Stitch under refurb


Well-Known Member
Friends of mine who work there knew about it days ago, so I'm wondering what slackers you were talking to. :)
One said that they're just replacing the LN2 pipes. I think it'd be rather disappointing if that's all they accomplish in that time. There are effects missing from that show that have been gone so long, most CMs that work there don't know they exist.

What exactly are LN2 pipes?


Active Member
My family did Stitch for the first time this trip. We will not be doing it again. My dad thought it was cute, but not worth any form of wait. For me, those shoulder harnesses need to go! OMG - they hurt my shoulders so bad, even more so when they were going up and down and another time when they all of a sudden tightened on me.

They can get rid of this ride for all I care.


Resident Curmudgeon
There is a LOT of "smoke" in those chambers. Or at least there should be. It really makes or breaks Stitch's appearances and disappearances from the teleporatation tube.

That makes sense, I always thought that it came from a theatrical smoke machine, Letting LN2 vaporize would be a lot cheaper and easier to maintain.


Well-Known Member
If its worth doing it's worth doing to XS..., The Old ride much better and with a high fear factor...
I don't know about that. I saw Mission to Mars, Alien Encounter, and SGE. My first trip to WDW was in 1991 and that explains me seeing all 3 attractions.

I am not a fan of any of the three attractions. I remembered not getting scarred by Alien encounter and the attraction seemed lame to me. Stitch to me was a bad attraction also.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you if you rode the previous ride your sentiment would be different! That for me was a solid e ticket. in terms of thrills and show.

Well I never liked the Alien Movies so the chances are if I had been there before it turned into Stitch I would not have rode it.
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Well-Known Member
I'm telling you if you rode the previous ride your sentiment would be different! That for me was a solid e ticket. in terms of thrills and show.

Also what the heck is with the letters with rides???? All I keep getting told is that it has to do with old ride tickets. So what was E the worst, best or ok or what. Saying it was an E ride gives me no information without any back history to what it all means.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Also what the heck is with the letters with rides???? All I keep getting told is that it has to do with old ride tickets. So what was E the worst, best or ok or what. Saying it was an E ride gives me no information without any back history to what it all means.

It goes back to the old ticket books..."E" ticket was for the best and most popular attractions.


Active Member
My ds (7) and mom saw SGE for the first time Sunday and both of them thought it was stupid. My oldest ds (16) saw it when he was 7 and liked it. I think the biggest problem is Stitch has a target audience that is on the border of being too young for this type of experience. My dd (4) loves Lilo and Stitch but I won't take her because of the potential of her being "that screaming kid" in the dark. I liked it alright myself but I don't see it every trip...only if I need filler.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I rode it once. Never again. I never experienced Alien Encounter, so I'm not griping out of nostalgia. Stitch is just an attractive-looking but unlikable failure. Bad show all around. It's not funny. It's unpleasant, and the shoulder harnesses hurt my shoulders too. Feh upon it.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Once, yes.

The Stitch figure itself is actually top-notch, and and the ride adds a neat element in the form of a couple automated laser cannons that aim at the guests.
Plus it's almost always walk-on, or at least walk-in.

You know, thinking about it, does anyone else think the attraction might be a good candidate for a third overlay based on Wreck-it-Ralph?
They could really plus the ride by adding some of the new-generation projection effects used at that execrable Jack Sparrow show at MGM. You could do all kinds of cool things like having the video game characters jump on/off the video screens in the room as the arcade police or whoever tried to isolate the "glitch". Venellope could appear in the central tube at first and after some hijinks be replaced by Turbo/bug.

For added fun they could relocate the arcade from the Space Mountain area to Merchant of Venus so that you exit through an arcade instead of a merch location.



I like your idea a LOT. :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't experienced Stitch yet (in fact, I haven't even seen the movie), but I experienced the Alien attraction in 2000. I remember waiting in a LONG line for it, and my wife and I did child switch off. IMO it wasn't that great, but sort of interesting to experience once. Is the Stitch attraction worth experiencing once, in your opinion? Maybe DS14 will like it?
Everything is worth doing once! But I'd do all the other things first. :)

It's unlikely that your son will enjoy it, but who knows?


Well-Known Member
I assumed you understood what an eticket was, its really common lingo on this board.

Yes well assuming is never a good thing, I've only been to WDW once, and I am not completely understanding of things on these boards so I ask questions. Add in my learning disabilities and what takes most people one reading to understand something takes me 3 or 4 times to understand. So I ask questions so I can learn.

It goes back to the old ticket books..."E" ticket was for the best and most popular attractions.

Thanks for the link I will go check it out


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you if you rode the previous ride your sentiment would be different! That for me was a solid e ticket. in terms of thrills and show.
I have seen both. Also the Journey to Mars before that. I liked everyone of them and do feel that they shouldn't have remove Alien, but by now, it would have been dated and in need of change. Stitch? Not the highest caliber entertainment available but it is kinda cute...especially the preshow. I am not a little wuss that cannot handle the chilli burp, it's just scented air people, come on, how old are we anyway. I think it has it's use. It might be time for something new there like good old wreck it Ralph, who knows
Why do so many keep calling it a ride, its never been a ride whether it be stitch, alien, etc. Its always been a show attraction.
We almost made it to Mars but had that problem that made us have to return to earth for our own safety. Can't remember what it was now, but I know it was serious.

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