The fact that it was sold with a plan is kind of irrelevant. They chose to make the sequel trilogy without a plan; that was my point.
And yes, TFA was a success both financially and critically, but so was Last Jedi. It obviously didn't make as much money as TFA, but that's partially an indictment on TFA too -- people weren't as excited about going to see Last Jedi because of TFA. But it still pulled in $1.3 billion.
I don't think I was a wild outlier. There were a lot of people who saw TFA in the theaters, enjoyed it because it was a new Star Wars film, then when they actually thought about it and/or watched it a second time, they realized it wasn't very good. I liked it when I saw it a couple of weeks after release, but when I watched it again at home (before Last Jedi was released) I didn't like it at all and it made me lose interest in even going to see TLJ in the theater. I think nearly every choice Abrams made in TFA was a bad one.