Star Wars

Peaches Magee

New Member
Good list of comics, Peaches. You said you read Batman. Are you reading Paul Dini's run on Detective Comics?

Monthly I read: Fables, Jack of Fables, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps( Green Lantern and the Corps are pretty cool, they are sort of like Jedi's in a way) and Invincible. And when they come out I get the Disney Haunted Mansion and Gargoyles comic. I recommed Fables and Jack of Fables. They are Vertigo books. Basically, the fairy tale characters we know and love are living in modern day NY among us. They were driven out of their homelands by a Fable who went bad, though you won't find out until about issue #50. It is really one of the best comics out there. I highly recommend it.

Dark Horse is a great comic company. Their Star Wars comics have been going on since the 90's when they re-printed the old newspaper strips (I had a letter published in their comic!). The Tag and Big books are just great, real classic story telling, lots of fun. The Infinities books are great as well.

CThaddeus, you sound like a clone of me!

The Star Wars pins are great. Originally I only collected those, but the pin bug bit me so I collect a few others (basically Quasimodo, any Disney dragons, Nightmare Before Christmas, Ichabod and the headless horseman, Indiana Jones when they have any, and the Muppets).

I bought the Star Tours action figures that were exclusive to the park a while back. Always nice to get some more R2 units to add to your collection.

I've been to a bunch of conventions, comic book (still waiting to get to Comiccon), a few horror movie conventions, a few movie ones, some Star Trek (I am not a Trekkie but my friend is so I would tag along. I did find some cool Star Wars toys at it though) and a Star Wars one here in NJ called Empire Fest a few years back. Jan Durrsema was there. She draws the Star Wars comic Legacy. She also made the character Aayla Secura with John Ostrander in the comics, which Lucas liked so much he added her to his films (blue Jedi Twi'lek) and Quinlan Vos (a background guy from Ep 1 and also mentioned in Ep 3). I had her do a nice sketch of Vos for me. She is an amazing comic artist.

I have looked over Some of the Dini's ones but haven't got any yet...
Jack of Fables sounds pretty great... oh I have read some Invincible as well, my friend turned me onto it... she loves em. Oh how could I forget the Haunted Mansions ones! I just saw on D.W. Frydendall's myspace that he did the cover art for a new hardcover collection for HM that's out... I want!

I need to look into the conventions in Orlando and Tampa... they get some decent horror and comic ones... I feel the need to go be with my geek friends and also see all that is out there Very few of my friends are into Comics... so I kinda do the research and feel them out for myself mostly...
thanks for the suggestions, I am gonna check it out. :)

Green Lantern

New Member
I have looked over Some of the Dini's ones but haven't got any yet...
Jack of Fables sounds pretty great... oh I have read some Invincible as well, my friend turned me onto it... she loves em. Oh how could I forget the Haunted Mansions ones! I just saw on D.W. Frydendall's myspace that he did the cover art for a new hardcover collection for HM that's out... I want!

I need to look into the conventions in Orlando and Tampa... they get some decent horror and comic ones... I feel the need to go be with my geek friends and also see all that is out there Very few of my friends are into Comics... so I kinda do the research and feel them out for myself mostly...
thanks for the suggestions, I am gonna check it out. :)

If you do read the Fables books, start with the first few trades of Fables. Jack of Fables is a spin off book from Fables, he gets his start in it. From what you mentioned as your comics you read, I think you might like the book.

I know Orlando has the Mega-con. My good friend lives in FL (works in Magic Kingdom) and goes to it every year. Here is a link for the official site for the show: MegaCon Convention

I picked up the soft cover trade for Haunted Mansion, but it doesn't have every story in it from the comic, so I'm glad to have kept my issues as well.
Invincible is getting a new costume in issue #50, looks pretty cool. Dini's Detective Comic is really good. I picked up the two trades that are out for it.

And as for Star Wars, well, there is always Star Wars Weekends. I always feel like that is a smaller version of the Celebration conventions I missed out on.

I know the feeling about not all your friends into the same stuff as you. My one good friend is into Star Wars, so around here he's all I got that I can talk about it with. My wife enjoys the films but is not into it like I am. A few guys at work like it, but not to the point where they know trivial stuff about characters, and they don't read the comics or books or magazines or anything. So, other than my one friend, my friend down in FL, that's it. Which is why this thread is so awesome, talking to folks just like me!

I'm always up for talking Star Wars, movies, comics, Lord of the Rings, or anything that is Geek-worthy.


New Member
Agreed... Trekkies kinda scare me actually...:lookaroun

I've always found this strange since everyone I know who is a huge "Star Wars" fan is also a huge "Star Trek" fan. I've never understood the whole "competition" thing between the two factions. They're both sci-fi, and while "Star Wars" is more fantasy sci-fi and "Star Trek" is more science-oriented sci-fi, they're both incredibly fun.
I've decided, then, I should adopt a new nickname. From now on, you can refer to me as Scary Thad.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
By the way, I like your screename Empress Lilly. My oldest daughter's name is Lily, though we spell it with one L at the end.
I love the name!! Lily/Lilly - I think it is very elegant and feminine. While avoiding the pretentiousness of some other names that try to convey those qualities too. It suits both a young girl and an adult woman.

It is why I chose it. I took my screenname from the 'Empress Lilly', the old name for the riverboat at the Village (see avatar). It was named after Lillian Disney, wife of. The boat was there before Downtown Disney, before a crab house moved in. It used to house a great restaurant. I chose it because the boat, the name, the old Village remind me of a more gentle and elegant age in WDW.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Mighty Mouse said:
Empress Lilly....where did you get the jedi smilies?(those are too cool) and could you post the link? Please.
Of course: . I'm afraid it is a French site. And not much in the way of Star Wars related smilies. There are several fun ones though.

My all time favourite SW 'smilie' is the one below, taken from this site: Saber/StarWarsEpisodeIVFullMovie.htm


Green Lantern

New Member
I think Star Wars and Star Trek will always have this fued between them. I also think films like "Trekkies" help give Star Trek fans a bad name, which is sad. People look down at Geeks for being passionate about what they like, be it Star Wars or Trek, yet it is OK for guys to be heavy into sports. Why is that OK and not Sci-fi?

I never got into Star Trek. It just didn't click with me like Star Wars did. LIke I siad, my one friend is huge into both and always tries to get me to watch Trek but I just can't sit through it. Still, a convention is a convention and I've been to a few Trek cons in my day.

It's a big galaxy out there. There's room for all of us to play.

Green Lantern

New Member
I love the name!! Lily/Lilly - I think it is very elegant and feminine. While avoiding the pretentiousness of some other names that try to convey those qualities too. It suits both a young girl and an adult woman.

It is why I chose it. I took my screenname from the 'Empress Lilly', the old name for the riverboat at the Village (see avatar). It was named after Lillian Disney, wife of. The boat was there before Downtown Disney, before a crab house moved in. It used to house a great restaurant. I chose it because the boat, the name, the old Village remind me of a more gentle and elegant age in WDW.

Excellent choice! My daughter's name is Lily Arwen. I just had another little girl and her name is Holly Autumn.


New Member
I know Orlando has the Mega-con. My good friend lives in FL (works in Magic Kingdom) and goes to it every year. Here is a link for the official site for the show: MegaCon Convention

I go to MegaCon - definitely a great show just to watch people in costumes! If you are more interested in buying things and meeting artists, etc, try FX. It is normally the third weekend in January in Orlando - I really like going to FX because you can meet artists and get sketches done (another of my fave things to collect).

For scary stuff - in October in Orlando every year is Screamfest. It's a lot of fun to see the zombies and others wandering around!


New Member
I've always found this strange since everyone I know who is a huge "Star Wars" fan is also a huge "Star Trek" fan. I've never understood the whole "competition" thing between the two factions. They're both sci-fi, and while "Star Wars" is more fantasy sci-fi and "Star Trek" is more science-oriented sci-fi, they're both incredibly fun.
I've decided, then, I should adopt a new nickname. From now on, you can refer to me as Scary Thad.

I don't think it is necessarily a competition but it is true that alot of fans that like one, do not like the other. Since my husband is more of a Trekkie, I am involved in both "worlds".

I won't think you are Scary (hah!) :animwink:


New Member
I have a pic with Chewie from '98 which was before the whole SWW started. (was 9) But other than that the charas are only officially out for SWW. There were talks of having some of the charas out all year-round according to a CM I spoke with earlier this year on Star Tours, but I don't know where that;s going.

I hope they bring them out all year round soon. Like many of you on this thread I am a huge SW geek. I spent my childhood waiting for TPM (I'm 18 now) and having Star Tours around so that all can experience the battle of Yavin like never before is a great example of Disney magic at its best.

Peaches Magee

New Member
I've always found this strange since everyone I know who is a huge "Star Wars" fan is also a huge "Star Trek" fan. I've never understood the whole "competition" thing between the two factions. They're both sci-fi, and while "Star Wars" is more fantasy sci-fi and "Star Trek" is more science-oriented sci-fi, they're both incredibly fun.
I've decided, then, I should adopt a new nickname. From now on, you can refer to me as Scary Thad.

I guess I just never got into the Trek world fully and always adored Star Wars...
fear of the unknown is the thing, I suppose...

No, you... my friend... are cool in my geeky book.
besides.. I kinda dig being scared. :rolleyes: hehe
And I ain't gonna lie, Scary Thad IS a wicked name!

Peaches Magee

New Member
I've heard rumors that if they redo Star Tours they are going to take down the Ewok village. I'd hate to see that go, I love that.

Ah, no way, really?
Well glad I will be there soon to take it all in... bringing the video camera with me this time... you all inspire me to document everything now! :)


New Member
I guess I just never got into the Trek world fully and always adored Star Wars...
fear of the unknown is the thing, I suppose...

No, you... my friend... are cool in my geeky book.
besides.. I kinda dig being scared. :rolleyes: hehe
And I ain't gonna lie, Scary Thad IS a wicked name!

The truth is, I got into "Star Trek" because after about 1986 there just wasn't a whole lot of "Star Wars" around anymore. The action figures stopped coming, the movies were over (even the Ewok ones), and except for Star Tours, there just wasn't much to look forward to. "Star Trek" had the original series, the movies that continue to this day, and all of the spin-off shows. It was a universe that didn't seem to be coming to a close, and still doesn't. Then, when "Phantom Menace" came out, I pretty much thought "Star Wars" was really over. The aliens were all lame stereotypes of other ethnicities (ie. Watto was an awful Italian stereotype...Chico Marx without the humor, Jar-Jar was a painful slave stereotype, and the bad guys sounded like something out of a bad Power Rangers episode - as if there was a good Power Rangers episode) and the story seemed to really drag. The fun and adventure of the original trilogy was lost. Episodes II and III helped regenerate my interest in "Star Wars" somewhat, but for me I've just never quite gotten back to my initial high with it. I'm hoping the possible Star Tours 2.0 will help, but I'm also afraid of them sticking Jar-Jar or some other lame character in it.

Green Lantern

New Member
Ah, no way, really?
Well glad I will be there soon to take it all in... bringing the video camera with me this time... you all inspire me to document everything now! :)

That's just the rumor I heard. Not sure how true it is. As much as I love the new theme to the Star Tours ride, I do miss the old Imperial Shield Bunker that led into Endor Vendors gift shop. I guess the re-theme made sense though with the Prequels coming out. Still, I will miss that Ewok Village if it goes. Nothing is cooler than seeing a few Ewoks up there playing around.

Then again, if they expand on the Star Wars area, perhaps we'll get more Star Wars stuff there?

It's Wednesday, comic day. Did you get any comics today, Peaches?

The mid 80's and early 90's were pretty Star Wars free. About as barren as the planet Tatooine actually. However, it was in the early 90's when the Timothy Zahn novels came out (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Command) that Star Wars slowly began to make its come back. (I still remember going to Walden Books to buy my copy of Heir to the Empire and seeing all the old Star Wars toys on display in the window and getting goose bumps from the diorama they set up.)

Dark Horse began to release comics, reprints of the old Archie Goodwin newspaper strips. The Star Wars bendem toys came out, rumors of more movies, Micro Machines having a massive Star Wars line of toys, and the announcement that Kenner would soo be releasing toys.

Star Wars was gone for a long time, but it never truly went away. During those dark times when there were no new Star Wars toys, I remember hitting comic book stores and buying the old Marvel Star Wars comics for no more than a dollar each. I found issue of Star Comics Ewoks comics for real cheap too. I'd search garage sales and flea markets for people selling their Star Wars toys and find some great things. ( My friend and I found a big bag full of toys and a hardcover A New Hope story book for $12.00. We bought it right away.) I went to my first convention, bought an Empire Strikes Back Die Cast play set of the Bespin Carbon Chamber for $8.00, a Don Post Darth Vader helmet for $40.

And of course the official fan club magazine was out there where you could buy merchandise. Way before it became known as the Star Wars Insider, it was known as the Lucasfilm Fanclub, and I subscribed and read every issue as soon as it came. (Before it was Lucasfilm Fanclub it was known as Bantha Tracks).

My one friend was like you, CThaddeus, once he found Star Trek he had another interest. Which is cool.

As far as the Star Tours 2.0, no doubt George Lucas will want it to have a little but of prequels and original trilogy. But, only time will tell I guess!

Peaches, let us know how your trip is and what the Star Tours area looks like. Also, enjoy collecting Star Wars pins!

Peaches Magee

New Member
The truth is, I got into "Star Trek" because after about 1986 there just wasn't a whole lot of "Star Wars" around anymore. The action figures stopped coming, the movies were over (even the Ewok ones), and except for Star Tours, there just wasn't much to look forward to. "Star Trek" had the original series, the movies that continue to this day, and all of the spin-off shows. It was a universe that didn't seem to be coming to a close, and still doesn't. Then, when "Phantom Menace" came out, I pretty much thought "Star Wars" was really over. The aliens were all lame stereotypes of other ethnicities (ie. Watto was an awful Italian stereotype...Chico Marx without the humor, Jar-Jar was a painful slave stereotype, and the bad guys sounded like something out of a bad Power Rangers episode - as if there was a good Power Rangers episode) and the story seemed to really drag. The fun and adventure of the original trilogy was lost. Episodes II and III helped regenerate my interest in "Star Wars" somewhat, but for me I've just never quite gotten back to my initial high with it. I'm hoping the possible Star Tours 2.0 will help, but I'm also afraid of them sticking Jar-Jar or some other lame character in it.

Very true... there was a huge gap of nothingness from the SW front... so I can see getting into the Trek world. I almost got into it in college as my film teacher was a HUGE trekkie fan and we had a complete 2 weeks of covering its universe. And while I did appreciate it, I was into too many other things at the moment. Kinda overwhelmed by art I suppose. And my goodness I SOOO agree on Phantom Menace. I always thought that they should have skipped that one altogether, made Clone Wars as the first one of the prequel and then made the third a little more in depth of the rise of Vader, actually. Little Ani... is painful to watch... and Jar Jar... ugh, and can barely mention his name without a groan. And yes of course the new characters will be thrown into a refurb for sure, but I do pray it is the best of the bunch. PLEASE!

That's just the rumor I heard. Not sure how true it is. As much as I love the new theme to the Star Tours ride, I do miss the old Imperial Shield Bunker that led into Endor Vendors gift shop. I guess the re-theme made sense though with the Prequels coming out. Still, I will miss that Ewok Village if it goes. Nothing is cooler than seeing a few Ewoks up there playing around.

Then again, if they expand on the Star Wars area, perhaps we'll get more Star Wars stuff there?

It's Wednesday, comic day. Did you get any comics today, Peaches?

The mid 80's and early 90's were pretty Star Wars free. About as barren as the planet Tatooine actually. However, it was in the early 90's when the Timothy Zahn novels came out (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Command) that Star Wars slowly began to make its come back. (I still remember going to Walden Books to buy my copy of Heir to the Empire and seeing all the old Star Wars toys on display in the window and getting goose bumps from the diorama they set up.)

Dark Horse began to release comics, reprints of the old Archie Goodwin newspaper strips. The Star Wars bendem toys came out, rumors of more movies, Micro Machines having a massive Star Wars line of toys, and the announcement that Kenner would soo be releasing toys.

Star Wars was gone for a long time, but it never truly went away. During those dark times when there were no new Star Wars toys, I remember hitting comic book stores and buying the old Marvel Star Wars comics for no more than a dollar each. I found issue of Star Comics Ewoks comics for real cheap too. I'd search garage sales and flea markets for people selling their Star Wars toys and find some great things. ( My friend and I found a big bag full of toys and a hardcover A New Hope story book for $12.00. We bought it right away.) I went to my first convention, bought an Empire Strikes Back Die Cast play set of the Bespin Carbon Chamber for $8.00, a Don Post Darth Vader helmet for $40.

And of course the official fan club magazine was out there where you could buy merchandise. Way before it became known as the Star Wars Insider, it was known as the Lucasfilm Fanclub, and I subscribed and read every issue as soon as it came. (Before it was Lucasfilm Fanclub it was known as Bantha Tracks).

My one friend was like you, CThaddeus, once he found Star Trek he had another interest. Which is cool.

As far as the Star Tours 2.0, no doubt George Lucas will want it to have a little but of prequels and original trilogy. But, only time will tell I guess!

Peaches, let us know how your trip is and what the Star Tours area looks like. Also, enjoy collecting Star Wars pins!

Man you guys are soooo much more advanced in "knowing your stuff" than I.
I feel like a young padawan for sure! hehe
I do miss the old set up as well... and also hope that they keep the Ewok village and just expand and update the ride. One can only hope.
I will definately take pictures and hopefully some video up on youtube if I can. And pins, YES pins!! :D

Nah no new comics for me today, too much expenses with the upcoming trip... so no play things for me at the moment... boo!

Have you guys joined Hyperspace on
I am planning on joining very soon... I need some certification dangit! hehe

Green Lantern

New Member
Very true... there was a huge gap of nothingness from the SW front... so I can see getting into the Trek world. I almost got into it in college as my film teacher was a HUGE trekkie fan and we had a complete 2 weeks of covering its universe. And while I did appreciate it, I was into too many other things at the moment. Kinda overwhelmed by art I suppose. And my goodness I SOOO agree on Phantom Menace. I always thought that they should have skipped that one altogether, made Clone Wars as the first one of the prequel and then made the third a little more in depth of the rise of Vader, actually. Little Ani... is painful to watch... and Jar Jar... ugh, and can barely mention his name without a groan. And yes of course the new characters will be thrown into a refurb for sure, but I do pray it is the best of the bunch. PLEASE!

Man you guys are soooo much more advanced in "knowing your stuff" than I.
I feel like a young padawan for sure! hehe
I do miss the old set up as well... and also hope that they keep the Ewok village and just expand and update the ride. One can only hope.
I will definately take pictures and hopefully some video up on youtube if I can. And pins, YES pins!! :D

Nah no new comics for me today, too much expenses with the upcoming trip... so no play things for me at the moment... boo!

Have you guys joined Hyperspace on
I am planning on joining very soon... I need some certification dangit! hehe

Hyperspace has some cool features at My favorite being Steve Sansweet taking people through his massive Star Wars collection. There are a ton of things to do on the site. My membership just expired so I need to re-subscribe. Enjoy the site!

The Star Wars Insider magazine has some cool things in it as well. You might want to consider getting one for your flight down to FL, or drive, depending how you are getting there. They have tons of coverage on anything and everything Star Wars, updates on Indy 4, articles on collecting, questions about the movies, in depth background info on different scenes from the films, interviews, and so much more.

Good fan websites to go to are: and, rebelscum is one about Star Wars collecting, and about everything Star Wars.

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