Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


New Member
Jimbo - you can do it. We (DH and I) did the same back before our trip in December, 2005. We only took a month to try and loss what we could, we were both down about 10 lbs.
Can't join you as I am pregnant now.
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New Member
I will join in. I did something similiar last year and lost 20 pounds but quickly put them back on after the trip, which was not my intention. I have a goal weight loss a lot higher, but am not ready to admit it yet. My goal is to get healthy. I am currently walking 30 minutes, 5 days a week on the treadmill. Hope the weather gets nice and I can start doing it outside.

Goal for Disney trip is to lose 30 lbs and to be able to walk 3 miles a day. That is really a lot less than 2 pounds a week, but I am trying to be realistic and take it healthy, not fast.
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Active Member
Hooray for the weight you've already lost and for wanting to be healthy! :sohappy:

I'll join you! I've been doing Weight Watchers since January and I'm down 20lbs but a little pixie dust and help from Disney friends would be nice too! :D

Unfortunately we want be going to WDW until next year :cry: but my goal is to be 30#s smaller by summer!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Jimbo - you can do it. We (DH and I) did the same back before our trip in December, 2005. We only took a month to try and loss what we could, we were both down about 10 lbs.
Can't join you as I am pregnant now.
You can play the opposite game -- how much can you gain!!! :lookaroun
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New Member
I'll chime in-I've been doing WW since Feb 7 and am down 16.6 pounds. I gained my weight after Cole was born, only 7 pounds gained while pregnant- I actualy lost quite a bit. I work out daily at 5 am (before Cole gets up), and have been eating really healthy. I hope to be down another 10-14 pounds by May 21. Good luck, Jimbo! You are doing the right thing already by getting take out boxes to put food in before you start eating; you have a good mindset. Just remember, you need to eat sensibly and frequently to lose weight.
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New Member
You can do it and good luck! :sohappy:
Make sure you are getting the right foods and you will be amazed how it will melt away. I make sure I have 2 proteinds, 3 fruits and 4 veggies a day. I have lost 70 pounds - started dieting mid August last year. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. Reward - Disney at Christmas. Well on my way and the trip is booked already.
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New Member
I am going to join you as well. My trip is 148 days out so I too feel I have enough time to drop a good amount. Hey if I can get one pound off a week, that will be around 20 pounds less to carry around with me :) With it starting to get warmer out as the days go by it will be easier to get out and be active. We also just bought an eliptical machine which will help keep the routine up on rainy days. Since we moved it infront of the tv in the basement, it has been easier since I can watch a favorite show while doing it and it makes the time go by faster. I have this feeling that this year will be the year to get some pounds off the body. Maybe it's because I just turned 30, but want to look like I just turned 25 ;) But Disney is definitely a good motivation. Come to think of it, I should hang a bathing suit and a picture of Typhoon Lagoon up on my fridge :D
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New Member
I too am doing WW. I started 3/21/07 and am currently down 6 lbs. I only have 3 full weeks until my next trip to WDW but I am hoping to be down at least 10 by then---15 would be even better! I am walking 30-45 minutes 6 days a week and if nothing else I feel better. Any support anyone needs I am more than happy to lend an ear!
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Active Member
I'll chime in-I've been doing WW since Feb 7 and am down 16.6 pounds. I gained my weight after Cole was born, only 7 pounds gained while pregnant- I actualy lost quite a bit. I work out daily at 5 am (before Cole gets up), and have been eating really healthy. I hope to be down another 10-14 pounds by May 21. Good luck, Jimbo! You are doing the right thing already by getting take out boxes to put food in before you start eating; you have a good mindset. Just remember, you need to eat sensibly and frequently to lose weight.

Congrats on your WW weight loss, it's an amazing program that really works! I am out to loose my baby weight as well. I just wanted to give you a BIG KUDOS for working out at 5am! :sohappy: Maybe that's what i should start doing, before my little Luke gets up and wants his bottle!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
23 weeks - 40 lbs

29 weeks - 40-60 lbs

summer - 30 lbs

xxx - 30 lbs

7 weeks - 10-14 lbs

38 weeks - 30 lbs

3 weeks 10-15 lbs

Correct me if I spelled your name wrong our your goals.

ANON1 is somebody that IMed me and wanted to remain nameless. We have plenty of room for more ANONs and you can update via IM if you want. Working together we can be a real team to make ourselves healthy.

Thanks Master Yoda for your input too. I'm taking a Manish 1-a-day vitamin. I don't want an energy booster per say, but anything that may make sure I am doing the best to keep my heart healty? St. Johns Wort/Fish Oil (can't stand the stuff) or something I think some say??? Yes, I'm getting older. The big 3-Oh this year.
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The frequency of eating is something that is hard for me. I can go a day fasting (I know WORST THING EVER) with no problem. But for me to restrict myself to a 1/4 apple or a 1/4 cup of crackers every 2 hrs I go nutz. The 100 Calorie packs they sell now are AWESOME, I just get itchy and eat 4-5 a day sometimes when at work. My big thing this time is weening off pop. I have LOTS (you don't want to know) of sodas daily. I'm trying to cut down to 4 now and ween off one more each week. I have already converted to diet soda, but I know it's not really that good for me either. So 1 pop a day. 1-2 Fruits per day. Choke down a veggie. And a well rounded meal for dinner. Mild snacks of crackers/trail mix 1-2 times daily.

I am by far a total NON-SUPPORTER of a carb free diet. Carb free = Scarr-ee. I'd rather have a roll than 3 strips of bacon. Carbs don't gain you wait -- overeating does.

Like I said before, I am a swing dieter. I've lost ~30 lbs. 5 times before, but I never follow through to the lifestyle change. I still snack at night -- and that's my downfall. Also I eat every meal like it's my last. So, first thing when I sit down to a meal... take my plate... split everything in half. Then don't refil. I can easlily put down the 3000+ calorie meal. Not good for you. If I can get my daily Calories down to 12-1300 I usually lose 1-2 pounds a week without much work. Also allow cheat day 1 time per week.. But cheat day is only one meal, not all day long. Then the next day is rebound day where you may stay even, then the loss starts back up again.

7 days
M -1/2
T -1/2
W -1/2
Th -1/2
F -1/2
Sa +1
Su -1/2

Net loss for the week 2lbs.
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New Member
The frequency of eating is something that is hard for me. I can go a day fasting (I know WORST THING EVER) with no problem. But for me to restrict myself to a 1/4 apple or a 1/4 cup of crackers every 2 hrs I go nutz. The 100 Calorie packs they sell now are AWESOME, I just get itchy and eat 4-5 a day sometimes when at work. My big thing this time is weening off pop. I have LOTS (you don't want to know) of sodas daily. I'm trying to cut down to 4 now and ween off one more each week. I have already converted to diet soda, but I know it's not really that good for me either. So 1 pop a day. 1-2 Fruits per day. Choke down a veggie. And a well rounded meal for dinner. Mild snacks of crackers/trail mix 1-2 times daily.

I am by far a total NON-SUPPORTER of a carb free diet. Carb free = Scarr-ee. I'd rather have a roll than 3 strips of bacon. Carbs don't gain you wait -- overeating does.

Like I said before, I am a swing dieter. I've lost ~30 lbs. 5 times before, but I never follow through to the lifestyle change. I still snack at night -- and that's my downfall. Also I eat every meal like it's my last. So, first thing when I sit down to a meal... take my plate... split everything in half. Then don't refil. I can easlily put down the 3000+ calorie meal. Not good for you. If I can get my daily Calories down to 12-1300 I usually lose 1-2 pounds a week without much work. Also allow cheat day 1 time per week.. But cheat day is only one meal, not all day long. Then the next day is rebound day where you may stay even, then the loss starts back up again.

7 days
M -1/2
T -1/2
W -1/2
Th -1/2
F -1/2
Sa +1
Su -1/2

Net loss for the week 2lbs.

I feel your pain. I used to drink lots....sometimes 6 or 7 (or more) a day. I stopped cold turkey (almost killed me) and dropped 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I am now down 25 pounds total with about 50 more to go. I'm up to walking/running 4 miles a day/5 days a week. Can't lose it before my trip as we leave in 10 days. But I'm in for just losing weight. Maybe I'll lose it for a trip next year.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for doing this Jimbo! We can all use as much motivation and support as we can get!!!
It helps to keep having cheerleaders to help you along and friends to keep you accountable. Good luck everybody. These all look like goals we can reach. Keeping it to 1-2 pounds a week is pretty moderate.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I feel your pain. I used to drink lots....sometimes 6 or 7 (or more) a day. I stopped cold turkey (almost killed me) and dropped 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I am now down 25 pounds total with about 50 more to go. I'm up to walking/running 4 miles a day/5 days a week. Can't lose it before my trip as we leave in 10 days. But I'm in for just losing weight. Maybe I'll lose it for a trip next year.
I can still add you goal -- it doesn't have to be for a trip!
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