My scenario is not likely the best example of what will and will not work. I went through an absolute nightmare with the Pandora Preview where I never got the announcement email, completed a registration but never received a confirmation email and since I didn't print the web page when it completed I couldn't prove I had a reservation for the preview. Since this issue had been going on for me for nearly a decade and resulted in missing previous previews like New Fantasyland, I was determined it was going to be fixed once and for all and would not accept flippant responses and blow-offs from them this time around. I don't want to derail this thread with all the details (they are embedded in the Pandora Preview thread) but after at least 8 phone calls and easily 12 hours on the phone over the course of nearly 2 weeks they finally got my profile fixed and now I'm receiving everything the way I'm supposed to. It was an absolute battle to find the right people and get someone to acknowledge why it was happening and help me get it fixed. I tried my very best to be civil about it throughout but I really had to play the rabid dog approach and refuse to get off the phone until it was fixed and now it does work.