Yep, basically I turn my phone off for about ten minutes or so and turn it back on at 6:55:00 and give it time to boot up and make sure I’ve got wifi and Bluetooth off; then 6:57:30 open the app so it has a minute to load but don’t touch anything; at 7:00:00 exactly hit “Find Out More;” the past two days the Join Group button has been available at the next screen, prior tries I just hit check status and the join group button was available on that screen.
Not sure if this matters, but the past two days I have been posting up right in the middle of the open area in front of the display screens and Chinese theater. The theory being that there are less people there to compete with for cell signal and less buildings/metal/tree coverage that could possibly slow a cell signal (I’m no tech guy, but it’s correlated to not having to take the added step of the check status page to get to the join group selection).
The only time I haven’t had join group button available was due to an app glitch and I had to hard restart the app (there were two things different about that day, I think that was the one day I tried waiting a second or two past 7:00 to see if that worked better and was the only day I didn’t get finger scanned at check in, but I’m probably reading too much into either of those having any real impact in causing my app not to load past the “find out more” button that morning). The other five times I’ve gotten in the first three groups of the day.