Just so interesting to me how many people are upset by the so called “lies.” I’m always of the opinion to research, plan ahead, and execute. If thousands of other people achieved something that I didn’t, then I did one of those three things wrong. Reading these posts I thought of a few personal examples:
We’re heading to WDW in February with a family that has never been. We are going to do everything needed to get on this ride during our small window and I certainly won’t simply go by what Guest Relations is telling me. If thousands of other people ride it on a day and I didn’t...that’s on me.
- I remember getting on a soft open ride for Mission: Space. We had heard rumors that they were doing them. The “official” word if you asked Guest Relations was the official opening date weeks ahead. We walked over to M:S only to see CMs in full costume and stanchions set up. We asked the CM if they were going to do soft opens. He replied that M:S was going to open in a few weeks on X date. We hovered. Other people asked...same official response. Then 10 minutes later they dropped the rope and let people in for about an hour. So up until 30-seconds before dropping the rope they were “lying” but because I researched, planned ahead, and hovered I was able to experience it. The people who listed to the “official” word and left did not.
- I’m a skier. Powder days are what we all wait for. When a resort gets dumped on, the website still says the lifts open at 9am. My local resort, however, will open the lifts as early as possible. So despite a 9am opening, people show up at 6am on a powder day. The lift may open at 8:15. It may open at 8:35. Never know. The official opening is 9. This has a correlation to RoR in that untracked powder is a limited supply commodity. If you’re 20 minutes late, you’re not getting the goods. If I’m late to the line, I only have myself to blame. I don’t go complaining that the website said the lifts were opening at 9am.
- My family happened to be at DLR a few years ago the week that Wizarding World opened in Hollywood. My daughter and I literally had one day to make it work and it was the day after grand opening. Not being locals it was important to us and we arrived in the 6 o’clock hour with a published park opening time of 9am. They were doing boarding groups to the land and we were some of the first in. I don’t remember what time the gates opened, but it was earlier than 9am. We (and the hundreds of other people there) knew the demand and planned for it.
We’re heading to WDW in February with a family that has never been. We are going to do everything needed to get on this ride during our small window and I certainly won’t simply go by what Guest Relations is telling me. If thousands of other people ride it on a day and I didn’t...that’s on me.