Just a guess: Every time the ride breaks down the team has 2 options.
1) Do a quick reset and do a quick fix to get the ride running ASAP (run things in B-mode, don't worry about A-mode until tonight, and don't try to fix the long term issues). Turn it all off and on again
2) Pull diagnostic codes, and replicate the problem a few times while taking lots of data. Simply resetting the system might cause this gremlin to go back into hiding for an undetermined amount of time, thus not allowing a fix to be found.
Clearly option 1 is a lot quicker and is good for the short term. Option 2 takes awhile, but is better for the long term of their ride. I think they are using option 1 on weekends and more option 2 on weekdays. Why? Due to guests travel patterns. Most likely, if a guest is there on a Monday-Thursday, they will most likely be there through the weekend. However if a guest is visiting on a Saturday or a Sunday, the odds are higher that they will be leaving before Monday.