Stressed & need to vent


Active Member
So we are set to leave for Disney in 8 days! One week from tomorrow we will be getting up at the 3 am to spend 9 magical days in Disney & I'm stressed.

I still need to pack :banghead::arghh:

I have to shop for toiletries, buy two suitcases, do laundry, pack, boys need hair cuts, I have to do my nails, both hubby and I work all of next week, we have Parent Teacher conference next Thursday, I am also fighting a cold along with my little buggy (Cristian, 9 months) and I'm hoping we are all better by next week.

I plan to do a lot this weekend (I'm off Mondays which helps!) but I have NEVER been this behind! I'm usually packed and ready at least 2 weeks prior! Not to mention I placed an order for water/diapers/wipes etc...and shipped it to MY HOUSE instead of to Pop, so tonight I have to drag two boxes with the hubby to the UPS store:confused::in pain:

Ok my rant/vent is over!! Thanks for reading/listening!

I just have to keep saying to myself DISNEY IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Original Poster
Remember Cranium Command, where the General states that your brain sometimes can not discern between real stress and imagined stress? Relax, these little things will soon be over, and you'll be vacationing in a major theme park/resort.

You are absolutely right! Actually typing my post helped! I laughed after I posted it and read it out loud! LOL.
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Well-Known Member
I have been insane trying to pack/get ready this whole week. then my daughter started puking for one day. I totally sympathise. As long as everyone has 1 pair of shorts, one pair of pants, and 2 shirts- you can always do laundry, or buy more clothes in the parks. lol You'll be fine, it will all be ok. Disney is worth it.. breathe! ;)
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Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
I will preface by saying I am often not good at following this advice myself, but I will throw it out there anyway. I usually freak about packing also. Usually we are going to visit family or somewhere where we will have a car. My mom always says to me, " you can buy stuff here. We are not on another planet (or in another country - she varies what she says ;)).

I try to keep this in mind. And just make sure I have my phone, wallet, prescriptions, and a particular shampoo and moisturizer that I must use that are not readily available. Even clothes I can buy at the destination. I do not know if you will have a car at WDW, but is so, really try to keep this in mind.

So I hope you can use this...and do so better than I usually do. :)
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Well-Known Member
I work better under pressure, or so I like to think! I agree with the poster who said they sell stuff there. If you forget something, no stress, a side trip to a store will be just fine. And, WDW has a barbershop! My husband has been known to put off a haircut just so he can go there! Have a great vacation!
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Well-Known Member
So we are set to leave for Disney in 8 days! One week from tomorrow we will be getting up at the 3 am to spend 9 magical days in Disney & I'm stressed.

I still need to pack :banghead::arghh:

I have to shop for toiletries, buy two suitcases, do laundry, pack, boys need hair cuts, I have to do my nails, both hubby and I work all of next week, we have Parent Teacher conference next Thursday, I am also fighting a cold along with my little buggy (Cristian, 9 months) and I'm hoping we are all better by next week.

I plan to do a lot this weekend (I'm off Mondays which helps!) but I have NEVER been this behind! I'm usually packed and ready at least 2 weeks prior! Not to mention I placed an order for water/diapers/wipes etc...and shipped it to MY HOUSE instead of to Pop, so tonight I have to drag two boxes with the hubby to the UPS store:confused::in pain:

Ok my rant/vent is over!! Thanks for reading/listening!

I just have to keep saying to myself DISNEY IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!
Believe that Disney is magical. I am always stressed but then I realize that I will be at Disney spending precious time with my family. So enjoy yourself. Everyone needs a break but don't stress yourself out before you get there. Stop and count to ten and let Disney work it's magic.
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Original Poster
Thanks soooooo much for all the encouraging words!!!! They helped!!

I am glad to say it is monday morning and everything is bought, laundry is complete i am 75% packed and best of all stress free!!

All that's left are haircuts and nails and those will be done after work this week. I am now sitting at home having breakfast watching Disney Jr with my 9 month old and I am totally relaxed - Finally!!!

@Minthorne - LOL! That made my day! lol. I knew that fountain was useful or something!!
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Well-Known Member
So we are set to leave for Disney in 8 days! One week from tomorrow we will be getting up at the 3 am to spend 9 magical days in Disney & I'm stressed.

I still need to pack :banghead::arghh:

I have to shop for toiletries, buy two suitcases, do laundry, pack, boys need hair cuts, I have to do my nails, both hubby and I work all of next week, we have Parent Teacher conference next Thursday, I am also fighting a cold along with my little buggy (Cristian, 9 months) and I'm hoping we are all better by next week.

I plan to do a lot this weekend (I'm off Mondays which helps!) but I have NEVER been this behind! I'm usually packed and ready at least 2 weeks prior! Not to mention I placed an order for water/diapers/wipes etc...and shipped it to MY HOUSE instead of to Pop, so tonight I have to drag two boxes with the hubby to the UPS store:confused::in pain:

Ok my rant/vent is over!! Thanks for reading/listening!

I just have to keep saying to myself DISNEY IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!
I pack the kid the night before and me and DH pack in the morning- that way I don't bring a ton of stuff I don't need. And if I forgot something REALLY important, I go to Target :D
I guess it gets a little frustrating when you're sick, but I'm sure you'll be feeling better in a few days- I'd rather be sick at work than sick on vacation. Have a fantastic stress-free trip!
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Well-Known Member
Just don't use any soap in the fountain. Somebody put enough soap in a fountain here to close a half of a 4 lane road until it got cleaned up. At least the street was cleaner.
A friend of mine use to do that in HS all the time- it was bubble bath. Eventually the neighborhood turned said fountain into a planter. It still makes me giggle to think about it :hilarious:
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Well-Known Member
Thanks soooooo much for all the encouraging words!!!! They helped!!

I am glad to say it is monday morning and everything is bought, laundry is complete i am 75% packed and best of all stress free!!

All that's left are haircuts and nails and those will be done after work this week. I am now sitting at home having breakfast watching Disney Jr with my 9 month old and I am totally relaxed - Finally!!!

@Minthorne - LOL! That made my day! lol. I knew that fountain was useful or something!!
Haircuts at MK are lots of fun. I never expected sparkles sprinkled in my hair - but I got over it...
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Well-Known Member
Ok. Now you have me stresses! I leave in 12 days. Still need to clean the house, decorate for Christmas (coming back from the decked out World, I need my house to be that way when I get back), school assignments to complete, haircuts to get, Christmas shopping to do (like to do most of it before Thanksgiving), the lawn it cut... I will stop now because my list is too long. But I will be at CSR in 12 days; the prize is in sight!

Enjoy your trip.
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