Well-Known Member
Andy is on crack. That guy lost all credibility when he started talking about putting a x-wing/TIE Fighter spinner on top of the Tomorrowland theater and putting an ewok treehouse in the sub lagoon.
I don't know which Andy you're referring to, but the first major Star Wars expansion plan had an Endor forest replacing Autopia/submarines with a speederbike coaster.
I don't understand why it's hard for Disney fans to understand that just because a rumor doesn't end up happening doesn't mean it's false AT THE TIME. Disney changes plans often. The current Star Wars Land plan didn't exist until some time last year. Before that the plan was to take over Tomorrowland.
MiceAge has been pilloried for their rumors not "coming true", but they have an amazing track record of reporting things as they are planned at the time of reporting. Monstropolis was almost a done deal when they reported that rumor. It then got canned (mercifully). It doesn't mean MiceAge gets nothing right, it means Disney's plans changed. Disney drags their feet on everything but price hikes, so it shouldn't be hard for people to believe that park plans change regularly.