Star Wars

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
Original Poster
I know the Star wars pod racer ride and other ideas of a new star wars attraction have been floating around for years but when is this thing going to happen? I mean theres no rush or anything but I think a new attraction/ride for Star Wars is really needed. Anyone else agree?


Active Member
I completely agree with you we need new destinations...I would like to see each sim going to a different destination like tantooine, endor, coruscant, etc...That would be pretty cool like a real spaceport.


New Member
I remember hearing that Lucas wants to create a new film for it...but that Disney wants him to front some money for it, or something like that. So from what i believe, Lucas wants to update it but Disney doesnt want to spend the money on it right now.


New Member
I agree a new Star Wars attraction would be cool, but does anyone know how that all would work legally. Was the agreement with Lucas a one time thing or does it continue to other attractions?


More than likey, we'll simply see a new video for Star Tours before we see anything more from Lucas...

And as it seems from a previous post, Disney isn't spending any money at this moment on any Star Wars unless Lucas gives them some cash first.

It would be a cool idea though, a Star Tours: Tatooine Adventure.

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
Original Poster
personally I dont care about the location or the setting as much as the technology. Technology has come far along since they first made the ride its time for something new. They already have the theming, and its star Wars, it will show itself.

The Quest!

New Member
i think they should tear it down and make a star wars dark ride-something along the lines of the spiderman 3-D dark ride at universal-islands of adventure....that would be awesome-extremely expensive and time consuming-but awesome.....that'll never happen b/c of money/legal/enough room issues but since star wars is so popular, it probably should

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I love star tours because I love star wars. The technology badly needs upgrading, I don’t even care if they keep the film the same just update the sims. I would love to see a new film though (not to big on the pod race) the star wars universe is so big I hope they can come up with something better than the pod race. The problem is if Lucas isn’t going to make millions off of something you can forget it. Can we say another trilogy on DVD in sept. I thought he would NEVER release the original movies again. :rolleyes: Oh yea millions of people are going to buy them. Disney and Lucas need to pony up the cash and make one kick butt ride. Us dedicated star wars fans that have been lining Lucas pockets deserve it.


Well-Known Member
Well, since you Star Wars freaks are getting the original films again, maybe Lucas will pay attention to you...

...:D (I confess that I, too, will purchase the originals this September, even though I already own the last DVD set.)

btw, nice avatar, Sergeant Tibbs.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who prefers Star Tours the way it is? Such a great piece of nogstala. And besides, it still draws big crowds, always has somewhat of a line, and the MGM version still uses FP, why replace it? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Maybe I just tend to have the same viewpoint as Disney Management.


tirian said:
Well, since you Star Wars freaks are getting the original films again, maybe Lucas will pay attention to you...

...:D (I confess that I, too, will purchase the originals this September, even though I already own the last DVD set.)

I was extremely excited about the release of the original Star Wars films, obviously (JEDIsney), and I couldn't wait until they came out.

I say that I was extremely excited, because the plans have changed. I figured I'd let you know, so you didn't get your hopes up too much. Here's the article:

IMDb said:
'Star Wars' Fans Upset About DVD Plans for Original Trilogy
Despite earlier reports that Lucasfilm would be re-releasing the original unedited theatrical versions of the first three Star Wars movies on DVD, it now turns out that they will be copied from the laserdiscs of the films released in the mid'90s, formatted for the conventional TV screen and not wide-screen "letterbox" versions. The revelation has provoked anger among Star Wars fans, expressed on such Internet sites as, and quoted Lucasfilm spokesman John Singh as saying, "We hoped that by releasing the original movies as a bonus disc, it would be a way to give the fans something that is fun. We certainly didn't want to be become a source of frustration for fans."

So yeah, so much for that.. :(


Well-Known Member
Wow. If that's true (IMDb isn't always correct), I won't purchase the set.

Considering Lucas' obsession with cutting-edge technology, I do find it hard to believe that he wouldn't release the original wide-screen versions. After all, the new TV standard is 16:9.



New Member
Chape19714 said:
Am I the only one who prefers Star Tours the way it is? Such a great piece of nogstala. And besides, it still draws big crowds, always has somewhat of a line, and the MGM version still uses FP, why replace it? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Maybe I just tend to have the same viewpoint as Disney Management.

While I like the current storyline, I wouldn't mind seeing the effects reworked with present-day technology. The comet scene in particular always stands out as being almost thrown together at the last minute...especially when compared with how good the rest of it looks.
However, Disney-MGM has many other things they should be thinking about before reworking an attraction that, as already mentioned, still has lines. If they really want to rework something, there's always Lights, Motors, Action!, or the current lame backlot tour, or the current lame animation building, or that lame Narnia walkthrough.


Well-Known Member
100% Agree, MGM has bigger problems. Besides, re-working Star Tours probally won't bring in enough new crowds to make a differance, and put MGM back in 3rd attendence wise. They need to focus on the new e-ticket.


Well-Known Member
I want to see the entire area razed and replaced with "Soarin'...over a Galaxy Far, Far Away." The Soarin' ride vehicle would have to be themed to fit into the Star Wars universe, of course. Perhaps the giant IMAX screen would function as the front window (protected by a forcefield?) in a huge space touring vehicle in which the audience is seated.

Here's my dream scenario: Watto has won a gigantic (but junky) touring vehicle in a "game of chance", and has opened it to citizens of Tatooine. We enter through Watto's shop, which now has a ridiculously humongous addition -- a hangar in which the Touring Vehicle sits.

We launch in the Soarin' vehicle, but the engine fails us momentarily, and we end up swooping down into a pod race for a minute. Finally, the pilot (a precursor to Rex?) regains control and we lightspeed away.

After some misadventures -- asteroids, bounty hunters, etc. -- we end up at the Battle of Coruscant (from Revenge of the Sith), where we weave in and out of the huge melee. We see General Grievous' starship (with Anakin and Obi-Wan on board), falling toward the planet.

Suddenly, our ship is hit as well, and we plummet towards Coruscant right behind the Jedi. Rex straigtens us out, and we weave through the traffic of the city before crash-landing.

That's my daydream. I hope the Imagineers read this and run with my idea...


New Member
Since1976 said:
I want to see the entire area razed and replaced with "Soarin'...over a Galaxy Far, Far Away." The Soarin' ride vehicle would have to be themed to fit into the Star Wars universe, of course. Perhaps the giant IMAX screen would function as the front window (protected by a forcefield?) in a huge space touring vehicle in which the audience is seated.

Here's my dream scenario: Watto has won a gigantic (but junky) touring vehicle in a "game of chance", and has opened it to citizens of Tatooine. We enter through Watto's shop, which now has a ridiculously humongous addition -- a hangar in which the Touring Vehicle sits.

We launch in the Soarin' vehicle, but the engine fails us momentarily, and we end up swooping down into a pod race for a minute. Finally, the pilot (a precursor to Rex?) regains control and we lightspeed away.

After some misadventures -- asteroids, bounty hunters, etc. -- we end up at the Battle of Coruscant (from Revenge of the Sith), where we weave in and out of the huge melee. We see General Grievous' starship (with Anakin and Obi-Wan on board), falling toward the planet.

Suddenly, our ship is hit as well, and we plummet towards Coruscant right behind the Jedi. Rex straigtens us out, and we weave through the traffic of the city before crash-landing.

That's my daydream. I hope the Imagineers read this and run with my idea...

Now, that sounds really fun!!! I like your idea. :D Hopefully, there are those Disney people "lurking about" reading your ideas. I think the ride technology like Spiderman would fit this idea really well.


Active Member
Sergeant Tibbs said:
I know the Star wars pod racer ride and other ideas of a new star wars attraction have been floating around for years but when is this thing going to happen? I mean theres no rush or anything but I think a new attraction/ride for Star Wars is really needed. Anyone else agree?

Lucas announced at SW Celebration III that Star Tours would be changing sometime within the near future. He hinted at a new film, but said that it would still be under the Star Tours company.

Personally, I would love to see the Starspeeder hover over the lava fields of Mustafar, spectating the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. You could fall down the lava-fall.

Or you could visit Coruscant, and fly through the traffic-filled skies, until you catch an illegal race in the underworld of Coruscant. You fly next to Anakin (who is undercover) and race with everyone. That sounds fun to me!

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