Star Wars


New Member
I know what you mean regarding too many figures coming out. But, I must admit, I did recently buy a new Chewbacca figure. It's the Ralph Maquarrie concept figure. Chewie looks pretty cool, kind of scary in his early concept stage, but it's pretty cool. I'm trying to find the Boba Fett one but having no luck.

I want to get a Jedi Mickey Big Fig. But what I really want are those Disney character figures dressed like Star Wars characters. Donald as Han Solo! They would like nice in any collection. I'll have to buy two sets, one for the kids to play with and one for me to display.

I did get the McQuarries - they were a neat addition to my collection because they were so different. I went to CIV this summer and got the McQuarrie exclusives there too.

My brother is a SW geek too - he got me some of the Disney figs at WOD in NY but is holding them till Christmas. Drat! I can't wait to see what he got me.

It's funny because we went to see the originals as kids and just never grew out of it.


New Member
Thanks!!! I live in New Orleans. Our squad is part of the Star Garrison, but with the way we're growing we'll be forming our own garrison soon. One of our TKs use to live in Pensacola, and he's told us how cool it is being in the parade. We've marched in parades during Mardi Gras but I bet its not as cool as SWW. I've been to 3 SWWs. The last one I went to was in 2005 for the premiere of Episode 3. I took my son (who was 6 at the time) to see it with me. I remember seeing the original trilogy in theaters when I was a child and wanted to share the SW experience with him. He's even done a few troops with us as a Jawa.

NOLA isn't too far of a drive to come! It is a blast and SO MANY TROOPERS show up - especially the first and last weekends. Your son could even march as a Jawa!

The Force is strong with this thread (sorry, couldn't resist). I think this thread will continue to grow now since so many people are responding so once they announce dates for next year, I will send you our garrison link.


Green Lantern

New Member
I really wanted to go to CIV.

I don't think I'll ever out grow Star Wars. I'm 32 now and if I haven't outgrown it by now, I never will.

In my car I have an R2-D2 figure on the dash. At work, over my desk I have the following items on display: a 2007 Star Wars calender (The Emperor is uo for the month of December), a picture of Han and Chewie from Ep 4 A New Hope, a Darth Vader birthday card a co-worker got me this year, and this beautiful Empire Strikes Back 10th Anniversary poster (A giant image of Vader reaching down at Luke and Leia while a Tie Fighter Bomber chases the Falcon).

On my desk I have a small Jawa figure and these small figures I got from Disney World of a Stormtrooper and Jar Jar. I have the Stormtrooper holding up Jar Jar. I also have an R2-D2 and C3-P0 action figure on my desk next to the pictures of my daughters.


New Member
That would be, without a doubt, the coolest place to eat ever! Darn, now I'm going to be thinking about this all day!


I'm picturing a fairly large establishment,AAs of some of the normal patrons sitting in seats and at the bar and have Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes on a corner stage,And for good measure I say throw Sy Snootles and the Max Rebo Band in another corner alternating between songs


Well-Known Member
Thanks!!! I live in New Orleans.

Where abouts? I'm a NOLA native, born and raised. I lived in Metairie, near Vets and Oaklawn if you know where that's at. That Star Wars line I mentioned earlier was at the Palace Theater in Elmwood back in '99. I miss the old Palace sometimes. I relocated to Houston after Katrina.


New Member
Might as well show my geekiness:
While I don't buy the figures anymore (they look too buff, and none of the characters were all that muscular), I did buy all but 1 of the original figures back in the '70s and '80s - Yak Face. Apparently, he was only released in Europe due to a decrease in popularity at the time. I eventually bought one of the next generation versions of him, though (ie. one of the buff ones).
I have the Vader, C-3PO, Millenium Falcon, and two rectangular cases for holding the figures.
Last year I shelled out $400 to get one of the deluxe Darth Vader costumes, bringing my Vader mask count to four.
The original Star Tours posters of Bespin and Tatooine still adorn my wall.
I've bought every VHS and DVD related to Star Wars, even the Ewok movies, the Droids and Ewok cartoons, and yes, even "The Phantom Menace."
I think I have most of the releases of the soundtracks - from 8 track all the way up to CD.
Tons of Star Wars playsets sit boxed in a storage unit because I no longer have room for them all - including the AT-AT, two AT-STs, the Death Star, a few Hoth sets, the Ewok Village, Dagobah, The Millenium Falcon, an X-Wing, a Y-Wing, various Tie Fighters, etc.
Best of all, I was lucky enough to work on Star Tours at Disneyland.
I'm sure I could go on and on, but who would want to read it?

Green Lantern

New Member
This is the coolest thread ever!

C Thaddeus- I have more copies on VHS of Star Wars than I know what to do with! When I used to manage a video store I used to play the trilogy (this was before the prequels came out) and do a marathon on the days I had to work a 12 hour shift. I'd gladly read your Star Wars memories. I'll read anyones. It helps me remember times of my own! I love talking Star Wars.

With it being Christmas time and all, who remembers the Star Wars Christmas album? I'll never forget the song "R2-D2 we wish you a Merry Christmas".

Green Lantern

New Member
CThaddeus, I'll tell my Star Wars tales if you continue to tell you. We can all do it.

I had Star Wars music played at my wedding. When the brial party was announced we played the music from the end of Ep 1 The Phantom Menace during the parade. When my wife and I were announced it was the music from the end of Ep 4 A New Hope when Luke and Han march down the temple for their medals. My wife also surprised me and had the bridal party hold out lightsabers into an arch we walked under.

I made this pretty cool mix CD of all different Star Wars music and songs. I play it constantly as I drive to work or on errands.

When I was in high-school, I took my then girlfriend on a date to meet David Prowse and we both got his autograph. We would also go play the Star Wars pinball game that came out in 93, a very cool game.

Does anyone else have the sickness I have that whenever a Star Wars movie is on you HAVE to watch it? No matter how many times you've seen it?

I wrote a book actually about a Star Wars fan. It's sort of an autobiography about a senior in high-school who is a huge Star Wars fan and he meets his true love. I've been trying to get it published. Had a few nibbles from some agents to maybe represent me and the book but nothing solid yet.

Has anyone else crouched under the At-At's foot at MGM and had their picture taken as if they were being crushed from it?

Peaches Magee

New Member
CThaddeus, I'll tell my Star Wars tales if you continue to tell you. We can all do it.

I had Star Wars music played at my wedding. When the brial party was announced we played the music from the end of Ep 1 The Phantom Menace during the parade. When my wife and I were announced it was the music from the end of Ep 4 A New Hope when Luke and Han march down the temple for their medals. My wife also surprised me and had the bridal party hold out lightsabers into an arch we walked under.

I made this pretty cool mix CD of all different Star Wars music and songs. I play it constantly as I drive to work or on errands.

When I was in high-school, I took my then girlfriend on a date to meet David Prowse and we both got his autograph. We would also go play the Star Wars pinball game that came out in 93, a very cool game.

Does anyone else have the sickness I have that whenever a Star Wars movie is on you HAVE to watch it? No matter how many times you've seen it?

I wrote a book actually about a Star Wars fan. It's sort of an autobiography about a senior in high-school who is a huge Star Wars fan and he meets his true love. I've been trying to get it published. Had a few nibbles from some agents to maybe represent me and the book but nothing solid yet.

Has anyone else crouched under the At-At's foot at MGM and had their picture taken as if they were being crushed from it?

You... are.... awesome!!

Oh man I would have loved to witness your wedding.... genius!

And yes every single time a SW movie is on... any of them.. even PM (my least fav, other than the Darth Maul scenes) I must watch it in it's entirety, quoting along as I go. It is a sickness!

And yes I have done the At-At picture looong ago... I will be there in 11 days and about time to refresh that phot opt.
Thanks for the reminder! haha

Ahhh, I feel so at home in this thread...I'm gonna get all cozy in here. :animwink:


New Member
Hi all! I’m pretty new to the boards, but I was curious how many of you have made to any of the Star Wars Celebrations? I saw Julwh mention CIV in an earlier post. I’ve made it to CII, CIII, CIV, and even hopped the pond to London this last July for Celebration Europe.

There will be a CV and CVI (LA signed an agreement to host 3 starting with CIV). Who of you do I get to keep an eye out for at CV? :)


New Member
Hi all! I’m pretty new to the boards, but I was curious how many of you have made to any of the Star Wars Celebrations? I saw Julwh mention CIV in an earlier post. I’ve made it to CII, CIII, CIV, and even hopped the pond to London this last July for Celebration Europe.

There will be a CV and CVI (LA signed an agreement to host 3 starting with CIV). Who of you do I get to keep an eye out for at CV? :)

I was at CIII and CIV - will DEFINITELY be at CV no matter where it is at! They are an experience not to miss for any hard-core Star Wars fan. I have actually met several of my best friends while waiting in line for book signings, conventions, movie tickets.

Here are links from both SWW 2007 (my hubbie took them since I was marching) and CIV for anyone who wants to see the madness!

Peaches Magee

New Member
I was at CIII and CIV - will DEFINITELY be at CV no matter where it is at! They are an experience not to miss for any hard-core Star Wars fan. I have actually met several of my best friends while waiting in line for book signings, conventions, movie tickets.

Here are links from both SWW 2007 (my hubbie took them since I was marching) and CIV for anyone who wants to see the madness!

I have yet to show my face at a convention... other than the comic book ones... but would be interested... I am at the point in life where I am flying my geek flag with pride... screw it. hehe

The second album, the convention, where was it held at??


New Member
I was at CIII and CIV - will DEFINITELY be at CV no matter where it is at! They are an experience not to miss for any hard-core Star Wars fan. I have actually met several of my best friends while waiting in line for book signings, conventions, movie tickets.

Here are links from both SWW 2007 (my hubbie took them since I was marching) and CIV for anyone who wants to see the madness!

Fantastic Julwh! It's great to see those pics again. Did you get a chance to see George at CIII? They were busy with the Indy IV script at the time, but he mentioned that an update to Star Tours was finally in the works. :sohappy:


New Member
I have yet to show my face at a convention... other than the comic book ones... but would be interested... I am at the point in life where I am flying my geek flag with pride... screw it. hehe

I see you are in FL too....Where was the second album at??

Celebration IV (the second album) took place in Los Angeles this year

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