They already seem to be a few pages back.
Maybe SWL phase two will balance things out.
TBH, they sound more like theme park purists, versus Star Wars.
I mean, even the comparisons they use are poor and don't show much knowledge about Star Wars - "well, Potter-land shows you don't need characters" - which is bantha-poo in terms of themes. The point of the Harry Potter Lands are to make you feel like Harry Potter (or at least one of his classmates). There really aren't many "heroes" in Harry Potter aside from the most major few characters - and meet and greets with them would be logistically odd since they would have to be played by children or teenagers, and their costumes are all rather generic school uniforms for the most part. I'm sure that's why Rowling outlawed them.
Star Wars is so much larger and more expansive - it means so many different things to so many people, and the characters are what tie it all together. They are what people get passionate about. There is no singular Star Wars storyline (being a student at Hogwarts) or single handful of major focus characters (Harry, Hermione, that ginger kid) - there are a couple dozen "top tier" Star Wars characters across time frames who have massive followings on their own.
To be honest, I'm kind of confused how based on what Disney chose to do with it, and the kinds of things the Imagineers have directly said about SWL, that folks don't get that they created a new Star Wars location precisely for this reason. The Emperor could land there for some reason one time, the First Order another. Han Solo and Leia come to do a secret mission. Boba Fett is there chasing some bounty. Jabba's crew comes by to claim some shipments. By creating a new location versus using an existing SW location, they have the flexibility to play around quite a bit.
It's all about the character possibilities. The entire land was designed to accommodate the widest breadth of characters and timelines possible.