Storm Riders Replacing SSE??


New Member
imagineer99 said:
Wow...what's that sound? Oh, it's Walt rolling over in his grave.

EPCOT is about inpsiration, education, and understanding. What does a friggin' roller coaster that makes Mickey ears have to do with that? GEESH...

what does an ancient omnimover have to do with that?


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
what does an ancient omnimover have to do with that?

I don't deny that SSE needs to be UPDATED. Nevertheless, that does not change the fact that its current message is still incredibly beautiful and inspirational. SSE is an attraction that represents the very ideal of EPCOT, hence why it's the park's symbol.

Beneath that geosphere isn't some schlocky, pointless thrill ride. It's something that beckons hummanity to reach out to one another and build bridges--To COMMUNICATE...What is more represantative of EPCOT, than that?

On a side note, joshwill and ddank, if you don't like somebody on these boards, use the ignore feature. Personally, I think Thrawn is one of our better posters. He's smart. He doesn't sugar coat things. He speaks his mind. I respect that. Heck, I don't find him annoying at all.


New Member
imagineer99 said:
I don't deny that SSE needs to be UPDATED. Nevertheless, that does not change the fact that its current message is still incredibly beautiful and inspirational. SSE is an attraction that represents the very ideal of EPCOT, hence why it's the park's symbol.

Beneath that geoshpehre isn't some schlocky, pointless thrill ride. It's something that beckons hummanity to reach out to one anther and build briges. To COMMUNICATE...What is more represantative of EPCOT, that that?

On a side note, joshwill and ddank, if you don't like somebody on these boards, use the ignore feature. Personally, I think Thrawn is one of our better posters. He's smart. He doesn't sugar coat things. He speaks his mind. I respect that. The fact of the matter is, this rumor will never happen. As others have said, Corrus and Lee know all...

uuuh do you honestly believe that more than 1% of people take ANYTHING from the ride.


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
uuuh do you honestly believe that more than 1% of people take ANYTHING from the ride.

Yeah, I do. I understand that the majority of the population wants a "quick fix." However, the more intelligent guest wants something more...

I'd say that a lot of members on this site feel the same way as myself. :wave:


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
uuuh do you honestly believe that more than 1% of people take ANYTHING from the ride.

I do to.

I also want everyone to experience Spaceship Earth. A coaster or thrill ride limits the people who can visit the attraction.


New Member
imagineer99 said:
I'd say that a lot of members on this site feel the same way

yes, but even if the whole 25,000 members of this board felt that way, it would still be less than one percent of the population, an other than us disneyphiles, who goes on SSE more than once? the message is dated, and the ride is more so.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
yes, but even if the whole 25,000 members of this board felt that way, it would still be less than one percent of the population, an other than us disneyphiles, who goes on SSE more than once? the message is dated, and the ride is more so.
I think he means that the majority of this boards members think that more than 1% riders get something out of the ride. The FACT is the rides message is not dated. Only the references to the future tech are dated. The majority of the ride is about the history of communication and how man has always searched for new ways to more effectively communicate. In this day and age that message is even more meaningful than ever. The only updating the ride needs is on the decent to make it showcase the future once again.

That said I too think that more than 1% of riders get something out of the ride. No not the majority but I would be willing to say 1 out of every 2 or 4 guests "gets it." For everyone else that’s too bad. The fact that the majority of people these days can't distinguish between entertainment and being flipped upside down is sad.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a scary thread. I'm glad to at least hear that most sources point to this not being a possibility.

I can't believe some people actually think a roller coaster or a simulator would be a better fit than the current attraction (or an updated version of the current attraction).

[Sarcasm]Let's just replace all of the rides at WDW with a "Thrill Ride" because that's what draws in guests! [/Sarcasm]

Honestly, people come to WDW for something different. There are literally dozens of amusement parks in this country that have really great roller coasters. I enjoy a good roller coaster as much as the next guy, but I still think people come to Disney Theme Parks for something different. Why else would the Disney Parks continue to outdo Universal's IoE in attendance each year? The fact of the matter is that Epcot does appeal to people and has appealed to people the way it is. Why else is it the second most visited WDW Theme Park? (Ahead of MGM with RnRC and ToT). I really believe that people actually do appreciate the spirit of Epcot. It is unlike any other theme park in the world.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy Mission: Space or Test Track, but let's not replace every attraction at Epcot with a thrill ride.


Well-Known Member
Well, its going to get some sort of update. I think something more along the lines of using a motion base on a moving platform (Ala Dino) is more likely.


Well-Known Member
I agree that an update may be necessary, but I don't think it needs to be a thrill ride.

(And this is coming from an avid roller-coaster buff).

Seriously, there has to be a balance of different types of attractions.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
exactly, and do you know how many coasters EPCOT has? 0 zip zilch nada.

It doesn't need one. Why does every park need a roller coaster? Why? They don't. Like I said, I enjoy roller coasters, but Epcot doesn't need one. It doesn't fit at all with the theme.

Besides, I didn't say that every park had to have a roller coaster; I just said that attractions should be balanced. That means that there should be different types of attractions in each park as related to the theme. Expedition Everest fits well with the spirit of adventure theme of Animal Kingdom. I'm really excited to ride it when it comes out. However, a roller coaster doesn't fit with a theme of communication in SSE. There are thrill rides at Epcot. MS and TT fit very well with Epcot's theme.


imagineer99 said:
Yeah, I do. I understand that the majority of the population wants a "quick fix." However, the more intelligent guest wants something more...

I'd say that a lot of members on this site feel the same way as myself. :wave:

Well said.


Active Member
Everybody has said what is EPCOT and what stands for. Thats why there are so limited Trill Rides.

What EPCOT need is to work on rides that reflects: UNITY, PROPSERITY. TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION, but most important FAMILY.

I can't ride M:S, i dont like JIYI with Figment. But i can take my kids with me on SSE and ride one of the most amazing achivements in Humanity (the geosphere). Sure the ride systems and some of the "Show" it self need a huge update. But is most important to keep it a FAMILY ride.

I think to update the ending, do mayor changes in the AudioAnimatronics (newer ones) replace some scenes. Maybe do a Tie in with "Horizons, Carousel of Progress" have the same meaning. Even why not ad screen (small LCD with touchscreens) and you can chat with anyone in the ride or your party. why not make you be able to select the language of the narration (after all is a comunications pavillion). when the ride itself stops why not be able to play some trivia and learn more. Even send a picture email to a family or friend from "EPCOT"

Spaceship Earth is the Icon of Epcot. it's meaning after al UNITY.

Just think of this.


The whole debate about adding a coaster to Epcot is irrelevant, like others are saying, what's left of the spirit of Epcot doesn't need to be changed. Epcot is not directly about thrills, but that doesn't mean they are forbidden. By all means add coasters elsewhere, but not Epcot, it just doesn't fit. I'm not saying don't add thrills, of course they should continue to come about, but Spaceship Earth is different.


Well-Known Member
PaisleyMF said:
Everybody has said what is EPCOT and
Spaceship Earth is the Icon of Epcot. it's meaning after al UNITY.

Just think of this.

Very good points. I just think some people may not understand the spirit of Epcot. Why cheapen Spaceship Earth in any way?


New Member
I'd like to speak on behalf of Spaceship Earth. In the immortal words of another who got the boot from EPCOT a few years ago, "Leave me alone!" I've said it before and I'll say it again: with the exception of "Circle of Life" and Ellen's Energy Adventure, every so-called improvement they've made to EPCOT has been horrid. I have yet to go on Mission: Space, but I cannot forgive them for gutting Horizons. Test Track is a sad, pathetic thrill ride that insults the great World of Motion attraction that used to be in that building. Journey into Imagination with Figment is a fun house gone horribly awry, while the original Journey Into Imagination inspired. "Captain EO was a far better (and memorable) movie than "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience." Don't even get me started on the seasonal and uncertain status of Wonders of Life. And while Food Rocks! was good, Kitchen Kabaret was better. My anger at them for destroying Food Rocks!, though, just to put in a queue for Soarin' is immense. Soarin' could have had its own Pavillion, as could any of those other attractions. There's plenty of room there. That's why Walt bought so much land to begin with! Just because something has a few years on it, that doesn't mean kill it. Bring back the EPCOT of 1995 (plus Ellen). Then add your lame thrill rides. At least I can still have what made EPCOT EPCOT (edu-tainment!). When I first visited there in the early '90s, I loved it more than the Magic I'd rather watch old videos of the Park than actually go to it. And that truly saddens me.
That being said, the Mickey arm/wand has got to go.

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