Castle Cake Apologist
Well-Known Member
Uhh... You're missing the point. They gave over a year's notice that Osborne Lights aren't happening in 2016, so people could go to the final year in 2015. If SWW isn't happening in 2016, the logic is that it would have been nice to know earlier so that people could have gone in 2015.
My bad. I was assuming a situation where SWW are still held in 2016 and they announce shortly before that it will be the last year. They are a killer money maker for Disney, it seems odd that they wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to announce the last chance to attend to cash in on it.
In the same vein, they still only announced OSL closing 4 months early. The vast majority of people book vacations WELL in advance of that, so I'm not sure I follow your logic. All this really did for people was let them know that if they have planned their trip for Christmastime 2016, they're out of luck. The average person isn't going to be able to drop everything and afford a trip to WDW with four months notice. The right thing to do would have been to announce during last year's showing that 2015 would be the final year. Oh well.