News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Well-Known Member
I kind of wonder whether hardcore Star Wars fans were really who they wanted to attract to this venture, though.

It wouldn't surprise me if they saw this more as a new product for hardcore Disney parks fans with the fact it was Star Wars being more related to the fact it was the big IP they were pushing at the time which also kind of lent itself to this sort of venture. In that respect, the pitch would be more along the lines of a new level of immersion (one of their favourite words) for Disney fans and the ultimate upcharge event. Attracting a portion of the hardcore Star Wars fanbase would be more a bonus in this scenario instead of pitching the experience specifically to that fanbase.
Probably more a bit of both. Themed entertainment had been pushing towards something like for for some time. Themed experiences are, in essence people, walking through the fourth wall. Going from just being a passive observer to an active participant has long been the trend in the industry.


Well-Known Member
Directly marketing it would've also driven up the overhead on the P&L sheet, so if the profits were already marginal that would've made it worse. Doing national marketing is very expensive especially when you can only dilute that cost over 100 rooms, especially when they aren't even available year round.
Maybe the opposite. National marketing,.TV commercials afe $$$. The overwhelming number of viewers don't gave the money or interest in booking such an experience.

More focused marketing was needed


Well-Known Member
Maybe the opposite. National marketing,.TV commercials afe $$$. The overwhelming number of viewers don't gave the money or interest in booking such an experience.

More focused marketing was needed
I see WDW commercials multiple times a day every day in WI (we have cable). I have never seen a Starcruiser commercial.


Well-Known Member
Like the $3000/night hotel rooms? Or the $800/night holiday inn rooms?

How about an entire ecosystem that conditions people to not only buy those prices a few times... but tells them they should prebuy it at a schedule that expects you to do it every 2-3yrs?

People can bemoan the price point for what it was... but all this whitewashing about price shock is people just repeating their own ignorance from a year plus ago. Disney was never going to price an inclusive experience BELOW what they already sell other hotel-only rooms at.

The whole thing FROM THE START was being priced like an inclusive entertainment experience... but people kept talking about 'the hotel' because they would not let go of what THEY WANTED IT TO BE instead of acknowledging what it actually was.

I think they failed in the execution more than bemoaning the price point. I mean... Disney has to have RESERVATIONS for people lining up to spend hundreds of dollars on lightsabers... which are lesser quality than existing product that has been available for ages.

Having people with more money then sense to pay the price wasn't really Disney's issue -- It was it could not convince enough potential buyers this product was worth it.
It would have taken a lot more convincing to make me do this….. At this price point.


Well-Known Member
Especially if your business plan requires you to sell at nearly $2K/room/nt to break even. If you there wasn't enough margin to discount the price significantly from the original prices it should've never made it out of the concept phases.

I was never that into the idea of a cosplay vacation, not my thing, but I was somewhat interested until I saw the prices. I'd rather go on a week long cruise in a suite.
Disney would never tell us what the break even numbers were. It would have been super interesting to look at the numbers.


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to take a guess on how long this will be abandoned before Disney does anything with it?
It may be an accounting question. Buildings are depreciated. Does Disney have to demolish the building in order to deduct the undepreciated construction costs?

If not I can see it used for storage or an employee break area.


Well-Known Member
Probably more a bit of both. Themed entertainment had been pushing towards something like for for some time. Themed experiences are, in essence people, walking through the fourth wall. Going from just being a passive observer to an active participant has long been the trend in the industry.
I'm curious to see where this all goes. The results of the Star Cruiser suggest full LARPing-style experiences may not be the future of major players such as Disney, though I haven't seen them come up with many other innovations as far as interactivity is concerned that seem particularly compelling. The last big one that is noticeable to me that seems to have had an impact was the gamification of some of the rides beginning with Buzz Lightyear, but even that they don't seem to have been able to take much beyond variations on shooting at things.

Another thing I'm curious about is how active most guests want to be in the experience beyond being immersed in the overall experience. Maybe there is less appetite for longer, slower rides these days, but perhaps people go to somewhere like Disneyland or Walt Disney World for one thing and look toward gaming or LARPing for other things? 🤷‍♂️


Premium Member
actually, Disney produced two Wizard of Oz adjacent films - the first being a sequel, the other a prequel.

Yes and none were a direct continuation of mgm’s 1939 film… and were done literally 40+ yrs later. They are just other adaptations of the source material.

The discussion here was about the affinity for yhe 1939 film and it’s adaptation.


Well-Known Member
This is so cerrect.
Disney tried to give us new characters to move the series along.
There is some degree of success with that.
But the originals will always be the originals.
Vader is iconic.

I would disagree on the “move the series along” statement, as nothing really changed between the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy.

- The Rebel Alliance is still fighting The Empire, although the names are changed to Resistance and First Order
- The Empire/First Order builds a new super weapon with a stunningly simplistic weak point
- Palpatine gets his plans betrayed by his heir apparent (Vader in RotJ, Rey Palpatine in RoS) and winds up zapping himself in the face during a showdown in his throne room before exploding
- Just like RotJ, at the end of RoS, there’s only one Jedi left and it’s their new mission to rebuild the Order while the ghosts of dead Jedi look on in approval

There’s no growth, no progression.

In the old EU books, we had:
- infighting between multiple imperial factions for leadership after Endor until their brief reunification under Grand Admiral Thrawn

- Palpatine showing up again in a younger clone body and attempting to recruit Luke as his new apprentice.
When that fails, he attempts to transfer his soul into the infant Anakin Solo (plot point was later mined for Rey Palpatine)

- Leia crafting a New Republic while also negotiating with systems that wanted to remain totally independent after the double whammies of the failure of the Old Republic and rise of the Empire.

- Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order, but having to deal with the conflicting personalities and egos of a new batch of students who can use the Force but are lacking in discipline and discernment

- the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic forced to work together to defeat a new common threat, an extra-galactic race of invaders called the Yuuzhan Vong

- Luke’s great-great grandson, Cade Skywalker dealing with a New Sith Empire under the leadership of Darth Krayt


New Member
I see WDW commercials multiple times a day every day in WI (we have cable). I have never seen a Starcruiser commercial.
Even direct, targeted making is expensive when fishing for an extremely niche consumer nationally. But all of the free stays for bloggers was an attempt at doing that marketing.


Well-Known Member
How long did it take before Disney dismantled the Harmonious barges to scrap? There was no tax reason to do anything with River Country, Discovery or 20K.

Tax considerations may decide what and when the building is demolished or used for something else


Well-Known Member
How long did it take before Disney dismantled the Harmonious barges to scrap? There was no tax reason to do anything with River Country, Discovery or 20K.

Tax considerations may decide what and when the building is demolished or used for something else

I think there’s too much of a draw with those 100 rooms for them to stay shuttered for long.
SWGC will probably get converted into a DVC exclusive hotel.


New Member
Disney would never tell us what the break even numbers were. It would have been super interesting to look at the numbers.
Yeah. I'm just assuming they must've been pretty high since they didn't try much discounting. I also don't thing it's a true break even they are looking at, but at some target level of profitability.

It would, of course, be interesting to see the real numbers. I'd think something like this would have needed to project high margins before it was greenlit. So it be interesting to know where they completely missed at.


Well-Known Member
I still don't know why Disney didn't just make a heavily themed, immersive Star Wars cruise ship experience. Trying to make a cruise like experience on land seemed really weird to me from the get go. Either make a Star Wars themed hotel, like a normal hotel, or make make a Star Wars cruise ship where you can do all the things that was offered during the Star Cruiser experience but out at sea, where it's okay to have windowsless rooms.

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