Stupid Question


New Member

Im not a big rollercoaster fan either. Its the drops i dont like and the feeling you get in your stomach, and the feeling of falling kinda incontrollably.

To demonstrate how much i dont like the drop on rollercoasters, i even didnt like the drop (if you can call it that!!!!) on primeval whirl in Animal Kingdom, now that really is bad!

I have to say i dont mind speed though, and really enjoyed test track at epcot.


Well-Known Member
I'll attempt to add to what has been said:

Space Mountain-Rough, and in darkness. Sit alone in single-file seating arrangement. Top Speed 28mph. About 2.5 minutes

Thunder Mountain- Smooth in the Front seats, I'd say easier to handle than space mountain. 2-3 per row, 16 rows. Top Speed 32 mph. Not to many drops, just twisting in and out of caves. About 3.5 minutes.

Barnstormer-Kiddie Coaster in ToonTown

Rock n Roller Coaster-FAST and dark. Includes a 0-60 mph launch. Most intence coaster at WDW. 90 seconds. 60 mph. 2 Riders per row, 12 rows.

Primeval Whirl-Creates the Illusion that you are about to fall over the edge, running off the tracks. Speed-29 mph. About 1:30 long. 20+ foot drop in the middle, afterwards the spinning starts. It's like Mad Tea Party on Wheels. May catch you by suprise. 4 per row, 1 row per car.

Everest-Will catch you by suprise. about 3-4 min., with an 80 foot drop. Includes foward and backwards segments, some of which in complete darkness. 2 per row, 17 rows.


Well-Known Member
for the most part i just dont like drops, and if it goes really fast, thats why i like sm not bad drops and not really fast.

Based on your input... You would be best to stick with the three coasters in the MK (Space Mtn, Big Thndr, & Goofy's Barnstormer). Everest has a good sized drop that you will see from outside. If you don't like the looks of what happens on the outside, then don't ride it. Rockin Roller Coaster is by far the most intense of the Disney Coasters because of the launch and the multiple inversions in a dimly lit area.

I am not a HUGE coaster freak, and these coasters do not have as much thrill as the rides the dedicated coaster parks put up. So, for me these satisfy any cravings of thrills.


Well-Known Member
Just take 'em one at a time and work your way up. Take in the surroundings and at least try and check out the EE queue and attraction area - pretty cool!


New Member
My cousin and I are going to wdw next week and were both not big on roller coasters. The only one at Disney we've been on is Space Mountain. Can you guys explain how the other ones are in comparison to that so we know what to expect?

I HATE HATE HATE roller coasters.... I do GO on Space Mountain (not every trip) and I find it slightly terrifying... but I have to say that compared to that... I find Thunder Mountain and Rock N Roller Coaster to be totally enjoyable and not at all scary... The first time I went on each of these I was pretty anxious...not knowing what to expect... but they were just purely fun... RnR goes upside down and all...but it's such a smooth ride...and you feel fairly grounded--not like your up high on a rickety track's super fluid and quick and it's over way too soon...

My DH is prone to motion sickness and doesn't get sick on ANY Disney rides...

I will go on any Disney ride... they're more about theming than anything else....

Space Mountain is kind of rickety... and it's dark and jerky... and up high... those are what I don't like about it...


New Member
I'll attempt to add to what has been said:

Space Mountain-Rough, and in darkness. Sit alone in single-file seating arrangement. Top Speed 28mph. About 2.5 minutes

Thunder Mountain- Smooth in the Front seats, I'd say easier to handle than space mountain. 2-3 per row, 16 rows. Top Speed 32 mph. Not to many drops, just twisting in and out of caves. About 3.5 minutes.

Barnstormer-Kiddie Coaster in ToonTown

Rock n Roller Coaster-FAST and dark. Includes a 0-60 mph launch. Most intence coaster at WDW. 90 seconds. 60 mph. 2 Riders per row, 12 rows.

Primeval Whirl-Creates the Illusion that you are about to fall over the edge, running off the tracks. Speed-29 mph. About 1:30 long. 20+ foot drop in the middle, afterwards the spinning starts. It's like Mad Tea Party on Wheels. May catch you by suprise. 4 per row, 1 row per car.

Everest-Will catch you by suprise. about 3-4 min., with an 80 foot drop. Includes foward and backwards segments, some of which in complete darkness. 2 per row, 17 rows.

I didn't even comment on the Primeval Whirl because I think it is just about the most boring excuse of a roller coaster I've ever been on... It seems so slow and dull... I guess if you were someone who is bothered by spinning rides (I am NOT) it might seem more intense...but I think it is pretty darn tame...

I haven't done Everest and look forward to that anxious pit in my stomache becaues I know I will love it...but like that feeling of "not knowing what to expect."

Though RnR launches quickly--and you get a rush...I don't think it is SCARY at all... just FUN!!!! I would recommend it to anywone that can deal with Big THunder Mountain.... I cna't wait until my 6 year old is tall enough for RnR because he loves all the Disney Coasters.


Well-Known Member
I loathe coasters. The falling feeling makes me want to die.

That said, Big Thunder is fun because there's no drops. It's all curves, so I find it the absolute perfect "coaster" personally.

Space Mountain I really don't like because I feel it jerks you around too much. Kills my neck. Because it's in the dark, it can be hard since you don't know what's coming up. That's scary for some people. It's not bad, but it feels a little more intense then Big Thunder because it does have some drops and it's in the dark.

Tower of Terror and Rockin Rollercoaster you couldn't get my lifeless corpse on. I won't do ToT because it's a drop ride only and I won't do RnR because I'd puke going upsidedown.

Splash Mountain I won't do because of the drop. It's not a coaster per se, it's a flume ride, but the drop is far too steep for me.

Everest I tried under the mistaken impression it was like Big Thunder. It's not. It has an 80-foot drop, goes backwards and was absolutely terrifying for a non-coaster rider like myself. I'd never go on it again. I was really, really miserably scared. It's more intense than coaster junkies let on.

Barnstormer is about a 30-second ride for kindergardener's and honestly not worth the wait in line. It's basically an omnimover type ride on rails. :lol: It's that slow.

Do what you're comfortable with. Don't let anyone make you feel bad if you don't want to ride a particular attraction. There's so much to do and so much fun to be had, there's no reason to do something you aren't comfortable with. The beauty is that everyone likes different things and there's something for everyone.


Well-Known Member
The attitude I tend to take at WDW is "Do I feel willing to take the risk that I might get sick from this ride and it will ruin my day?" In my family motion sickness runs in the genes...though that said I can handle pretty much all of WDW's rides, since they're pretty tame in the grand scheme of coasters in my opinion. I love Splash, Thunder, and Space (HINT: If you're a lightweight like me, try to get a spot in the FRONT of the car. It's less intense. You'll get wetter on Splash in the front though. :D )

I have been on RnR...the initial acceleration is a bit much for me. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. Like I said, I weigh how I feel that day against the chance of me feeling like crud all day from the ride. Tower of Terror is the same kind of deal for me (it also tends to depend on the wait time, too. It's sort of nice being able to skip rides that so many other folks find essential if the wait time is 90+ minutes!)

I've never done M:S since simulator rides get me the worst. I always go on Star Tours, and then get off and wonder WHY I did that to myself, hahah. :lol:

I'm slowly gearing myself up to try EE, since this will be our first trip where it was open...I really want to give this one a shot!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Cool - that gives us something to compare the coasters with :)

Thunder Mountain is tamer than Space Mountain. Space Mountain has a couple of small drops that are steeper than anything on Thunder Mountain. The themeing of Thunder Mountain is worth the ride alone.

There is a gentle coaster in Toon Town if you fancy working up to the bigger ones.

Can't comment on Everest as it was still just a skeleton on my last visit.

Rock n Roller is very different to Space and Thunder. It pulls a few inversions - corkscrews / big loops - but in my opinion the centrifugal forces stop the "dropping" feeling you get on a traditional coaster. It accelerates fast to about twice the maximum speed of Space Mountain at the beginning - but it does this on the flat using a mechanism similar to the catapult on an aircraft carrier, so no dropping there.

Like Space Mountain it is in the dark which can make it seem faster than it really is.

Tower of Terror is a drop ride. It's safe and may be worth a shot if only to say you've done it or to possibly get over the fear of the drop. There is no fast ride prior to it, just the drop sequence.

Have you ridden Splash Mountain?
I've never been on Splash Mountain but I've seen ride videos of it, I think I'll try it because it seems like the drop goes by so fast it wouldn't be bad.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the help guys. :wave:

Now I have another question lol...

On Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain where are the most tame spots to sit?


Well-Known Member
On Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain where are the most tame spots to sit?
I can only comment on Thunder Mountain. If you sit in the front, it's noticably slower. Simply because you're halfway into the curve before you pick up speed since you're still dragging the rest of the cars over. The back is faster since you've got built-up momentum. I actually prefer the back though since you have a faster experience. And since there's no drops, just speed, that to me is fun.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can only comment on Thunder Mountain. If you sit in the front, it's noticably slower. Simply because you're halfway into the curve before you pick up speed since you're still dragging the rest of the cars over. The back is faster since you've got built-up momentum. I actually prefer the back though since you have a faster experience. And since there's no drops, just speed, that to me is fun.
Thank you. The front it is. :D


New Member
the front is way tamer on almost every roller coaster ( which is why i always try to sit in the back :)), but on space mountain and splash mountain it doesn't make much difference since the cars are so small. on space mountain you might notice it being a little slower if you sit in the front car as opposed to the back one, but i still don't think it makes a ton of difference.

i wonder what some of you people would think if you rode the beast at king's island.. lol


Premium Member
That's true, there isn't much difference for Splash Mtn, but on Space Mtn sitting in the front you can (sort of) see what's coming, relatively speaking when comparing it to the back. Also I think the back gets thrown around a little more on Space Mtn. It's not a place for a sore neck, which we always have after a few nights on hotel pillows.


That's true, there isn't much difference for Splash Mtn, but on Space Mtn sitting in the front you can (sort of) see what's coming, relatively speaking when comparing it to the back. Also I think the back gets thrown around a little more on Space Mtn. It's not a place for a sore neck, which we always have after a few nights on hotel pillows.
I agree.

On Space Mountain, while sitting in the front, you can still see what is coming in front of you, somewhat. Especially when comparing it to the back.

I also agree about getting thrown around more in the back. Though I don't have a problem with it, getting thrown around isn't a big deal to me, it's just very noticable to me and those in my party.


New Member
I've never been on Splash Mountain but I've seen ride videos of it, I think I'll try it because it seems like the drop goes by so fast it wouldn't be bad.
There are a couple of small drops prior to the big one at the end. However none of them have the falling sensation you get on a roller coaster or Tower of Terror - i.e. it's not something that lifts you out of your seat.

Good for you that you are willing to give it a try.


New Member
ok, thunder has NO thrill to me at all unless you sit in the back...but its themed like nobody's business. its awesome. splash, im glad there are two drops to get you ready, and the big drop....lasts 3 seconds....not too is the fastest (in ur mind, technically its not) and prob one of the best....haven't done everest....nore rockn' but TOT is the bomb-diggity. the drops last about 30-40 seconds total....and its AWESOME. You'll learn to love me.

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