Stroller - Bring or Rent?


We have a 2 1/2 year old we're taking to Disney at the end of May, and we're flying from Cleveland. Should we bring our own stroller, or rent the ones they have at the parks? Is it relatively easy to bring them on planes these days if we go that route?



I think I am hearing lots of folks saying they would bring their own. I do not agree with this. We like to rent as we find it much easier to deal with, provides shade, comfort, and they are very easy to push. If you lose it you can get another one without freaking out yours is gone, and lets not forget how nice the bottle water fits in the pockets!!:)
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New Member
If your not wanting to travel down with your stroller but are put off by the costs of renting everyday, you can pick up a cheap stroller for $20 or so at the local Walmart when you get there and just leave behind. $20 well spent I think
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New Member
Maybe that would be more conveinent for you, but for two kids who were 1 and 3, woh were not potty trained, and needed a diaper bag with snacks and juice and extra clothes, and all the other necessities, forgive me for saying that that stroller would not be sufficient. Not to mention, both of my kids took naps and strollers like do not lean back far enough for them to be comfortable and their heads would be falling forward. AND, the stroller I had for them was bought well before it was even decided to go to Disney, and once we decided to go, we had to pay for out hotel and whatnot, airfare for 4, food and spending money, forgive me if we didn't want to cough up another 50 bucks for another stroller so that somebody with no kids was not annoyed.
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AndyJo930 - you take whatever stroller works for you, don't worry about what others say. I will take whatever stroller I feel is necessary to make sure my children are comfortable. No one knows but us parents just how expensive strollers are and to have to shell out even $25 can sometimes be too much on top of other expenses for a Disney trip. The parks are plenty big enough for those with kids and those without, those with strollers and wheelchairs and those that don't have either. Heck my stroller is smaller than even one of those single rental strollers and still have space to hold the diaper bag. There is no way my 7 month old would have been comfortable in a rental stroller, they don't recline, no straps or offer much support for a baby just starting to learn to sit up independently. Plus after a little time a little 17lb baby gets heavy to have to be carrying around the resorts or DTD. Enjoy your trips with your kids in their own comfortable stroller :)
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New Member
I have done both - 2 umbrella strollers and a big SUV. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

The SUV rolls easily all over the place and is really not difficult to maneuver - the downside was the Disney buses. We took the wheels off and still it was tough to get on and off crowded buses. On our last day we just rented a double at MK - it was far less stressful.

As for the umbrella strollers - less comfort but easy on and off the bus. Plus we could split up when we needed. Less storage capacity, but this was not a real problem since we had good weather and did not have to layer.

Also I do recommend bringing a stroller even if your little one is pushing the size limit. My son never rides in a stroller except at WDW. If it were not for this, my shoulders would be the mode of transportation and he would be worn out after a couple of hours.

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All I'm saying is that please be aware of people around you. I have met too many people with strollers/wheelchairs/AVs who drive them with a sense of entitlement and danger. The AVs are the worst. I have also been run over twice by people in Epcot. One day my luck will run out and I will need one.

I have also seen people with strollers with kids in them the size of middle-scoolers.....
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Well-Known Member
I would say for 2 1/2, bring your own. It will be handy in the airport and at the resort. However, for older kids, I found the park stroller to be way more convenient. Just got back yesterday from a trip with my 4 yo DD and she really didn't need a stroller outside of the parks, so hauling one around all over the place would have been a pain we didn't really need.

As for losing the stroller, my wife had the brilliant idea of bringing a bright pink and green fuzzy boa type thing and tying it onto our stroller each day. Our stroller was incredibly easy to find and did not get "stolen" or lost the whole week. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it really did work out.
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Active Member
All I'm saying is that please be aware of people around you. I have met too many people with strollers/wheelchairs/AVs who drive them with a sense of entitlement and danger. The AVs are the worst. I have also been run over twice by people in Epcot. One day my luck will run out and I will need one.

I have also seen people with strollers with kids in them the size of middle-scoolers.....
All I'm saying is that I've met too many people who walk around WDW with a sense of entitlement and danger. Childless people are the worst. They have no clue what it is like to have children in a large themepark. They've run over my children more than twice on their way to the next attraction. One day my children's luck will run out and they will be seriously injured.

Seriously though, these "stroller" threads always attract the anti-stroller crowd. They've encountered some less-than-considerate stroller users and assume all stroller users are the same. The reality is that there are inconsiderate people of all stripes who visit WDW. Some bring strollers. Some complain about the strollers. There are also very considerate people who visit as well. I am one of those who bring a SUV stroller for every trip. Yet, I go out of my way to try not to inconvenience other guests. I've passed up more than one crowded bus so that we could catch a less crowded one. What is needed most is understanding and consideration by all guests, both those with strollers and those without children. WDW is for everyone. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
It is amazing what type of things stress people out on their vacation. Next time you see someone with an "SUV" stroller just get over it and let it go. Remember you are on vacation - relax and have a good time. We were all babies with parents who pushed us in strollers at one point or another - realax and let people have their "SUV" strollers if they so desire.
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All I'm saying is that I've met too many people who walk around WDW with a sense of entitlement and danger. Childless people are the worst. They have no clue what it is like to have children in a large themepark. They've run over my children more than twice on their way to the next attraction. One day my children's luck will run out and they will be seriously injured.

The people that say not to stress out about the strollers/avs obviously have never been run over by them. I get hit by them every trip. I am not "down on strollers", just want people to be cautious thats all. And who says I'm not childless? You haven't met my husband... :)
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Well-Known Member
Speaking as someone who dodges strollers left and right PLEASE GOD do not bring a massive SUV stroller that will end up holding more bags and your toddler walking next to it. Just bring an umbrella stroller. That way if yours "accidentally" gets taken by someone else you wont be out $8000 for your huge SUV stroller. And the people without stollers on the busses wont get their toes smashed when you try and wrangle the HUGE SUV stroller onto the bus with your exhaused and cranky toddler. Umbrella stoller much easier to lug around. And carry a pack with fruit snacks in it and toss a sport bottle under the umbrella stoller for a sip now & then. The less you have to tote around the better!

Oh I hear ya there...Our first time down with our daughter who at the time was one we had the suv stroller....that sucker was so freaking huge (but at the time we really did'nt see the difference nor know any better) now we do the umbrella stroller with the canapy top, much better and so much when ever we see someone on the bus or in the park with one of those suv strollers...oh we feel for them!!!!
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Active Member
All I'm saying is that I've met too many people who walk around WDW with a sense of entitlement and danger. Childless people are the worst. They have no clue what it is like to have children in a large themepark. They've run over my children more than twice on their way to the next attraction. One day my children's luck will run out and they will be seriously injured.

The people that say not to stress out about the strollers/avs obviously have never been run over by them. I get hit by them every trip. I am not "down on strollers", just want people to be cautious thats all. And who says I'm not childless? You haven't met my husband... :)

This thread is entitled "Stroller - Bring or Rent?" not "Stroller - Good or Bad?" yet there is always someone who jumps in on the former to say "stop running over me with your strollers". My point (again) is that not every stroller user is inconsiderate. How many strollers are there on a given day in one of the parks? Hundreds? A thousand? More? How many of those actually run into someone? Obviously many do but many more do not. I've run into people before but not because I wasn't paying attention. It was because they weren't paying attention and suddenly stepped in front of our stroller. What can I do about that? :shrug: But, that's not the point of this thread, is it?
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Active Member
Oh I hear ya there...Our first time down with our daughter who at the time was one we had the suv stroller....that sucker was so freaking huge (but at the time we really did'nt see the difference nor know any better) now we do the umbrella stroller with the canapy top, much better and so much when ever we see someone on the bus or in the park with one of those suv strollers...oh we feel for them!!!!
Don't feel for me! My temporary discomfort of getting the stroller to and from the park is worth providing a more comfortable spot for my kids for the remainder of the day. The people I feel for are those kids who try to nap sitting up in one of those umbrella strollers or one of the rentals. Makes my neck hurt to see a kids head slumped down on his or her chest. :lookaroun
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Active Member
How about going back to the hotel for a nap if you are on grounds?
You really don't have kids, do you? (Not counting your husband, of course :animwink:) Let's child typically takes a one hour nap. We have two options then. We can make our way out of the park, walk to the bus stop, wait on a bus, ride to the resort, walk to the room, and hope that she's ready to lie down and take her nap. The other four members of my family meanwhile must sit around and wait for the nap to be over. Then we must pack back up, head to the bus stop, wait for a bus, ride to back to the park, go through security and the turnstyles and pick up where we left off. Time elapsed? Easily 2 1/2 to three hours for a one hour nap. The other option of letting my child to nap comfortably in our SUV stroller allows the rest of the family to continue touring the park. We just take turns staying with our youngest while the others are on a ride. Works for us.
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Well-Known Member
The people that say not to stress out about the strollers/avs obviously have never been run over by them. I get hit by them every trip. I am not "down on strollers", just want people to be cautious thats all. And who says I'm not childless? You haven't met my husband... :)

I get hit by strollers on every trip as well but you know what - I just smile and if the person says sorry I say "no problem" and get back to having a good time.

Therefore as a person who has been hit by strollers I will say it yet again - don't stress out about it - get over it - and relax on your vacation.
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New Member
Going back to the resort for a nap is a waste of time, my son would fall asleep on the walk to the bus stop, sleep on the bus, sleep through getting off the bus just to wake up and be ready to go by the time we reach our room. When you are vacationing your kids don't always take a nap at the exact time that they maybe would be laid down at home.

There is plenty of room in the parks for strollers and non-kid people. The non-kid people should watch where they are going and not step right in front of someone with a stroller and expect the person to stop in a milli-second because the person was too impatient to just wait for me to pass, just as some stroller drivers need to be patient with non kid people. Or the people that stand there even though you say excuse me a million times, because they are waiting in a line that is out into the middle of the sidewalk when there is plenty of room to the side for the line to be roping around. They can simply move back so you can actually walk where you are suppose to. As a mom with an infant I don't seek out people to try and run over. Many times it's the non-kid people that are the ones that are causing themselves to be run over because they don't pay attention, it's like for some their brain and common sense goes on vacation while they are on vacation. It's like people riding on an elevator and they have no reason that they can't walk another ft or 2 to the escalator so that those with the carts or strollers can use the elevator. (Sorry that is a pet peeve of ours at our local mall)
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Well-Known Member
This went from an innocent question to the trypical heated stroller thread. We all get it. Childless people think stroller pushers are evil. Stroller pushers think childless people are evil.
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Well-Known Member
This went from an innocent question to the trypical heated stroller thread. We all get it. Childless people think stroller pushers are evil. Stroller pushers think childless people are evil.

And I think everyone is evil, or at least anyone who disagrees with me :D
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