I know the berm has been flagged. Purely my own speculation - if and when they expand I imagine it will be in this pink blob. Only because DL could carve up the same space with Toon Town and I think they'll copy and paste it into both. That's just my gut feeling.
Ignore Bio's yellow arrow.
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Although technically the opening pathway and Pooh's show building could be carved up in DL if they really want the berm attraction too.
Have we ruled out that the pink circle area won’t be the Star Wars hotel? I know across the drive has been talked about but maybe....
But the more I look at the model and examine, this (pink circle) is prime area.
And what is that green building anyone? Lose that and that berm could become expansion. Love how we are already taking about expansion. We know it is going to need it. Still think Toy Story needs one more small attraction too.
That's the spot I'm betting is the SWResort....
In this photo. It seems the berm end a lot earlier than it needs to. Between it and the Falcon building, there's a big gap. Now, it's obvious that there will be a service entry there. But the gap is much wider than it needs be...
The model, which is for Disneyland's version, doesn't have much there. In DL, it is just a border to ToonTown and a potential expansion pad.
And, of course, once they stop using this gap for construction equipment, they can close it up with rock work or building facades.
But, what if it was the entrance to the SW Resort. By sacrificing on small backstage building, they'd have roughly 2.1 acres to build. For comparison, the Swan uses just 1.3 acres for its footprint. The area would be the yellow polygon...
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What's there now...
View attachment 264338
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