Well-Known Member
The truck is a 56, big front window.
Thanks! I was only looking at the mid 50's Ford grille, but forgot to consider the changeover to wraparound windshields.
I have family that raised two children without ever owning a stroller, and visited Disneyland several times when the kids were pre-school through grade school without a stroller. The children simply walked from one ride to the next. The kids are teens now, very attractive, tall and slender and incredibly athletic. Both get a lot of attention from suitors and are very popular in school.
Medical Fact: The stress and impact on a young child's developing bones when walking and jumping and running helps bones grow longer and stronger than if the child walks less and puts less stress on the developing joints and bone structure. You get a taller and stronger child if they walk more when young and growing.
There's many parents who raise children without carting them around everywhere in a stroller. But most parents don't have the will to do that. And Disneyland certainly doesn't have the will to tell the I'm The Proud Parent Of A Special Snowflake parents they have to park their strollers outside Star Wars Land.
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