to pack and get things sorted before we leave.

Normally, I would think this was a nice surprise present. But, the thing is that she is pregnant and will be around 6 months at that point. I'm starting to wonder if it was a good idea, or will things be too difficult/complicated?

Does anybody have any experience of WDW at that stage of pregnancy, or long-haul flying?

Maybe I should have asked before I paid for it, but your views/advice are still appreciated. Thanks;


New Member
Well the good news is the weather will be much cooler in November. I've walked the parks with a big ol' belly and even though my legs felt like rubber I was no worse for wear.

I worry most about the flight. Airlines arent making those seats any bigger and any more comfortable.

I would also ask the doctors ok for the flight.

Congrats on your pending arrival!


New Member
it is an absolutely fantastic idea, however, i would give more than a day's notice, as awesome and excellent a surprise this is, ppl need more than a day to pack

packing can be a stressful think, rushing around and making sure you have everything, etc. etc.

i say give a week's notice

i'm no doctor either, but i think 6 months should be fine for the baby, but double check with the dr.


A Disney vacation is not something you spring on a pregnant woman. It's a wonderful gift, but give her a little time to prepare and check with her ob/gyn about whether or not she can travel.

Congrats on the little one!


Active Member
I also think a surprise is a good idea, but I agree that you need to give her alot more than a days notice! Honestly, even more than a week....I'd say at least several weeks. She may need to shop for things for the trip that are pregnancy related, and you don't want her to feel rushed in doing that (for example, maternity clothes that are comfortable for traveling and being in the parks). And she might appreciate the extra time to do some research for tips on being at Disney World while pregnant. And most importantly, you need to give her plenty of time to talk to her doctor.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else, a surprise trip is a great present; however she needs more than a day's notice! Is her pass port in order? Does she have doctor’s appointments she will need to reschedule etc? I would tell her now. Part of the fun of a Disney trip is the planning and anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Dif a good idea but give her a bit of notice. I was in the parks last year pregnant, though not quite as far along. I had a blast. Even if I wasn't able to ride the thrill rides. But i think the trip will be a good one for you both before the arrival of the little one.



Original Poster
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I think you're right about needing to give a bit more notice. I have already spoken to the doctor, who has agreed that there are no problems anticipated at this point, but will need to see her nearer the time.

I suppose she will need time to think about buying clothes or anything else she needs, so I will give her a bit more notice. Anyway, she will need a few days to wash and iron all my clothes for me!!! :animwink:

Now just have to think of a cool way to tell her!


New Member
Wow! What a fab surprise!

I agree she needs time to pack and get her head around it all :)

Check your travel insurance as some have a time limit on pregnant travel.

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