Stupid Question


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My cousin and I are going to wdw next week and were both not big on roller coasters. The only one at Disney we've been on is Space Mountain. Can you guys explain how the other ones are in comparison to that so we know what to expect?


New Member
well, i'll attempt it :)

thunder mountain is about like space mountain. if you can handle it, you can definitely handle thunder.. it's not bad at all.

RnR is a lot more intense. if you are not "big on coasters," as you say, you will probably want to skip it (even though it's an awesome ride!)

what's left? expedition everest is a little more intense than thunder or space mountain, i believe. it probably has some things you aren't used to (trying not to give too much away here), but it's a very fun ride.

i looove rollercoasters. is it that you are just afraid or do they really make you ill? if it's the first, you should definitely ride them all. the coasters at disney are relatively mild and extremely well-done, so they make a good introduction to coaster riding, in my opinion :)


New Member
As someone else who isn't very big on roller coasters either, I'll second kiethsta. Big Thunder Mtn, is certainly more tame than Space. I rode RnR once for the experience but didn't like it too much, I found it was too much for me. Regrettably, I haven't been able to ride EE yet, though my young cousins really enjoyed it. Hope this helped! :wave:


New Member
If you're not big on coasters I'd stay away from EE. It's amazing, but there's a few parts that will catch you off guard..:lookaroun Don't get me wrong it is a fun ride, but i was screaming bloddy murder louder than my GF at some points.
The fear factor has grasped another two victoms and the only way to break free of its hideous grip is to be spontaneous. i was once like you but at the age of five before i visited WDW for the first time i rode a rollercoaster that scared the hell out of me then. The Looping Star is a small coaster in comparison but it had one of the tightest vertical loop in the world, i plucked up the courage to go on it and now nothing scares me and people call me crazy.

so trust me if the rides have been tested thoroughly before their opened they must be safe, unless you have an injury or illness that prohibits riding like some of the people we have heard about lately.

If you do get ill on a rollercoaster there are more things you can do, look straight ahead at all times don't look in all directions because usually things whizzing past you will make you sick. before you ride try to take some sickness pills (my dad uses Quails) to prevent yourself getting sick.

if you are still afraid to go on the rides i don't mind popping over and blind folding you two and forcing you two on myself


New Member
Hey Basketcase,
I would say that RnR is the least tame as it includes going upside down whereas the others dont.Safest bet would b Space Mountain or Thunder Mountain as they dont include any weird tricks. Hope this helps!


Well my mum has serious neck problems and is able to do BTMR and EE, so I don't think it should be to much of a problem for you, my Mum is DEFINITLY not a big fan on coasters either! Hope this helps :D


Well-Known Member
I always tell people if they aren't "sure" about coasters to try BTMRR first because it's rather tame as coasters go. So try that first and if that doesn't cause a problem move onward :)


New Member
First off I am a chicken with big drop roller coasters, but I will say I have done all of the rides at Disney except Everest which I will try this fall. Thunder Mountain is awesomw dont miss it I think it is less intense than Space Mountain. I am so glad I tried them all and my favorite is RockNRoller coaster it happens so fast you wont even know you were on it in the begining it takes off super fast and after that it is great. If you question trying it do it our first trip I wouldn't do Space Mountain or Tower of Terrror or even Spladh Mountain 4 trips later I say what was wrong with me. If you have done Space Mountain I feal Thunder Mountain is the lesser of the two outside it actually is not bad.
I also am not a big fan of big drop roller coasters, but I love all the roller coasters at WDW (haven't tried Everest yet) and Tower of Terror. My mom always laughs because on our first trip I was about 10 and she really wanted to go on Space that time I was absolutely terrified of roller coasters and wanted nothing to do with even being in the line. Eventually my mom talked me into getting in line with her but she laughs because the second that I saw the exit I pushed my way through the people to get out...I wanted to make sure that there was no way at all that they were going to trick me into getting on that ride. The next time I went back with my boyfriend (now husband) he would not allow me to skip any rides---I practically cried when we first got on TOT and Rockin Roller Coaster (I know I was a whimp--especially considereing I was in college at that time). Now I love them all!! Just try them once....if you don't like it, you never have to get on again! :wave:


New Member
I am going to say, go on them, 90% of the time ppl are afraid to go on them but when they do, they love them!

Have an awsome time!!


Premium Member
I hate drops. Enough to the point that I don't go on Tower of Terror anymore, and I limit the Splash Mountain rides, but it's one of the BF's favorites so I go on it a few times. One thing about RockNRoller Coaster is the music. The first few times I went on it I concentrated on the music and that made the ride easier for me. Now, it's not a big deal. I have no problems at all with Everest, although I'm not fond of the front row. That one part, when you can see everything (trying to not give it away) still freaks me out if I'm in the front row. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with what most people have said above about staying off of rock n' rollercoaster and things like that. Also (i dont think that anybody has mentioned this) I think that you should be fine on Goofy's Barnstormer in Toontown. It is a very small coaster that doesn't even last a minute. I think that you should be fine on that ride. Have fun on your trip!


New Member
I read the title of this post and thought, now there's a first around here... :lookaroun

Big Thunder is mild in my opinion but the Launch in RnRC is an eye opener as are the inverts... If SM is your speed, enjoy Big Thunder, otherwise, don't ruin your trip with a bad experience... although you won't know what your missing. :animwink:

Have fun
i like all the mountains at MK "triple mountain wammy :p" they are all mild! i hate drops but i can cope with splash as i dont tend to feel it! and the other two mountains are fine :)
go for it :) it cant do any harm :lol:


New Member
for the most part i just dont like drops, and if it goes really fast, thats why i like sm not bad drops and not really fast.
Cool - that gives us something to compare the coasters with :)

Thunder Mountain is tamer than Space Mountain. Space Mountain has a couple of small drops that are steeper than anything on Thunder Mountain. The themeing of Thunder Mountain is worth the ride alone.

There is a gentle coaster in Toon Town if you fancy working up to the bigger ones.

Can't comment on Everest as it was still just a skeleton on my last visit.

Rock n Roller is very different to Space and Thunder. It pulls a few inversions - corkscrews / big loops - but in my opinion the centrifugal forces stop the "dropping" feeling you get on a traditional coaster. It accelerates fast to about twice the maximum speed of Space Mountain at the beginning - but it does this on the flat using a mechanism similar to the catapult on an aircraft carrier, so no dropping there.

Like Space Mountain it is in the dark which can make it seem faster than it really is.

Tower of Terror is a drop ride. It's safe and may be worth a shot if only to say you've done it or to possibly get over the fear of the drop. There is no fast ride prior to it, just the drop sequence.

Have you ridden Splash Mountain?


New Member
I am not big on coasters either. My son, now 4, loves BTMRR. Its real tame and we ride it over and over again. I don't mind speed, but hate drops. I rode Splash Mountain for the first time last year and the drop on it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. My son also loves it!

I have ridden RnRc, once. My hubby loves it! It actually wasn't as bad either. I was a little disappointed because it was so short. I didn't realize I had gone upside down til it was over.

There is a pretty tame one in Toon Town, Barnstormer. Its got a little bit of speed and it is a good one to start off with.


Active Member
I am a big roller coaster fan. Their roller coasters are beter then any other roller coasters up here in Connecticut. I have to ride them all before I have to go home.

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