Studio Backlot Tour Closing on September 27, 2014


Well-Known Member
My thought is they won't start heavy Star Wars construction until probably 2017 at the earliest when Avatar construction is winding down and it won't be done until 2020. This Pixar expansion shouldn't be as extensive as Avatar or SW Land so it's possible it's done and open in 3 years which would put it some time in late 2017.

I think you're right. I have not heard anything but it fits.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the expediency of this move surprises me. Especially since the Backlot specific rumours got quiet after Carsland received the axe.

Is Toy Story Land in Paris or hong kong considered a temporary land ala Dinorama/Birthdayland?

Nope. WDS was executed on a smaller budget though, but I actually like the execution in HKDL, it does not strike me as too cheap. In the vein of Toy Story Playland, Bugsland (DCA), Mermaid Lagoon (TDS), Toontown, Dinorama etc. I like Toy Story Playland in HKDL the best.

Of course I hope there is more to this than Toy Story Playland...

Mike S

Well-Known Member
My thought is they won't start heavy Star Wars construction until probably 2017 at the earliest when Avatar construction is winding down and it won't be done until 2020. This Pixar expansion shouldn't be as extensive as Avatar or SW Land so it's possible it's done and open in 3 years which would put it some time in late 2017.
The only problem I have with that is I would want Pixar Place to be extensive. A series of smallish rides could be a bit underwhelming, but then again Star Wars.


Premium Member
The only problem I have with that is I would want Pixar Place to be extensive. A series of smallish rides could be a bit underwhelming, but then again Star Wars.
Yes, Pixar needs/deserves to be fleshed out into its own, dedicated "land". It's too much of a quality (for the most part) devision to get one or two token attractions.
I'm still saying 3 years for construction. It's no "Frozen Overlay";)

I think some type of kids play area which includes some smaller rides, meet and greet areas as well as some nice theming including stores, food and bathrooms is very likely. It doesn't need to be Toy Story though. Someone mentioned building Monstropolis earlier which could be really good if done properly. I'm hoping along with several smaller rides they include at least 1 nice dark ride (preferably 2).

A Pixar Place with 5 or 6 rides anchored by TSMM (now with 3 tracks) and a yet to be named Pixar dark ride would be pretty extensive. There is no reason that they couldn't build that in 3 years even at Disney's pace.


Well-Known Member
People keep saying Toy Story Playland but today is only the first time I've heard that mentioned. It's from the article where they even suggest they are speculating. Jim Hill did mention in that podcast he did recently that the plan was to add more C and D attractions and I agree with that. I would definitely prefer a Pixar variety rather than Toy Story Playland. Maybe the army men parachutes, maters junkyard jamboree and a third attraction. I'd prefer it be more of a Pixar land than exclusive to toy story.


Well-Known Member
I'm still saying 3 years for construction. It's no "Frozen Overlay";)

I think some type of kids play area which includes some smaller rides, meet and greet areas as well as some nice theming including stores, food and bathrooms is very likely. It doesn't need to be Toy Story though. Someone mentioned building Monstropolis earlier which could be really good if done properly. I'm hoping along with several smaller rides they include at least 1 nice dark ride (preferably 2).

A Pixar Place with 5 or 6 rides anchored by TSMM (now with 3 tracks) and a yet to be named Pixar dark ride would be pretty extensive. There is no reason that they couldn't build that in 3 years even at Disney's pace.

I'll agree with this theory as well. Building off my original post, they could theoretically demo/utilize from SoA all the way up to SS1 as soon as mid-January. That's a big chunk of land. If they just re-theme HISTK to Bug's Life and re-theme SoA to Monstropolis, they could honestly use nothing but clones from other parks for the remaining chunk of land (such as Ratatouille or Carsland or Toy Story Land). Surely just re-theming and clones wouldn't possibly take THAT long, right? Then they'd have far more (and family-friendly) things to do in the park when another huge chunk goes down for a much longer period of time for an all-new Star Wars section.

One can hope, right?


Well-Known Member
People keep saying Toy Story Playland but today is only the first time I've heard that mentioned. It's from the ***** article where they even suggest they are speculating. Jim Hill did mention in that podcast he did recently that the plan was to add more C and D attractions and I agree with that. I would definitely prefer a Pixar variety rather than Toy Story Playland. Maybe the army men parachutes, maters junkyard jamboree and a third attraction. I'd prefer it be more of a Pixar land than exclusive to toy story.

Honestly, I'd love to see Tom have scooped Jim Hill.

But I'll believe that something is actually going in there when shovel meets dirt.

Gabriel Garcia

New Member
Im really excited to hear this news. Thats going to be a good amount of space once removed and I'm sure what they have planned is going to be promising. A cars land would be great as it certainly looks great from what I've seen on youtube.


Pixar Place is currently 1 ride. But it does make sense to expand it.
I think that they are obviously on a tight timeframe. They are not going to have enough time to build ratatouille, monstroplosis, cars land or even just radiator springs racers. They would only have enough time to build TSPL. Do you think that instead of expanding Pixar place they turn the whole thing into To story land? And then they would leave the rest of the land from the back lot tour for future expansion and back of the house?


Premium Member
I think that they are obviously on a tight timeframe. They are not going to have enough time to build ratatouille, monstroplosis, cars land or even just radiator springs racers. They would only have enough time to build TSPL. Do you think that instead of expanding Pixar place they turn the whole thing into To story land? And then they would leave the rest of the land from the back lot tour for future expansion and back of the house?
I hope not. There are so many Pixar properties that could be represented. I hope they have a variety.

It may come down to what the new name of the park will be and what the new general theme or direction is. That could dictate what they are going to use the area for.


Well-Known Member
I think that they are obviously on a tight timeframe. They are not going to have enough time to build ratatouille, monstroplosis, cars land or even just radiator springs racers. They would only have enough time to build TSPL. Do you think that instead of expanding Pixar place they turn the whole thing into To story land? And then they would leave the rest of the land from the back lot tour for future expansion and back of the house?

Youre far more optimistic than I.


Well-Known Member
Amazing that so many of you are thrilled that they closed something. Wow, they may be putting in your dream expansion. Whether it is Cars Land, Pixar, Star Wars or whatever else you want Personally, I'm a realist. I'll believe they are going to put in something new when they actually start construction. In the meantime there is one less attraction even though it was a mere shadow of its original self.
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Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Now THIS is one of the great things about this forum/website...if there's news about the parks, this place gets it and knowledgable people here comment and clarify it if they can. Many thanks to all!

Wow, this is an amazing development...I don't know what to think or expect. I AM glad I took the Tour the last time I was in was kinda fun...but bear in mind, I never saw the Tour in its original incarnation.

I hope a Pixar Place expansion goes in there, although...I know, it's silly...I'd love to see something for Mary Poppins there. It still bugs me that despite the movie's huge success, Walt's crowning achievement, there is virtually nothing in any of the parks for it. But I know it won't happen...what we'll get will be a Carsland clone or that Toy Story Playland thing. *sigh*...

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