If it's the same CM I'm thinking of, we had her as a First Order officer ushering us into our cell on Friday. She was *awesome* in that role!
I figure I'll put my one criticism of operations out there, but it's relatively minor and likely easy to fix as it's mainly caused by the herd instinct of guests...
When you head into the hallway from the hangar, the hallway doesn't split into two lanes until after the first turn. On our second ride, the line in the hallway was backed up to the hangar doorway with an FO officer saying multiple times to "move all the way in". Once we'd shuffled forward slightly I found that everyone was staying on the right-hand side of the hallway, with the left side entirely empty and not blocked by a chain. Obviously everyone entering the hallway was simply doing what everyone in front of them was doing, leading to the backup. But because the people from that point back into the hangar were blocking the view of the turn, the FO CM's in the hangar couldn't see what was going on.
We promptly walked down the left side, walked straight past everyone else on the right hand side. A parade of people followed us, with the person behind us murmuring to someone else in their group "Are we allowed to go here?" (As we were waiting outside our cell l overheard a FO CM quietly tell another "Hangar is empty", so I felt good to do my part...)
All they need is for a way to either a) give the hangar CM's a way to see beyond the turn in that hallway so they can direct people to use both sides of the hallway, or b) give the CM's at the other end of the hallway a way to signal the hangar CM's that one side of the queue is empty and to police the queue. Doesn't have to be a two-way communication, could just be a button the CM presses to cue a story-appropriate sound effect in the hangar that the CM's know what it means.