Studios parking lot reaching capacity (Dec 2015)


Well-Known Member
6pm.. Lot still open.

We hedged our bets by parking and spending the day at MK and bussing over. Looks to have been unnecessary. Oh well :)
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Original Poster
I think the reasoning is ... There is none. The only thing I can think of is Phil Holmes. MK would never truly fill its lot it always left the south east section empty. Film is the south east section at studios... Honestly I'm pulling at trying to create a reason


Well-Known Member
I think the reasoning is ... There is none. The only thing I can think of is Phil Holmes. MK would never truly fill its lot it always left the south east section empty. Film is the south east section at studios... Honestly I'm pulling at trying to create a reason
thats dumb to not fully utilize the lots that exist.

My guess is they did earlier redirects so people who came in late at night wouldn't miss late night shows and lose their minds even more?

while that makes some sense, it seems a bit too forward thinking

and also sees unfair to punish those that allow extra time and arrive early, while benefiting those that come late


Well-Known Member
Was driving into MK tonight and noticed signs on World Drive that Studios parking lot was full and to park at Epcot.
rather than having to deploy the temporary message boards they really should build a network of these around property


Well-Known Member
Also, film lot has not been parked whatsoever. (12/13, @5:15)
I think you're right. We just got back from trying to go to HS and we were told we had to park at EPCOT. It wasn't worth the trip back so we just stayed at EPCOT. If the lot that you are referring to is the "Stage" lot, which is the first one you see when entering from the Buena Vista Drive entrance on your right, then it was completely empty. We asked the CM why that lot was empty and the first thing she said was because it was for Handicapped parking which isn't true, only a small part is or at least it used to be, but then she said it was for a Holiday Event which may or may not be true.


Well-Known Member
On Friday night (12/11/15) - we were told that the Hollywood Studios parking lot was closed after waiting for a Disney Transport bus for 45 minutes at Saratoga Springs. The idea was that we were going to drive over. We drove over at around 6:45pm, but we drove to Epcot and made the walk of faith from the parking lot (we were parked waaaaay in the back) through Epcot, through Old Key West, Beach Club, and Boardwalk all the way to Hollywood Studios (side note: We're pedometer junkies and needed our steps for the day anyways). We got to Hollywood Studios and it was crowded, but it wasn't anything that I haven't seen before (think New Years Eve crowd levels). The shoehorning and rubbernecking of people getting back into the Osborne Lights was a little crazy, but with a little patience, and we were fortunate to talk to some pretty cool folks around us, the wait getting in wasn't so bad (15 minutes or so).

We didn't go back to Hollywood Studios on Saturday (12/12/15) , but we heard it was pretty much a repeat performance, but they were parking over at Animal Kingdom (since they closed at 7pm) and bussing folks over to Hollywood Studios.

Oh! For those of you who like to track down the purple cat? It was in a pretty obvious place this year, that is if you were standing in the right area. :)


Well-Known Member
rather than having to deploy the temporary message boards they really should build a network of these around property
View attachment 122932

My wife and I were tossing around the idea of developing a guest attendance/capacity app that would send updates to the Disney app or some other 3rd party app to give guests real time information on how crazy the parks are. So, if crowds aren't your thing and Hollywood Studios is busy, the app might recommend something like Epcot after 4pm based on attendance levels. But, we got into overthinking the idea to the point where it would cost too much $$$$ to develop AND we're pretty sure Disney has something like this anyways. :)


Well-Known Member
I think you're right. We just got back from trying to go to HS and we were told we had to park at EPCOT. It wasn't worth the trip back so we just stayed at EPCOT. If the lot that you are referring to is the "Stage" lot, which is the first one you see when entering from the Buena Vista Drive entrance on your right, then it was completely empty. We asked the CM why that lot was empty and the first thing she said was because it was for Handicapped parking which isn't true, only a small part is or at least it used to be, but then she said it was for a Holiday Event which may or may not be true.
When we arrived by bus at 610.. That lot had two rows filled with cars.. Closest to the entry lanes. They had blue cones in front.m and the rest of the rows were empty.


Well-Known Member
I think @NearTheEars might be onto something. I'm betting Disney used closing the lots as a crude, quick form of crowd control and a signal to guests driving into property.

We went to Studios two weeks ago, and we arrived in the evening as the parking lot was quickly filling up. Inside the park was a madhouse; it was jam-packed and very uncomfortable.

Closing the lot early and diverting guests to Epcot would be really effective at reducing the number of people that went into Studios (because many/most people wouldn't go if they couldn't park there). And the "parking lot full" sign out front would send a very clear message that the park was packed, without having to say "sorry, we're closed".

At the same time, allowing guests to come in from Epcot would still allow a way in if guests were desperate enough, unlike a hard park close. And it would also favor people going in on resort transportation, mostly resort guests (Disney's favorite kind of guest).


I was among those who had to park at AK Saturday. I had been at AK most of the day so I was disheartened to see that I just had to turn around to go back, and I even tried to see if having an ADR would get me into the HS lot--no luck. However, I will say that Disney went above and beyond. There were buses running constantly from the Hollywood Studios stall to get us over there, and at park close, we were bused back to the AK lot on coach buses. There were several of them ready and waiting for the AK crowd when we exited. Regarding crowd levels in the park, the lights were nuts earlier in the evening, but the overall crowd level was not awful in my opinion--40 to 60 minutes at RnRC and ToT. The lights also were much more manageable after 9 pm.


Well-Known Member
They're leaving lots open at DHS but saying the parking lot is full to discourage guests from attending DHS I've been told.
That definitely could have been the case last night. Approaching on BVD east, there were the mobile signs that were turned off and cones were set aside on the grass as well. So nothing keeping people out of the lot. However several posts back people stated there were signs elsewhere redirecting to Epcot...

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