See, this is where I disagree. The current autograph FP system is NOT a fair and level system for all guests.
While technically true all guests have a chance to get a FP as it is now, practically, requiring all members of a party to be present to get a paper ticket AND a wrist band effectively excludes a large chunk of guests from the eligible pool: Young families w/ small children (a major demographic for SW and arguably the largest proportion of guests in the parks on any given day); guests traveling day of (pass holders driving in for a day trip or tourists flying in that morning); guests who know the distribution begins before the park opens but don't know exactly how much earlier and arrive after they're long gone; even overnight workers who want to go to the parks before they go to bed.
No, it favors primarily young, college-aged kids (with little-to-no family and/or job commitments) and memorabilia dealers (where this is their job commitment) who are free to line up into the wee hours of the morning.
Adding the autograph tickets to FP+ levels the playing field much more, as it dramatically increases the number of people who can realistically obtain one. Releasing them to the system say a day or so before eliminates the scenario you pointed out, Master Yoda, where there are different windows for onsite guests and AP's. Heck, they can release the tickets 3-6 am day of just as they are now, it just removes the requirement all parties have to be physically present.
In addition, making them T1 would increase the total pool of T1 FP's available to the SWW shows and regular T1 attractions, and as lebeau stated, it eliminates the labor costs for security and event staff to police the line. I don't see how this is anything but a win-win for just about everyone.